Sec. 13c.
"Electric personal assistive mobility device" means a self-balancing nontandem 2-wheeled device, designed to transport only 1 person at a time, having an electrical propulsion system with average power of 750 watts or 1 horsepower and a maximum speed on a paved level surface of not more than 15 miles per hour.
History: Add. 2002, Act 494, Imd. Eff. July 3, 2002
Structure Michigan Compiled Laws
Act 300 of 1949 - Michigan Vehicle Code (257.1 - 257.923)
300-1949-I - Chapter I Words and Phrases Defined (257.1...257.83)
Section 257.1 - Michigan Vehicle Code; Words and Phrases Defined.
Section 257.1a - "Accessory" and "Adequate In-Person Services" Defined.
Section 257.1b - “Ambulance” Defined.
Section 257.1c - “Articulated Bus” Defined.
Section 257.1d - “Alcoholic Liquor” Defined.
Section 257.2 - “Authorized Emergency Vehicle” Defined; Additional Definitions.
Section 257.2a - “Automotive Recycler” Defined.
Section 257.2b - Additional Definitions.
Section 257.3 - “Axle” Defined.
Section 257.3a - "Basic Driver Improvement Course" Defined.
Section 257.4 - “Bicycle” Defined.
Section 257.4a - “Birthday” Defined.
Section 257.4b - “Bus” Defined.
Section 257.4c - “Buy Back Vehicle” Defined.
Section 257.5 - "Business District" and "Commercial Business" Defined.
Section 257.5a - “Cancellation” Defined.
Section 257.6 - "Chauffeur" Defined.
Section 257.6a - “Civil Infraction” Defined.
Section 257.6b - “Civil Infraction Determination” Defined.
Section 257.6c - “Civic Event” Defined.
Section 257.6d - “Collector Plate” Defined.
Section 257.7 - "Commercial Vehicle" Defined.
Section 257.7a - “Commercial Motor Vehicle” Defined.
Section 257.7b - "Commercial Quadricycle" Defined.
Section 257.8 - “Commissioner” Defined.
Section 257.8a - "Conviction" Defined.
Section 257.8b - “Controlled Substance” Defined.
Section 257.9 - “County Jail” Defined.
Section 257.10 - “Cross-Walk” Defined.
Section 257.11 - “Dealer” Defined.
Section 257.11a - “Demonstrator” Defined.
Section 257.11b - “Dealer License” Defined.
Section 257.12 - “Department” Defined.
Section 257.12a - “Distressed Vehicle” Defined.
Section 257.12b - “Distressed Vehicle Transporter” Defined.
Section 257.12c - "Digital Network" Defined.
Section 257.13 - “Driver” Defined.
Section 257.13a - “Elected Gross Weight” Defined.
Section 257.13b - “Empty Weight” Defined.
Section 257.13c - “Electric Personal Assistive Mobility Device” Defined.
Section 257.13d - "Electric Carriage" Defined.
Section 257.13e - "Electric Bicycle" Defined.
Section 257.13f - "Electric Skateboard" Defined.
Section 257.14 - "Established Place of Business" Defined.
Section 257.14.amended - "Established Place of Business" Defined.
Section 257.14a - “Executive” or “Manufacturer's Vehicle” Defined.
Section 257.15 - “Explosives” Defined.
Section 257.16 - “Farm Tractor” Defined.
Section 257.17 - “Flammable Liquid” Defined.
Section 257.17a - “Foreign Salvage Vehicle Dealer” Defined.
Section 257.17b - “Fund-Raising Registration Plate” and “State-Sponsored Goal” Defined.
Section 257.17c - “Flood Vehicle” Defined.
Section 257.18 - Definitions, F.
Section 257.18a - “Freeway” Defined.
Section 257.19 - “Gross Weight” Defined.
Section 257.19a - “Disabled Person” and “Person With Disabilities” Defined.
Section 257.19b - “Hazardous Material” Defined.
Section 257.20 - “Highway or Street” Defined.
Section 257.20a - “Historic Vehicle” Defined.
Section 257.20b - "High-Occupancy Vehicle" or "Hov" Defined.
Section 257.20c - "High-Occupancy Vehicle Lane" or "Hov Lane" Defined.
Section 257.21 - “Implement of Husbandry” Defined.
Section 257.22 - “Intersection” Defined.
Section 257.23 - “Judgment” Defined.
Section 257.23a - “Juvenile Adjudication” Defined.
Section 257.23b - “Juvenile Disposition” Defined.
Section 257.24 - “Laned Roadway” Defined.
Section 257.24a - “Leased Vehicle” Defined.
Section 257.24b - “Late Model Vehicle” Defined.
Section 257.24c - “Law of Another State” Defined.
Section 257.25 - “License” Defined.
Section 257.25a - “Autocycle” Defined.
Section 257.25b - “Low-Speed Vehicle” Defined.
Section 257.25c - "Limousine" Defined.
Section 257.25d - "Limousine Driver" Defined.
Section 257.26 - “Limited Access Highway” Defined.
Section 257.27 - “Local Authorities” Defined.
Section 257.27a - “Major Component Part” Defined.
Section 257.28 - “Manufacturer” Defined.
Section 257.29 - “Maximum Axle Load” Defined.
Section 257.30 - “Metal Tire” Defined.
Section 257.30a - Repealed. 1978, Act 568, Eff. Jan. 6, 1979.
Section 257.30b - “Michigan University” Defined.
Section 257.30c - "Modified Agriculture Vehicle" Defined.
Section 257.31 - “Motorcycle” Defined.
Section 257.32 - Repealed. 1976, Act 439, Imd. Eff. Jan. 13, 1977.
Section 257.32a - “Motor Home” Defined.
Section 257.32b - "Moped" Defined.
Section 257.33 - "Motor Vehicle" Defined.
Section 257.33a - “New Motor Vehicle” Defined.
Section 257.33b - “Nonprofit Recycling Center” Defined.
Section 257.34 - “Nonresident” Defined.
Section 257.35 - “Nonresident Operating Privilege” Defined.
Section 257.35a - “Operate” or “Operating” Defined.
Section 257.35b - “Older Model Vehicle” Defined.
Section 257.35c - “Off Lease Vehicle” Defined.
Section 257.36 - “Operate” or “Operating” Defined.
Section 257.36a - “Owner-Operator” Defined.
Section 257.36b - "Out-of-Service" Defined.
Section 257.36c - "Other On-Track Equipment" Defined.
Section 257.37 - “Owner” Defined.
Section 257.38 - “Parking” Defined.
Section 257.38a - "Park Model Trailer" Defined.
Section 257.39 - "Pedestrian" Defined.
Section 257.39a - “Permanent Disability” Defined.
Section 257.40 - “Person” Defined.
Section 257.40a - “Pickup Camper” Defined.
Section 257.40b - "Personal Information" and “Highly Restricted Personal Information” Defined.
Section 257.40c - "Platoon" Defined.
Section 257.40c[1] - "Personal Vehicle" Defined.
Section 257.41 - “Pole-Trailer” Defined.
Section 257.41a - “Police Book” Defined.
Section 257.42 - "Police Officer" Defined.
Section 257.43 - “Police Station” Defined.
Section 257.43a - "Preliminary Chemical Breath Analysis" Defined.
Section 257.43b - "Preliminary Oral Fluid Analysis" Defined.
Section 257.43c - "Power-Driven Mobility Device" Defined.
Section 257.44 - “Private Driveway” and “Private Road” Defined.
Section 257.44a - “Probate Court Disposition” Defined.
Section 257.45 - “Proof of Financial Responsibility” Defined.
Section 257.45a - “Prosecuting Attorney” Defined.
Section 257.46 - "Railroad" Defined.
Section 257.47 - “Railroad Sign or Signal” Defined.
Section 257.48 - "Railroad Track" Defined.
Section 257.49 - "Railroad Train" Defined.
Section 257.49a - "Recreational Vehicle" Defined.
Section 257.50 - “Registration” Defined.
Section 257.50a - “Residence Address” Defined.
Section 257.51 - Repealed. 2006, Act 85, Eff. Nov. 9, 2006.
Section 257.51a - “Resident” Defined.
Section 257.52 - “Revocation” Defined.
Section 257.53 - “Right-of-Way” Defined.
Section 257.54 - “Road Tractor” Defined.
Section 257.55 - “Roadway” Defined.
Section 257.56 - “Safety Zone” Defined.
Section 257.56a - “Salvage Vehicle” Defined.
Section 257.56b - “Salvageable Part” Defined.
Section 257.56c - “Salvage Vehicle Agent” Defined.
Section 257.57 - “School Bus” Defined.
Section 257.57a - “School Crossing” Defined.
Section 257.57b - “School Crossing Guard” Defined.
Section 257.57c - Repealed. 2002, Act 534, Eff. Oct. 1, 2002.
Section 257.57d - “Scrap Certificate of Title” Defined.
Section 257.57e - “Scrap Vehicle” Defined.
Section 257.58 - “Secretary of State” Defined.
Section 257.58c - “Serious Impairment of a Body Function” Defined.
Section 257.59 - “Semi-Trailer” Defined.
Section 257.59a - “Shoulder” and “Ditch Slope” Defined.
Section 257.60 - “Sidewalk” Defined.
Section 257.61 - “Spacings Between Axles” Defined.
Section 257.62 - “Special Mobile Equipment” Defined.
Section 257.62a - "Standardized Field Sobriety Test" Defined.
Section 257.63 - "Streetcar" Defined.
Section 257.63a - "Streetcar Track" Defined.
Section 257.64 - “Street or Highway” Defined.
Section 257.64a - "Street Railway" Defined.
Section 257.64b - "Street Railway System" Defined.
Section 257.65 - "State" Defined.
Section 257.66 - “Suspension” Defined.
Section 257.67 - “Tandem Axle” Defined.
Section 257.67a - “Tandem Axle Assembly” and “Tank Vehicle” Defined.
Section 257.67b - “Temporary Disability” Defined.
Section 257.67c - "Taxicab" Defined.
Section 257.67d - "Taxicab Driver" Defined.
Section 257.68 - “Through Highway” Defined.
Section 257.69 - "Traffic" Defined.
Section 257.70 - “Traffic Control Devices” Defined.
Section 257.71 - “Traffic Control Order” Defined.
Section 257.72 - “Traffic Control Signal” Defined.
Section 257.73 - “Trailer” Defined.
Section 257.74 - “Trailer Coach” Defined.
Section 257.74a - "Travel Trailer," "Camping Trailer," and "Fifth Wheel Trailer" Defined.
Section 257.75 - “Truck” Defined.
Section 257.76 - “Transporter” Defined.
Section 257.76a - "Transportation Network Company" Defined.
Section 257.76b - "Transportation Network Company Driver" Defined.
Section 257.76c - "Transportation Network Company Prearranged Ride" Defined.
Section 257.76d - "Transportation Network Company Rider" Defined.
Section 257.77 - “Truck Tractor” Defined.
Section 257.78 - “Used or Second-Hand Vehicle” Defined.
Section 257.78a - “Used Vehicle Parts Dealer” or “Used or Secondhand Vehicle Parts Dealer” Defined.
Section 257.79 - “Vehicle” Defined.
Section 257.79a - “Vehicle Salvage Pool” Defined.
Section 257.79b - “Vehicle Scrap Metal Processor” Defined.
Section 257.79c - “Wrecker” Defined.
Section 257.79d - “Work Zone” Defined.
Section 257.79e - "Wholesaler" Defined.
Section 257.79f - "Boat Lift" Defined.
Section 257.80 - Tenses; Definition.
Section 257.81 - Number and Gender; Definitions.