Michigan Compiled Laws
Article 5 - (38.1381...38.1393)
Section 38.1392a - Administration of Changes; Appropriation; Work Project; Carrying Forward Unencumbered or Unallotted Funds.

Sec. 92a.
(1) There is appropriated for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2010, $4,500,000.00 to the office of retirement services in the department of technology, management, and budget for administration of the changes under the amendatory act that added this section.
(2) The appropriation authorized in subsection (1) is a work project appropriation and any unencumbered or unallotted funds are carried forward into the following fiscal year. The following is in compliance with section 451a(1) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1451a:
(a) The purpose of the project is to administer changes under the amendatory act that added this section.
(b) The work project will be accomplished through a plan utilizing interagency agreements, employees, and contracts.
(c) The total estimated completion cost of the work project is $4,500,000.00.
(d) The estimated completion date for the work project is September 30, 2011.
History: Add. 2010, Act 75, Imd. Eff. May 19, 2010 Compiler's Notes: Enacting section 1 of Act 75 of 2010 provides:"Enacting section 1. If any section or part of a section of this act is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional, the holding does not affect the validity of the remaining sections of this act or the act in its entirety."Popular Name: Act 300

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 38 - Civil Service and Retirement

Act 300 of 1980 - The Public School Employees Retirement Act of 1979 (38.1301 - 38.1467)

Article 5 - (38.1381...38.1393)

Section 38.1381 - Retirement Allowance Under MCL 38.1384; Application; Eligibility Requirements.

Section 38.1381a - Retirement Allowance Computed According to MCL 38.1384(1); Reduction Inapplicable; Definitions.

Section 38.1381b - Retirement; Eligibility Requirements; Computation; Extension; "Incentivized Retirement Application Period" Defined; Amortization of Additional Costs.

Section 38.1381c - Member 60 Years of Age or Older With 10 or More Years of Service; Increase in Regular Retirement Age; Adjustment by Retirement Board; "Regular Retirement Age" Defined.

Section 38.1381d - Employment on or After September 4, 2012; Election to Participate in Tier 2; Method of Accepting Elections; Election Period; Member Not Making Election Considered as Member of Tier 1; Employment on or After February 1, 2018; Colle...

Section 38.1382 - Deferred Vested Service Retirement Allowance; Entitlement; Computation; Application; Forfeiture; Payment of Option to Beneficiary.

Section 38.1383 - Date of Retirement Allowance; Payment on Cessation of Eligibility for Continuation of Benefits.

Section 38.1384 - Retirement Allowance; Benefits; Applicability of Reduction; Recalculation of Retirement Allowance; Adjusted Retirement Allowance; Election to Return Retirement Allowance Payments.

Section 38.1384b - Retirement Allowance for Member Making Alternative Election Under Section 59(2)(a) or (B); Calculation; Items of Credited Service Under Section 59(1); Accumulation of Years of Service Credit for Purpose of Vesting; Calculation of R...

Section 38.1385 - Payment Options; Election; Change of Option or Beneficiary; Payment to Beneficiary; Reversion of Benefit to Straight Retirement Allowance; Term of Payment; Beneficiary Predeceasing Retirant Who Returns to Service; Effect of Election...

Section 38.1386 - Disability Allowance; Requirements; Extension of Application Time Limit; Computation; Effective Date.

Section 38.1387 - Duty Disability Retirement Allowance; Requirements; Computation; Effective Date; Service Credit; Adjustment.

Section 38.1388 - Duty or Nonduty Disability Retirant; Medical Examination; Affidavit; Deception; Discontinuance or Revocation of Nonduty Disability Retirement Allowance; Return to Membership; Restoration of Credited Service; Restoration of Duty Disa...

Section 38.1389 - Surviving Spouse; Computation, Payment, and Termination of Retirement Allowance; Remarriage of Surviving Spouse; Allowance for Surviving Child Less Than 18; Election of Retirement Allowance Beneficiary; Grounds for Voiding Election;...

Section 38.1390 - Surviving Spouse of Deceased Member Receiving Worker's Disability Compensation; Computation, Payment, and Termination Retirement Allowance; Remarriage of Surviving Spouse; Allowance for Surviving Children Less Than 18; Computation,...

Section 38.1391 - Hospital, Medical-Surgical, and Sick Care Retirant Benefits; Dental and Vision Retirant Benefits; Retirement System Premium; Maximum Contribution Rate; Health Benefits Coverage for Dependent of Retirant; Coordination of Benefits; De...

Section 38.1391a - Retiree Health Care Insurance Coverage for Employees Hired After September 4, 2012; Matching Contribution in Lieu of Health Insurance Coverage Benefits; Vesting Provisions; Election to Opt Out of Health Insurance Coverage Premiums;...

Section 38.1392 - Long-Term Care Insurance; Withholding From Retirement Allowance.

Section 38.1392a - Administration of Changes; Appropriation; Work Project; Carrying Forward Unencumbered or Unallotted Funds.

Section 38.1392b - Appropriation; Purposes; Amount; Completion Date.

Section 38.1392c - Appropriation.

Section 38.1393 - Third-Party Study.