Michigan Compiled Laws
284-1964-2 - Chapter 2 Uniform City Income Tax Ordinance (141.601...141.699)
Section 141.635 - Qualified Taxpayer Within Renaissance Zone; Determination of Deductions Claimed.

Sec. 35.
(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this ordinance and to the extent and for the duration provided in the Michigan renaissance zone act, Act No. 376 of the Public Acts of 1996, being sections 125.2681 to 125.2696 of the Michigan Compiled Laws, for the 1997 tax year and each tax year after 1997, a qualified taxpayer may deduct from gross income in determining income subject to tax under this ordinance, to the extent a deduction is applicable to income subject to the tax under this ordinance, an amount equal to 1 of the following for the specified types of taxpayers:
(a) For a qualified taxpayer as defined in subsection (12)(c)(i):
(i) Except as provided in subparagraphs (ii) and (iii), income subject to the tax that is earned or received in the tax year during the period of time that the taxpayer was a qualified taxpayer.
(ii) Capital gains subject to the tax that are received during the tax year during the period of time that the taxpayer was a qualified taxpayer. The deduction allowed under this subdivision shall be prorated based on the percentage of time that the asset was held by the taxpayer while the taxpayer was a qualified taxpayer.
(iii) Income received by the qualified taxpayer from winning an on-line lottery game sponsored by this state but only if the date on which the drawing for that game was held is after the taxpayer became a qualified taxpayer of a renaissance zone and income received by the taxpayer from winning an instant lottery game sponsored by this state but only if the taxpayer was a qualified taxpayer of a renaissance zone on the validation date of the lottery ticket for that game.
(b) For a qualified taxpayer as defined in subsection (12)(c)(ii), the amount determined pursuant to section 14, 19, 20 to 24, or 25 of this ordinance multiplied by a fraction the numerator of which is the percentage that the average net book value of the tangible personal property owned and the real property, including leasehold improvements, owned or used by the qualified taxpayer in the business and situated within the renaissance zone during the taxable period, is of the average net book value of all such property, including leasehold improvements, owned or used by the taxpayer in the business during the same period situated in the city plus the percentage that the total compensation paid to employees for work done or for services performed within the renaissance zone is of the total compensation paid to all the taxpayer's employees within the city during the period covered by the return and the denominator of which is 2. For allocation purposes, compensation shall be computed on the cash or accrual basis in accordance with the method used in computing the entire net income of the taxpayer. Real property includes real property rented or leased by the qualified taxpayer and the value of that property is considered to be 8 times the annual gross rental on the property. "Gross rental on the property" means gross rental of real property as that term is defined in section 21 of this ordinance.
(c) For a qualified taxpayer as defined in subsection (12)(c)(iii), the amount determined pursuant to section 15 of this ordinance multiplied by a fraction the numerator of which is the percentage that the average net book value of the tangible personal property owned and the real property, including leasehold improvements, owned or used by the qualified taxpayer in the business and situated within the renaissance zone during the taxable period, is of the average net book value of all such property, including leasehold improvements, owned or used by the taxpayer in the business during the same period situated in the city plus the percentage that the total compensation paid to employees for work done or for services performed within the renaissance zone is of the total compensation paid to all the taxpayer's employees within the city during the period covered by the return and the denominator of which is 2. For allocation purposes, compensation shall be computed on the cash or accrual basis in accordance with the method used in computing the entire net income of the taxpayer. Real property includes real property rented or leased by the qualified taxpayer and the value of that property is considered to be 8 times the annual gross rental on the property. "Gross rental on the property" means gross rental of real property as that term is defined in section 21 of this ordinance.
(2) For a qualified taxpayer as defined in subsections (12)(c)(ii) and (iii), any portion of income subject to tax under this ordinance derived from illegal activity conducted in a renaissance zone shall not be used to calculate a deduction allowed under this section. For a qualified taxpayer who is an individual, any portion of income subject to tax under this ordinance derived from illegal activity conducted anywhere shall not be used to calculate the deduction allowed under this section. For a qualified taxpayer as defined in subsection (12)(c)(ii) and (iii), any portion of the taxpayer's tax liability that is attributable to business activity related to the operation of a casino, and business activity that is associated or affiliated with the operation of a casino including, but not limited to, the operation of a parking lot, hotel, motel, or retail store, shall not be used to calculate a credit under this section. As used in this subsection, "casino" means a casino regulated by this state pursuant to the Michigan gaming control and revenue act, Initiated Law of 1996, being sections 432.201 to 432.216 of the Michigan Compiled Laws.
(3) Income used to calculate a deduction under any other section of this ordinance shall not be used to calculate a deduction under this section.
(4) If a qualified taxpayer completes the residency requirements under subsection (12)(c) before the end of the tax year in which the qualified taxpayer first resided in the renaissance zone, the qualified taxpayer may claim the deduction allowed under this section for that tax year. If the qualified taxpayer completes the residency requirements under subsection (12)(c) in a tax year subsequent to the tax year in which the qualified taxpayer first resided in the renaissance zone, the following apply:
(a) If the qualified taxpayer completes the residency requirement in a tax year subsequent to the tax year in which the taxpayer first resided in the renaissance zone and before the date for filing the annual return under this ordinance for the tax year in which the taxpayer first resided in the renaissance zone, the taxpayer may claim the deduction allowed under this section for the tax year in which the taxpayer first resided in the renaissance zone.
(b) If the qualified taxpayer completes the residency requirement in a tax year subsequent to the tax year in which the taxpayer first resided in the renaissance zone and after the date for filing the annual return under this ordinance for the tax year in which the taxpayer first resided in the renaissance zone, the qualified taxpayer may claim the deduction allowed under this section for the tax year in which the residency requirement is completed on the annual return for the tax year in which the residency requirement is completed and may claim the deduction for the tax year in which the qualified taxpayer first resided in the renaissance zone by filing an amended return for that tax year in which the qualified taxpayer first resided in the renaissance zone.
(5) To be eligible for the deduction under this section, a taxpayer shall file an annual return under this ordinance.
(6) A qualified taxpayer shall file a withholding form prescribed by the city with his or her employer after the date the qualified taxpayer completes the requirements under subsection (12)(c) or, at the option of the city, for taxpayers who claim to be qualified taxpayers under subsection (12)(c)(i), the taxpayer shall file a form prescribed by the city with the city after the date the taxpayer completes the requirements under subsection (12)(c)(i). If the city verifies the information on the form, the city shall issue a certificate of qualification to the taxpayer which the taxpayer shall file with his or her employer. When a taxpayer who filed a form under this subsection is no longer a qualified taxpayer under subsection (12)(c)(i), the taxpayer shall send a written notice of that change in status to the city not more than 10 days after the change in status occurs.
(7) If the administrator finds that a taxpayer has claimed a deduction under this section to which he or she is not entitled, the taxpayer is subject to the interest and penalty provisions under this ordinance.
(8) The deduction allowed under this section continues through the tax year in which the renaissance zone designation expires.
(9) A net operating loss deduction allowed under this ordinance shall be calculated without regard to any deduction allowed under this section.
(10) If a taxpayer who was a qualified taxpayer during the tax year changes status and is not a qualified taxpayer or vice versa, income subject to tax under this ordinance shall be determined separately for income in each status.
(11) A qualified taxpayer as defined in subsection (12)(c)(i) is a resident of a renaissance zone for purposes of Act No. 376 of the Public Acts of 1996. A qualified taxpayer as defined in subsection (12)(c)(ii) or (iii) is located and conducts business in a renaissance zone for purposes of Act No. 376 of the Public Acts of 1996.
(12) As used in this section:
(a) "Conducts business activity" means doing business as defined in this ordinance.
(b) "Domicile" means a place where a person has his or her true, fixed, and permanent home and principal establishment to which, whenever absent, he or she intends to return, and domicile continues until another permanent establishment is established.
(c) "Qualified taxpayer" means 1 of the following:
(i) A taxpayer who is an individual, a resident of the city as determined under this ordinance, and is domiciled in an area of the city that is designated a renaissance zone for a period of 183 consecutive days. A taxpayer may begin calculating the 183-day period during the 183 days immediately preceding the designation of the area as a renaissance zone. Qualified taxpayer under this subparagraph includes the estate of an individual who was a qualified taxpayer at the time of death. After a taxpayer has completed the 183-day requirement under this subparagraph, the taxpayer is considered to have been a qualified taxpayer of that renaissance zone beginning from the first day used to determine if the 183-day requirement has been met.
(ii) A taxpayer that is a corporation and that is located and conducts business activity in a renaissance zone in the city. (iii) A person who is located in and conducts business activity as an unincorporated business, profession, or other activity in a renaissance zone and is not a qualified taxpayer under subparagraph (i) or (ii).
(d) "Renaissance zone" means that term as defined in Act No. 376 of the Public Acts of 1996.
History: Add. 1996, Act 442, Imd. Eff. Dec. 19, 1996

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 141 - Municipal Financing

Act 284 of 1964 - City Income Tax Act (141.501 - 141.787)

284-1964-2 - Chapter 2 Uniform City Income Tax Ordinance (141.601...141.699)

Section 141.601 - Uniform City Income Tax Ordinance; Short Title.

Section 141.602 - Uniform City Income Tax Ordinance; Rules of Construction, Definitions.

Section 141.603 - Definitions; a to D.

Section 141.604 - Definitions; C.

Section 141.605 - Definitions; D.

Section 141.606 - Definitions; E, F.

Section 141.607 - Definitions; F to N.

Section 141.608 - Definitions; N to P.

Section 141.609 - Definitions; R to T.

Section 141.611 - Excise Tax on Incomes; Rates.

Section 141.611a - Ordinance, Resolution, or Agreement to Dedicate and Transfer Funds; Purposes; Commencement; Amount; Definitions.

Section 141.611b - City as Qualified Local Unit of Government; Dedication and Transfer of Funds; Purposes; Use of Federal Data Facility Fund; Amount; Definitions.

Section 141.612 - Excise Tax on Incomes; Application to Resident Individuals.

Section 141.613 - Types of Nonresident Income to Which Tax Applicable; Extent and Basis of Tax.

Section 141.614 - Excise Tax on Incomes; Taxable Net Profits of a Corporation, Definition.

Section 141.615 - Excise Tax on Incomes; Unincorporated Business, Profession; Sole Proprietorship, Partnership.

Section 141.616 - Unincorporated Business, Profession, or Activity; Return.

Section 141.617 - Unincorporated Business, Profession, or Activity; Election to Pay Tax.

Section 141.618 - Partial Business Activity in City; Apportionment of Net Profit.

Section 141.619 - Partial Business Activity in City; Separate Accounting Method.

Section 141.620 - Partial Business Activity in City; Business Allocation Percentage Method.

Section 141.621 - Partial Business Activity in City; Percentage of Average Net Book Value; Gross Rental Value of Real Property.

Section 141.622 - Partial Business Activity in City; Percentage of Compensation Paid Employees.

Section 141.623 - Partial Business Activity in City; Percentage of Gross Revenue.

Section 141.624 - Partial Business Activity in City; Business Allocation Percentage.

Section 141.625 - Partial Business Activity in City; Substitute Methods.

Section 141.626 - Capital Gains and Losses; Determination.

Section 141.627 - Estates or Trusts, Deemed Nonresidents; Definitions.

Section 141.628 - Income From Estates and Trusts.

Section 141.631 - Exemptions.

Section 141.632 - Payments and Benefits Not Subject to Tax.

Section 141.633 - Deductible Expenses Generally.

Section 141.634 - Deductible Expenses; Alimony, Separate Maintenance Payments and Principal Sums Payable in Installments, Moving Expenses, and Payments to Retirement Plan or Account.

Section 141.635 - Qualified Taxpayer Within Renaissance Zone; Determination of Deductions Claimed.

Section 141.640 - Extension for Filing Annual Return.

Section 141.641 - Annual Return; Joint Return.

Section 141.642 - Returns; Contents.

Section 141.643 - Payment of Tax; Refund; Interest; Allocation of Payment; Notice; Nonobligated Spouse; Form; Filing; Release of Liability; Definitions.

Section 141.644 - Federal Income Tax Return; Eliminations.

Section 141.645 - Net Profits; Consolidated Returns.

Section 141.646 - Amended Return; Change of Method of Accounting.

Section 141.651 - Withholding of Tax by Employer; Voluntary Withholding by Certain Employers; Employer as Trustee; Failure or Refusal to Deduct and Withhold Tax; Liability; Discharge.

Section 141.652 - Tax Withheld; Payments or Persons Excepted.

Section 141.653 - Tax Withheld; Payment by Employee or Employer.

Section 141.654 - Tax Withheld; Exemptions Claimed; Percentage of Work Done at Predominant Place of Employment; Qualified Taxpayer Within Renaissance Zone.

Section 141.655 - Tax Withheld; Revised Form; Time for Filing; Qualified Taxpayer Within Renaissance Zone.

Section 141.656 - Refusal by Employee to Furnish Withholding Certificate; Withholding by Employer; Report.

Section 141.657 - Tax Withheld; Withholding Tables; First Compensation Taxable.

Section 141.658 - Tax Withheld; Overwithheld Tax, Refund.

Section 141.659 - Tax Withheld; Correction of Error, Refund.

Section 141.660 - Tax Withheld; Payment by Employer; Return; Electronic Funds Transfer.

Section 141.661 - Tax Withheld; Employer's Reconciliation of Quarterly Returns; Deficiency; Refund; Information Return; Cessation of Business.

Section 141.662 - Declaration of Estimated Tax; Filing; Form; Time; Exceptions.

Section 141.663 - Declaration of Estimated Tax Not Withheld; Computation; Payment; Installments.

Section 141.664 - Annual Return; Filing; Extension of Time; Failure to File; Penalty.

Section 141.664a - Sale of Business or Stock of Goods or Quitting Business; Liability for Tax; Escrow by Purchaser; Release to Purchaser of Known Tax Liability; Failure to Comply With Escrow Requirements; Liability of Corporation Officers.

Section 141.665 - Credit for City Income Tax Paid Another City.

Section 141.666 - Fractional Part of a Cent or Dollar.

Section 141.671 - Rules and Regulations; Adoption; Enforcement; Forms; Collection of Tax.

Section 141.672 - Special Ruling; Appeal to Income Tax Board of Review.

Section 141.673 - Examination of Books and Records; Witnesses; Additional Provisions Relating to Dispute Resolution; Protest to Notice of Intent to Assess Tax.

Section 141.674 - Information Confidential; Divulgence, Penalty, Discharge From Employment.

Section 141.680 - Waiver of Interest or Penalties During Extension.

Section 141.681 - Repealed. 1996, Act 478, Eff. Jan. 1, 1997.

Section 141.682 - Payment of Tax; Interest; “Adjusted Prime Rate” Defined; Penalty for Delay; Waiver of Penalty for Reasonable Cause.

Section 141.683 - Additional Tax Assessment; When Interest and Penalty Not Imposed.

Section 141.684 - Due and Unpaid Assessment; Determination; Procedure.

Section 141.685 - Final Assessment; Protest.

Section 141.686 - Failure to Pay Tax; Demand; Recovery; Prosecution.

Section 141.686a - Authority to Impose a Lien for Taxes.

Section 141.686b - Demand for Payment; Warrant; Levy on Property; Refusal or Failure to Surrender Property; Personal Liability; Effect of Levy on Salary or Wages; Service of Warrant-Notice Levy.

Section 141.686c - Recording Release of a Lien; Conditions for Filing; Release of Levy; Conditions for Service; Reimbursement of Fee; Certificate of Withdrawal; Release of Levy.

Section 141.687 - Jeopardy Assessment; Procedure.

Section 141.688 - Statute of Limitations; Waiver; Payment of Tax.

Section 141.689 - Statute of Limitations; Refund.

Section 141.691 - Income Tax Board of Review; Appointment of City Residents; Selection of Officers; Adoption, Filing, Inspection, and Copies of Rules of Procedure; Quorum; Conflict of Interests; Record of Transactions and Proceedings; Availability of...

Section 141.692 - Income Tax Board of Review; Notice of Appeal; Transcript; Hearing; Confidential Tax Data; Payment of Deficiency or Refund.

Section 141.693 - Appeal to State Tax Commissioner or Tax Tribunal; Procedure.

Section 141.694 - Appeal to Court of Appeals or Supreme Court; Procedure.

Section 141.695 - Payment to Taxpayer From City General Fund or City Income Tax Trust Fund.

Section 141.699 - Violations; Misdemeanor; Penalties.