Michigan Compiled Laws
Act 146 of 2000 - Obsolete Property Rehabilitation Act (125.2781 - 125.2797)
Section 125.2790 - Obsolete Properties Tax; Amount; Collection, Disbursement, and Assessment; Payment; Copy of Disbursement Amount; Form; Property Located in Renaissance Zone; Exemption of Rehabilitated Facility of Qualified Start-Up Business From Ta...

Sec. 10.
(1) There is levied upon every owner of a rehabilitated facility to which an obsolete property rehabilitation exemption certificate is issued a specific tax to be known as the obsolete properties tax.
(2) The amount of the obsolete properties tax, in each year, shall be determined by adding the results of both of the following calculations:
(a) Multiplying the total mills levied as ad valorem taxes for that year by all taxing units within which the rehabilitated facility is located by the taxable value of the real and personal property of the obsolete property on the December 31 immediately preceding the effective date of the obsolete property rehabilitation exemption certificate after deducting the taxable valuation of the land and of personal property other than personal property assessed pursuant to sections 8(d) and 14(6) of the general property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL 211.8 and 211.14, for the tax year immediately preceding the effective date of the obsolete property rehabilitation exemption certificate.
(b) Multiplying the mills levied for school operating purposes for that year under the revised school code, 1976 PA 451, MCL 380.1 to 380.1852, and the state education tax act, 1993 PA 331, MCL 211.901 to 211.906, by the taxable value of the real and personal property of the rehabilitated facility, after deducting all of the following:
(i) The taxable value of the land and of the personal property other than personal property assessed pursuant to sections 8(d) and 14(6) of the general property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL 211.8 and 211.14.
(ii) The taxable value used to calculate the tax under subdivision (a).
(3) The obsolete properties tax shall be collected, disbursed, and assessed in accordance with this act.
(4) The obsolete properties tax is an annual tax, payable at the same times, in the same installments, and to the same officer or officers as taxes imposed under the general property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL 211.1 to 211.155, are payable. Except as otherwise provided in this section, the officer or officers shall disburse the obsolete properties tax payments received by the officer or officers each year to and among this state, cities, school districts, counties, and authorities, at the same times and in the same proportions as required by law for the disbursement of taxes collected under the general property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL 211.1 to 211.155.
(5) For intermediate school districts receiving state aid under sections 56, 62, and 81 of the state school aid act of 1979, 1979 PA 94, MCL 388.1656, 388.1662, and 388.1681, of the amount of obsolete property tax that would otherwise be disbursed to an intermediate school district, all or a portion, to be determined on the basis of the tax rates being utilized to compute the amount of state aid, shall be paid to the state treasury to the credit of the state school aid fund established by section 11 of article IX of the state constitution of 1963.
(6) The amount of obsolete property tax described in subsection (2)(a) that would otherwise be disbursed to a local school district for school operating purposes, and all of the amount described in subsection (2)(b), shall be paid instead to the state treasury and credited to the state school aid fund established by section 11 of article IX of the state constitution of 1963.
(7) The officer or officers shall send a copy of the amount of disbursement made to each unit under this section to the commission on a form provided by the commission.
(8) A rehabilitated facility located in a renaissance zone under the Michigan renaissance zone act, 1996 PA 376, MCL 125.2681 to 125.2696, is exempt from the obsolete properties tax levied under this act to the extent and for the duration provided pursuant to the Michigan renaissance zone act, 1996 PA 376, MCL 125.2681 to 125.2696, except for that portion of the obsolete properties tax attributable to a special assessment or a tax described in section 7ff(2) of the general property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL 211.7ff. The obsolete properties tax calculated under this subsection shall be disbursed proportionately to the taxing unit or units that levied the special assessment or the tax described in section 7ff(2) of the general property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL 211.7ff.
(9) Upon application for an exemption under this subsection by a qualified start-up business, the governing body of a local tax collecting unit may adopt a resolution to exempt a rehabilitated facility of a qualified start-up business from the collection of the obsolete properties tax levied under this act in the same manner and under the same terms and conditions as provided for the exemption in section 7hh of the general property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL 211.7hh. The clerk of the local tax collecting unit shall notify in writing the assessor of the local tax collecting unit and the legislative body of each taxing unit that levies ad valorem property taxes in the local tax collecting unit. Before acting on the resolution, the governing body of the local tax collecting unit shall afford the assessor and a representative of the affected taxing units an opportunity for a hearing. If a resolution authorizing the exemption is adopted in the same manner as provided in section 7hh of the general property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL 211.7hh, the rehabilitated facility owned or operated by a qualified start-up business is exempt from the obsolete properties tax levied under this act, except for that portion of the obsolete properties tax attributable to a special assessment or a tax described in section 7ff(2) of the general property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL 211.7ff, for the year in which the resolution is adopted. A qualified start-up business is not eligible for an exemption under this subsection for more than 5 years. A qualified start-up business may receive the exemption under this subsection in nonconsecutive years. The obsolete properties tax calculated under this subsection shall be disbursed proportionately to the taxing unit or units that levied the special assessment or the tax described in section 7ff(2) of the general property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL 211.7ff. As used in this subsection, "qualified start-up business" means that term as defined in section 31a of the single business tax act, 1975 PA 228, MCL 208.31a, or in section 415 of the Michigan business tax act, 2007 PA 36, MCL 208.1415.
History: 2000, Act 146, Imd. Eff. June 6, 2000 ;-- Am. 2004, Act 251, Imd. Eff. July 23, 2004 ;-- Am. 2007, Act 193, Imd. Eff. Dec. 21, 2007

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 125 - Planning, Housing, and Zoning

Act 146 of 2000 - Obsolete Property Rehabilitation Act (125.2781 - 125.2797)

Section 125.2781 - Short Title.

Section 125.2782 - Definitions.

Section 125.2783 - Obsolete Property Rehabilitation Districts; Creation; Conditions; Filing Written Request; Notice and Hearing; Finding and Determination.

Section 125.2784 - Obsolete Property Rehabilitation Exemption Certificate; Application; Filing; Contents; Hearing; Determination of Taxable Value.

Section 125.2785 - Approval or Disapproval of Resolution; Forward Copies.

Section 125.2786 - Approval or Disapproval of Resolution by Commission; Certificate; Issuance; Form; Contents; Effective Date; Filing; Maintenance of Record of Certificates; Copy; Discovery of Error or Mistake in Application; Amended Application; Fai...

Section 125.2787 - Issuance of Certificate; Tax Exemption; Time Period; Limitation; Commencement; Extension; Review.

Section 125.2788 - Taxable Value of Property Proposed to Be Exempt; Application; Limitation; Separate Finding by Legislative Body of Qualified Local Governmental Unit; Statement; Requirements for Approval of Application; Effective Date of Certificate...

Section 125.2789 - Value and Taxable Value of Property; Annual Determination.

Section 125.2790 - Obsolete Properties Tax; Amount; Collection, Disbursement, and Assessment; Payment; Copy of Disbursement Amount; Form; Property Located in Renaissance Zone; Exemption of Rehabilitated Facility of Qualified Start-Up Business From Ta...

Section 125.2791 - Lien; Proceedings.

Section 125.2792 - Revocation of Certificate; Findings; Request for Revocation or Reinstatement of Certificate.

Section 125.2793 - Transfer and Assignment of Certificate.

Section 125.2794 - Report to Commission.

Section 125.2795 - Report to Legislative Committees.

Section 125.2796 - Exemption After December 31, 2026.

Section 125.2797 - Exclusions; Limitation.