Michigan Compiled Laws
Act 368 of 1925 - Highway Obstructions and Encroachments; Use of Highway by Public Utilities (247.171 - 247.191)
Section 247.188 - Obstructions to Traffic; Moving; Permit, Bond; Penalty.

Sec. 18.
No building, or other obstruction to traffic shall be moved across, upon or along any road without consent being first obtained from the commissioner or commissioners having jurisdiction over the road, and without first executing to such commissioner or commissioners, a bond in an amount sufficient to cover all possible damage to the road on account of such moving, to be determined by the commissioner or commissioners aforesaid, and conditioned for the payment of all such damage or injury to the road on account of such moving. Any person violating the provisions hereof shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not to exceed 100 dollars or by imprisonment in the county jail for not to exceed 30 days or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court.
History: 1925, Act 368, Eff. Aug. 27, 1925 ;-- CL 1929, 4058 ;-- CL 1948, 247.188

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 247 - Highways

Act 368 of 1925 - Highway Obstructions and Encroachments; Use of Highway by Public Utilities (247.171 - 247.191)

Section 247.171 - Encroachments; Removal Order, Service; Temporary Permit.

Section 247.171a - Rights-of-Way, Bridges, Towers, and Welcome Centers; Use to Provide Travel-Related Information Through Electronic Technologies.

Section 247.172 - Encroachments; Removal by Commissioner, Penalty, Expense Charged to Occupant, Collection by Tax; Limitation.

Section 247.173 - Encroachments; Denied, Notice to Commissioner; Trespass Action.

Section 247.174 - Trespass Action; Brought by Commissioner.

Section 247.175 - Trespass Action; Pleadings and Trial.

Section 247.176 - Trespass Action; Trial and Verdict.

Section 247.177 - Trespass Action; Trial and Appeal.

Section 247.178 - Encroachment; Removal by Commissioner; Penalty on Owner or Occupant for Neglect.

Section 247.179 - Encroachment; Removal, Interference, Penalty.

Section 247.180 - Loose Obstructions, Logs, or Wood; Notice to Remove; Removal; Removal by Commissioner, Sale; Proceeds, Disposition.

Section 247.181 - Loose Obstructions, Logs, or Wood; No Value, Compensation for Removing.

Section 247.182 - Obstructions; Road Fence if Dangerous, Penalty.

Section 247.183 - Public Utilities, Cable Television Companies, Broadband Companies, and Municipalities; Construction and Maintenance of Structures; Consent of Governing Body; Construction and Maintenance of Utility Lines and Structures Longitudinall...

Section 247.184 - Consent of County or State to Construction.

Section 247.184a - Surveillance of Occupied Manhole; Exceptions; Training and Duties of Second Employee.

Section 247.185 - Paramount Rights of Public; Injury to Trees and Shrubs; Regulation of Rights.

Section 247.186 - Public Utility; Placing Poles, Fixtures, Wires, or Cables.

Section 247.187 - Encroachments; Removal, Expense of Removal by Commissioner.

Section 247.188 - Obstructions to Traffic; Moving; Permit, Bond; Penalty.

Section 247.189 - Repealed. 2020, Act 264, Eff. Mar. 29, 2021.

Section 247.190 - Width of Highway; Encroachment Does Not Give Right to Land.

Section 247.191 - Act Inapplicable to Encroachments and Obstructions Erected Under MCL 257.1701 Et Seq.