Michigan Compiled Laws
150-1967-7 - Chapter 7 Retirement (32.801...32.851)
Section 32.835 - Retirement Pay at Age Sixty; Eligibility; Deductions From State Benefits.

Sec. 435.
Those eligible on or after the effective date of this act as provided in Act No. 84 of the Public Acts of 1909, as amended, shall receive retirement pay upon reaching age 60, provided they have been separated from the national guard or defense force for age, physical reasons or as a result of federal law or regulation and such separation was honorable and not self-generated. Deduction from state benefits made on evidence at federal retirement as provided in section 49c of Act No. 84 of the Public Acts of 1909, as amended by Act No. 134 of the Public Acts of 1952, shall continue to be made.
History: 1967, Act 150, Imd. Eff. June 30, 1967

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 32 - Military Establishment

Act 150 of 1967 - Michigan Military Act (32.501 - 32.851)

150-1967-7 - Chapter 7 Retirement (32.801...32.851)

Section 32.801 - Retirement; National Guard and Defense Force Personnel.

Section 32.803 - Officers; Transfers to the Inactive National Guard; Discharge Upon Resignation.

Section 32.805 - Retired National Guard Officers; Enrollment on Military Retirement List.

Section 32.806 - Retired Personnel; Return to Active Service, Removal From Military Retirement List.

Section 32.807 - Retired Personnel; Pay or Emoluments; Recall to Active Duty; Restoration to Retirement Status.

Section 32.809 - Retired Officers; Eligibility for Court Detail or Other Specific Temporary Special Duty; Compensation; Restoration to Retirement Status.

Section 32.810 - "Eligible Surviving Spouse" Defined; Retirement Pay; Survivor's Benefit for Eligible Surviving Spouse; Retirement Pay Received From Federal Government for Military Service.

Section 32.811 - Retirement on Completion of Not Less Than 20 Years of Active Service; Eligibility; Annual Amount; Amount to Be Received by Spouse Upon Death of Person.

Section 32.815 - Retirement Pay; Limitations on Eligibility.

Section 32.817 - Active Service; Definition.

Section 32.821 - Repealed. 2000, Act 427, Imd. Eff. Jan. 9, 2001.

Section 32.825 - Retirement of Full-Time Employees of Military Establishment; Exceptions; State Employees' Retirement System.

Section 32.831 - Previously Retired Personnel; Retirement Pay; Deductions; Service Credits, Accrual.

Section 32.833 - Transfer of Officer, Warrant Officer or Enlisted Person to State Civil Service; Election as to Transfer of Retirement Credits; Computation of Retirement; Forfeiture of Other Retirement.

Section 32.835 - Retirement Pay at Age Sixty; Eligibility; Deductions From State Benefits.

Section 32.851 - Repeals.