Michigan Compiled Laws
Act 200 of 1969 - Driveways, Banners, and Parades (247.321 - 247.329)
Section 247.323 - Permits to Temporarily Close Highway and for Banners, Decorations, or Similar Objects; Issuance; Requests; Arrangements for Handling Highway Traffic; Section Inapplicable to Racing Event.

Sec. 3.
A permit to temporarily close a highway, or a portion of the highway, for a parade, celebration, festival, or similar activity, and a permit for banners, decorations, or similar objects to overhang the traveled way of a highway, may be issued by the highway authority only if requested by an authorized official designated by resolution of the governing body of a city, incorporated village, or township. Requests for temporary closing of highways shall indicate the time and date the highway is to be closed to traffic, the date and time the highway is to be reopened to traffic, and other information as the highway authority may require. A permit shall not be issued for the partial or complete closing of a highway unless the highway authority is satisfied that adequate arrangements have been made for the handling of highway traffic during such closure. Permits for banners, decorations, or similar objects over the traveled way of a highway shall require that they be securely fastened and be at least 18 feet above the surface of the traveled way. This section does not apply to a racing event for which a permit has been issued under the city motor vehicle racing act of 1981.
History: 1969, Act 200, Imd. Eff. Aug. 6, 1969 ;-- Am. 1981, Act 177, Imd. Eff. Dec. 14, 1981