Michigan Compiled Laws
Act 239 of 1992 - Pseudorabies and Swine Brucellosis Control and Eradication Act (287.801 - 287.859)
Section 287.825 - Establishment of Herd Status; Conducting Official Pseudorabies Test; Transfer of Status; Schedule; Test Requirements; Herd Number or Designations; Retesting.

Sec. 25.
(1) Beginning 90 days after the effective date of this act, each owner of any swine herd of unknown status shall cause an official test for pseudorabies to be conducted on such herd at the owner's expense for establishment of at least 1 of the following herd statuses:
(a) A qualified pseudorabies negative herd.
(b) A qualified pseudorabies negative gene-altered vaccinated herd.
(c) A feeder pig monitored herd.
(d) A vaccinated feeder pig monitored herd.
(e) An approved pseudorabies quarantined feedlot herd.
(f) An infected herd.
(g) A monitored feedlot.
(2) Herd status is not transferable to a herd moved to another swine premises without prior approval of the director.
(3) Approved pseudorabies quarantined feedlots shall establish pseudorabies status on a schedule prescribed by the director at the director's request and at the owner's expense.
(4) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, an owner of a swine herd shall be responsible for all costs of tests required under this section. An owner in compliance with the test requirements of this section may receive a certificate of compliance on a form prescribed by the director. Testing of herds shall continue at the owner's expense until this state or the region of the state in which the herd is located is recognized by the United States department of agriculture as a state or region in stage III of the pseudorabies eradication state-federal-industry program standards or an equivalent low prevalence status by the director. A herd shall be quarantined if the owner does not cause a herd test to be performed within 60 days after notification from the director that a herd test is necessary. If the required testing is not performed within 30 days after issuance of quarantine, the director may order that the herd be tested by a department veterinarian or an accredited veterinarian at the herd owner's expense.
(5) A person shall not sell, loan, lease, move, or otherwise transfer any swine unless it can be demonstrated that such person is a herd owner whose herd has been issued a herd number by the department or is a licensed broker.
(6) The director may adopt other acceptable herd designations for pseudorabies status as technology and program advances make them available.
(7) Vaccinated herds shall be retested annually. Vaccinated herds that are not retested on an annual basis within 60 days after the anniversary test date shall be quarantined. The director shall then notify the owner of the herd of the issuance of the quarantine and advise the owner that testing is due. Such herds shall be tested at the owner's expense within 30 days after notification by the director that testing is due and that the quarantine has been issued. If the required testing is not performed within 60 days after the date of quarantine, the director may order that the herd be tested by a department veterinarian or an accredited veterinarian at the herd owner's expense. Herds that test negative to pseudorabies by an official test and that have discontinued vaccinating may be reclassified as feeder pig monitored herds.
History: 1992, Act 239, Eff. Mar. 31, 1993

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 287 - Animal Industry

Act 239 of 1992 - Pseudorabies and Swine Brucellosis Control and Eradication Act (287.801 - 287.859)

Section 287.801 - Short Title.

Section 287.803 - Meanings of Words and Phrases.

Section 287.805 - Definitions; A, B.

Section 287.807 - Definitions; D to F.

Section 287.809 - Definitions; G to L.

Section 287.811 - Definitions; M to P.

Section 287.813 - Definitions; P to R.

Section 287.815 - Definitions; S to V.

Section 287.817 - Pseudorabies and Brucellosis in Porcine Species; Disease Control and Eradication; Agreements With Secretary of Agriculture; Market Swine Identification Program.

Section 287.819 - Feeder Pigs; Origination and Movement Requirements.

Section 287.821 - Transferring Swine Infected With or Exposed to Pseudorabies; Transferring Feeder Pigs to Approved Pseudorabies Quarantined Feedlot; Movement Permit; Requirements.

Section 287.823 - Identification of Feeder Pigs.

Section 287.825 - Establishment of Herd Status; Conducting Official Pseudorabies Test; Transfer of Status; Schedule; Test Requirements; Herd Number or Designations; Retesting.

Section 287.827 - Pseudorabies and Swine Brucellosis Control and Eradication Fund.

Section 287.829 - Pseudorabies; Diagnosis; Availability of Herd for Testing.

Section 287.831 - Status as Pseudorabies Quarantined Infected Herd; Agreements; Herd Cleanup Plan; Slaughter or Other Disposition; Introduction of Animals Into Infected Herd; Compliance; Movement of Vaccinated Breeding Swine; Information Furnished to...

Section 287.833 - Identification of Herd of Origin; Notification; Availability of Herd for Official Test.

Section 287.835 - Approved Pseudorabies Quarantined Feedlot.

Section 287.837 - Importing Swine Into State With Prior Entry Permit; Delivery to Slaughterhouse or Collection Facility; Compliance; Requirements for Breeding Swine Imported Into State.

Section 287.839 - Importation of Swine; Requirements; Waiver.

Section 287.841 - Importation of Feeder Pigs; Requirements; Entry of Feral Swine.

Section 287.843 - Pseudorabies Veterinary Biological; Use; Conditions; Distribution.

Section 287.845 - Swine Presented to Livestock Auction or Collection Point as Entering Interstate Commerce.

Section 287.847 - Livestock Auction Market, Yards, and Premises Considered Infected With Organisms of Infectious Diseases of Swine; Moving or Selling Swine; Identification; Proof, Test Report, or Permission Required; Copy of Documents; Feral Swine En...

Section 287.849 - Sale as Feeding and Breeding Swine; Requirements; Conveyance; Facilities Approved as Swine Assembly Point; Pseudorabies Test Requirements; Identification of Swine Consignment; Removal of Swine From Premises.

Section 287.851 - Pseudorabies Advisory Committee.

Section 287.853 - Pseudorabies Herd Cleanup Technical Advisory Committee.

Section 287.855 - Violations; Penalties; Enforcement.

Section 287.857 - Rules.

Section 287.859 - Repeal of MCL 287.717, 287.725, 287.736, 287.737, and 287.738.