Sec. 3.
Each city, village or township desiring to become a part of the authority shall indicate, by resolution of its legislative body, its desire to become a part thereof, and shall submit the proposition of becoming a part of the authority to a vote of its qualified electors at a general or special election to be called for such purpose. The procedures relative to conducting the election shall be as provided in the general election law. The proposition to be submitted in each city, village or township shall be substantially as follows:
“Shall the (city, village or township, as the case may be) of .............. , become a part of an authority incorporated as a municipal corporation under the provisions of Act No. ...... of the Public Acts of 1957, entitled 'An act to provide for the incorporation of municipal authorities to acquire, own and operate water supply and transmission systems; to provide a municipal charter therefor; and to prescribe the powers and functions thereof,' said municipal authority to have the power pursuant to its charter to issue general obligation bonds and to levy taxes for the payment thereof, the total principal amount of which bonds at no time shall exceed 5% of the total state equalized valuation of the governmental units comprising the authority?
Yes ( )
No ( ).”
History: 1957, Act 4, Imd. Eff. Mar. 20, 1957
Structure Michigan Compiled Laws
Chapter 121 - Charter Water Authority
Act 4 of 1957 - Charter Water Authority Act (121.1 - 121.29)
Section 121.1 - Charter Water Authority; Definition; Intent of Act, Limitation on Authority.
Section 121.2 - Incorporating Municipalities; Act as Charter.
Section 121.3 - Referendum on Joinder; Form of Ballot.
Section 121.4 - Referendum; Simultaneous Submission.
Section 121.5 - Referendum; Certificates, Incorporation, Name.
Section 121.6 - Board of Commissioners; Voting Strength, Term.
Section 121.7 - Board of Commissioners; First Meeting, Officers, Employees, Bylaws, Office.
Section 121.8 - Board of Commissioners; Record of Proceedings; Accounts, Audit, Bond.
Section 121.9 - Rates and Charges; Revision; Revenues, Priority.
Section 121.10 - Rates and Charges; Duration of Contract With Governmental Unit.
Section 121.11 - Budget; Submission, Hearing, Adoption.
Section 121.13 - Bonds; Maximum; Authorizing Resolution, Contents.
Section 121.14 - Repealed. 2002, Act 446, Imd. Eff. June 17, 2002.
Section 121.14a - Violation of MCL 168.1 to 168.992 Applicable to Petitions; Penalties.
Section 121.15 - Bonds; Issuance Subject to Revised Municipal Finance Act.
Section 121.16 - Taxes; Rates; Assessment; Levy; Collection; Subjects.
Section 121.17 - Repealed. 2002, Act 446, Imd. Eff. June 17, 2002.
Section 121.18 - Taxes; Administration Expenses.
Section 121.19 - Taxes; Payment by Constituent Municipality.
Section 121.20 - Contract Payments; Powers of Municipal Legislative Body.
Section 121.21 - Charter Water Authority; Body Corporate; Charter, Powers.
Section 121.22 - Authority; Acquisition of Water Supply and Transmission System, Condemnation.
Section 121.23 - Authority; Change in Municipal Jurisdiction.
Section 121.24 - Authority; Advancements for Administrative Expense.
Section 121.25 - Authority; Contracts for Water to Nonconstituent Municipalities, Duration.
Section 121.26 - Joinder of Municipality After Incorporation of Authority; Procedure.
Section 121.27 - Additional Powers.