Michigan Compiled Laws
300-1949-VI-OPERATION-OF-BICYCLES-MOTORCYCLES-AND-TOY-VEHICLES - Operation of Bicycles, Motorcycles and Toy Vehicles (257.656...257.662a)
Section 257.658a - Seats and Foot Rests; Requirements; Exception; Violation as Civil Infraction.

Sec. 658a.
(1) In addition to the requirements of section 658, a motorcycle shall be equipped with adequate seats and foot rests or pegs for each designated seating position. Foot rests or pegs must be securely attached. A passenger shall not ride on a motorcycle unless his or her feet can rest on the assigned foot rests or pegs except that this requirement does not apply to a person who is unable to reach the foot rests or pegs due to a permanent physical disability.
(2) A person who violates this section is responsible for a civil infraction.
History: Add. 1995, Act 68, Eff. Jan. 1, 1996

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 257 - Motor Vehicles

Act 300 of 1949 - Michigan Vehicle Code (257.1 - 257.923)

300-1949-VI - Chapter VI Obedience to and Effect of Traffic Laws (257.601...257.750)

300-1949-VI-OPERATION-OF-BICYCLES-MOTORCYCLES-AND-TOY-VEHICLES - Operation of Bicycles, Motorcycles and Toy Vehicles (257.656...257.662a)

Section 257.656 - Violations of MCL 257.656 to 257.661a as Civil Infractions; Duty of Parent or Guardian; Regulations Applicable to Bicycles and Motorcycles.

Section 257.657 - Rights and Duties of Persons Riding Bicycle, Electric Bicycle, Electric Skateboard, Electric Personal Assistive Mobility Device, Moped, Low-Speed Vehicle, or Commercial Quadricycle.

Section 257.657a - Operation of Golf Cart on Village, City, or Township Streets or State Trunk Line Highway.

Section 257.658 - Riding on Seat of Bicycle, Motorcycle, Moped, Electric Skateboard, or Electric Personal Assistive Mobility Device; Number of Persons; Wearing of Crash Helmet; Conditions; Rules; Requirements for Autocycle.

Section 257.658a - Seats and Foot Rests; Requirements; Exception; Violation as Civil Infraction.

Section 257.658b - Crash Helmet Required; Exception.

Section 257.659 - Riding While Attached to Streetcar or Vehicle.

Section 257.660 - Electric Personal Assistive Mobility Device, Low-Speed Vehicle, Commercial Quadricycle; Electric Skateboard, or Moped; Operation; Limitations; Applicability to Police Officer; Regulation by Local Government; Prohibitions; Regulation...

Section 257.660a - Operation of Bicycle Upon Highway or Street; Riding Close to Right-Hand Curb or Edge of Roadway; Exceptions.

Section 257.660b - Operation of Bicycle Upon Highway or Street; Riding More Than 2 Abreast.

Section 257.660c - Operation of Bicycle Upon Sidewalk or Pedestrian Crosswalk.

Section 257.660d - Parking Bicycle or Electric Skateboard on Sidewalk, Highway, or Street.

Section 257.661 - Carrying Package, Bundle, or Article on Bicycle, Electric Personal Assistive Mobility Device, Moped, or Motorcycle.

Section 257.661a - Handlebars of Motorcycle or Moped.

Section 257.662 - Bicycle, Electric Personal Assistive Mobility Device, Electric Skateboard, or Commercial Quadricycle; Equipment; Violation as Civil Infraction.

Section 257.662a - Electric Bicycle; Rights of Individual; Label to Be Affixed by Manufacturer or Distributor; Tampering With or Modification of Electric Bicycle Prohibited; Requirements Applicable to Class 3 Electric Bicycle; Compliance With Federal...