Michigan Compiled Laws
Act 329 of 1965 - Michigan Seed Law (286.701 - 286.716)
Section 286.711a - Field Bean Advisory Committee.

Sec. 11a.
(1) There is created a field bean advisory committee within the department of agriculture. The committee shall review the standards, tolerances, methods, procedures, and protocols to be used by the department as well as standards utilized in other states and provinces and advise the director of its findings.
(2) Members of the committee shall be appointed by the director and shall consist of 1 individual from the following groups:
(a) The Michigan bean commission.
(b) The Michigan state university department of botany and plant pathology.
(c) The Michigan state university department of crop and soil sciences.
(d) The Michigan department of agriculture.
(e) Field bean producers.
(f) Field bean processors.
History: Add. 1996, Act 86, Imd. Eff. Feb. 27, 1996 Compiler's Notes: For transfer of powers and duties of the field bean advisory committee to the director of the department of agriculture, and abolishment of the field bean advisory committee, see E.R.O. No. 1996-3, compiled at MCL 286.731 of the Michigan Compiled Laws.

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 286 - Agricultural Industry

Act 329 of 1965 - Michigan Seed Law (286.701 - 286.716)

Section 286.701 - Michigan Seed Law; Short Title.

Section 286.702 - Definitions.

Section 286.703 - Agricultural, Vegetable, or Flower Seed Container; Label or Tag; Information.

Section 286.704 - Agricultural Seed, Mixtures of Agricultural Seed, and Vegetable Seed in Containers of More Than 1 Pound; Required Information.

Section 286.705 - Vegetable Seed in Containers of 1 Pound or Less and Flower Seed; Required Information; Seed Sold Outside Original Container; Treated Vegetable and Flower Seed.

Section 286.706 - Forest Tree Seed; Required Information.

Section 286.707 - Seed Treated With Substance Harmful to Vertebrate Animals; Color; Label Information; Description of Treated Seed Not Harmful to Vertebrate Animals.

Section 286.707a - Field Beans.

Section 286.708 - Correction of Erroneous or Unlawful Seed Labels; Removal of Seed From Sale; Obtaining and Replacing Labels.

Section 286.709 - Seed; Circumstances Prohibiting Selling, Offering for Sale, Advertising, Exposing, or Transporting for Sale; Prohibited Conduct.

Section 286.710 - Applicability of MCL 286.703.

Section 286.711 - Duties of Director; Field Bean Seeds Inspections and Analyses Performed by Person or Agency; Liability; "Rule" Defined.

Section 286.711a - Field Bean Advisory Committee.

Section 286.712, 286.713 - Repealed. 1988, Act 455, Imd. Eff. Dec. 27, 1988.

Section 286.714 - Prohibition or Regulation of Labeling, Sale, Storage, Transportation, Distribution, Use, or Planting of Certain Seeds; Ordinances by Local Government Prohibited; Exceptions.

Section 286.715 - Violation as Misdemeanor; Penalty; Stop Sale Order; Appeal; Hearing; Seizure of Seed; Condemnation of Seed; Application for Release of Seed or Permission to Condition or Relabel Seed; Temporary or Permanent Injunction; Bond Not Requ...

Section 286.716 - Repealed. 2006, Act 132, Imd. Eff. May 5, 2006.