Michigan Compiled Laws
Act 35 of 1994 - The Forensic Laboratory Funding Act (12.201 - 12.212)
Section 12.207 - Distributions From State Laboratory Fund; Expenses Incurred by Municipality; Application for Reimbursement; Reports; Number of Investigations; Distribution and Proceeds to Municipality; Determination of Amount; Appropriation and Use...

Sec. 7.
(1) Beginning October 1, 2003, the department of treasury, each month, shall distribute proceeds of the state laboratory fund that are received from the justice system fund under section 181 of the revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA 236, MCL 600.181, as follows:
(a) For the state fiscal year beginning October 1, 2003, 19% to the department of state police to defray the cost of complying with the requirements of DNA profiling and DNA retention under the DNA identification profiling system act, 1990 PA 250, MCL 28.171 to 28.176, with the balance of the fund being available for distribution under subsections (2) to (5).
(b) For the state fiscal year beginning October 1, 2004 and subsequent state fiscal years, 45% to the department of state police to defray the cost of complying with the requirements of DNA profiling and DNA retention under the DNA identification profiling system act, 1990 PA 250, MCL 28.171 to 28.176, with the balance of the fund being available for distribution under subsections (2) to (5).
(2) A municipality that maintains a forensic laboratory and that incurred expenses for a forensic test by that laboratory may apply for reimbursement of those expenses on a form provided by the department of treasury.
(3) A municipality applying under subsection (2) shall report to the department of treasury the number of criminal investigations in the preceding year for which the municipality's forensic laboratory performed 1 or more forensic tests. The department of state police shall report to the department of treasury in the manner prescribed by that department the number of criminal investigations in the preceding year for which the department of state police performed 1 or more forensic tests, whether the investigation was conducted by the department of state police or by the law enforcement agency of a municipality. The department of state police shall also report the number of DNA identification profilings performed pursuant to the DNA identification profiling system act, 1990 PA 250, MCL 28.171 to 28.176.
(4) The number of investigations reported pursuant to subsection (3) shall exclude any investigation reported in a previous year.
(5) After the distributions under subsection (1) are made, the department of treasury shall distribute proceeds of the state forensic laboratory fund annually to a municipality applying under this section in an amount determined by multiplying the remaining amount in the fund for that period by a fraction, the numerator of which is the total of investigations reported pursuant to subsection (3) by that municipality for that period and the denominator of which is the total of investigations and DNA identification profilings reported pursuant to subsection (3) for that period. The balance of the fund for that period after distributions under subsection (1) and this subsection shall be credited to the department of state police.
(6) The legislature shall appropriate money in the state forensic laboratory fund credited to the department of state police to that department exclusively for forensic science services. The use of money appropriated pursuant to this section may include, but is not limited to, any of the following:
(a) Costs incurred in providing forensic tests in connection with criminal investigations conducted within this state.
(b) Purchasing or maintaining equipment used in performing forensic tests.
(c) Providing for the continuing education, training, and professional development of regularly employed laboratory personnel.
(d) Payment of expenses for implementing and performing procedures for DNA identification profiling under the DNA identification profiling system act, 1990 PA 250, MCL 28.171 to 28.176.
(7) Money appropriated from the state forensic laboratory fund to the division of the department of state police concerned with forensic sciences shall be in addition to any allocations made pursuant to existing law and is intended to enhance appropriations from the general fund and not to replace or supplant those appropriations.
History: 1994, Act 35, Eff. June 6, 1994 ;-- Am. 2003, Act 99, Eff. Oct. 1, 2003