Michigan Compiled Laws
R-S-1846-322-301-60 - Chapter 60 Chapter 60. of the Superintendence and Disposition of the Public Lands. (322.301...322.372)
Section 322.305 - Unimproved Lands; Payment of Principal and Interest; Execution or Mortgage Sale Purchasers Deemed Assignees.

Sec. 5.
Any purchaser of university or school lands, his heirs or assigns, who shall have paid, on or before the first day of March, 1842, a sum equal to 20 per cent of the purchase money on his certificate, together with the interest up to said day; and any person who shall have become such purchaser since the thirteenth day of April, in the year 1841, his heirs or assigns, who shall have paid according to the terms of his certificate, shall be privileged to pay the balance of principal due on his purchase at any time thereafter at his option; but in all cases the interest on the unpaid balance of principal shall be paid on or before the first day of January, or within 60 days thereafter, in each and every year; and any purchaser of the right, title and interest of the original purchaser, his heirs or assigns, at an execution or mortgage sale, shall be deemed an assignee of the person whose right, title and interest was sold by virtue of such execution or mortgage.
History: R.S. 1846, Ch. 60 ;-- Am. 1847, Act 30, Eff. Mar. 1, 1848 ;-- Am. 1851, Act 82, Eff. July 5, 1851 ;-- CL 1857, 2448 ;-- CL 1871, 3821 ;-- How. 5266 ;-- CL 1897, 1329 ;-- CL 1915, 504 ;-- CL 1929, 5904 ;-- CL 1948, 322.305 Compiler's Notes: “January” is doubtless an error made in copying the old law in drafting the bill for the amendment of 1851, the amendment of 1847 having changed “January” to “March,” as in MCL 322.302 and 322.304.

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 322 - State Lands

R.S. of 1846 - Revised Statutes of 1846 (322.301 - 322.372)

R-S-1846-322-301-60 - Chapter 60 Chapter 60. of the Superintendence and Disposition of the Public Lands. (322.301...322.372)

Section 322.301 - Unimproved and Unsold School and University Lands; Minimum Price; Public Auction.

Section 322.302 - Unimproved Lands; Terms of Payment; Affidavit as to Timber Value; Certificate of Credibility.

Section 322.303 - Unimproved Lands; Certificate of Purchase, Contents.

Section 322.304 - Unimproved Lands; Certificate of Purchase, Voidance; Repossession.

Section 322.305 - Unimproved Lands; Payment of Principal and Interest; Execution or Mortgage Sale Purchasers Deemed Assignees.

Section 322.306 - Unimproved Lands; Non-Payment, Repossession and Resale.

Section 322.307 - Unimproved Lands; Payment for Timber.

Section 322.308 - Unimproved Lands; Patents, Issuance, Certification by Commissioner of State Land Office.

Section 322.309 - Unimproved Lands; Transfer of Title; Noncompliance, Trespassing.

Section 322.310 - Unimproved Lands; Secured Sums, Recovery.

Section 322.311 - Improved School and University Lands; Sale; Appraisal of Improvements.

Section 322.312 - Improved Lands; Sale by Lots, Minimum Price, Appraisal.

Section 322.313 - Improved Lands; Appraisal, Procedure.

Section 322.314 - Improved Lands; Sale at Appraised Value; New Appraisal, Minimum.

Section 322.315 - Improved Lands; Withholding From Sale.

Section 322.316 - Forfeited Lands; Public Auction; Improved Lands, Minimum Price.

Section 322.317 - Forfeited Lands; Notice of Sale, Publication.

Section 322.318 - Certificates of Purchase; Rights of Purchasers; Recording.

Section 322.319 - University and School Lands; Payment of Amount Due; Receipt.

Section 322.320 - Forfeited Lands; Redemption Before or After Sale; Refund for Cancelled Purchase, Interest.

Section 322.321 - Forfeited Lands and Improved Lands; Lists to County Clerk, Distribution.

Section 322.322 - Improved Lands; Appraisal by Township Supervisor, Returns to Commissioner of State Land Office; Exceptions.

Section 322.323 - Improved Lands; Computation of Specific Minimum Price.

Section 322.324 - Unimproved Forfeited Lands; Minimum Price.

Section 322.325 - Improved Lands; Leasing.

Section 322.327 - State Lands; Survey of Boundaries by Commissioner of State Land Office; Payment of Expenses.

R-S-1846-322-301-60-MISCELLANEOUS-PROVISIONS. - Miscellaneous Provisions. (322.349...322.372)