Michigan Compiled Laws
Act 19 of 1923 - Laundered Articles for Hire (429.201 - 429.206)
Section 429.201 - Laundered Articles for Hire; Mark or Device; Filing, Publication, Fee.

Sec. 1.
Any person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of supplying towels, coats, aprons, toilet devices, or other kindred articles or supplies, for hire or compensation, used for the purpose of providing cleanliness and sanitation which are, shall, or may have a name, or trade mark or device branded, stamped, marked, sewed or otherwise impressed thereon, may file in the office of the clerk of the county in which the principal place of business is situated, a description of such name, mark or device, and cause such description to be printed once in each week for 3 weeks successively in a newspaper published in such county. If the principal place of business of any such person, firm or corporation is in another state, the filing of such description shall be made in the office of the county clerk in any county of this state in which business is done, and printed for 3 weeks successively in any newspaper published in such county. When any such person, firm or corporation shall have complied with the provisions of this section, he shall thereupon be deemed the proprietor of such name, mark or device, and of every such towel, apron, coat, toilet cabinet or toilet device, so used, upon which the mark may be branded, stamped, marked, sewed, or otherwise impressed or produced thereon, upon the filing with the county clerk, such name, mark or device, and there shall be paid to the county clerk $3.00 for each such name, mark or device so filed.
History: 1923, Act 19, Eff. Aug. 30, 1923 ;-- CL 1929, 8821 ;-- CL 1948, 429.201 ;-- Am. 1963, Act 114, Eff. Sept. 6, 1963