Compiler's Notes: These sections approved and made appropriations for a postwar emergency hospital building program.
Structure Michigan Compiled Laws
Chapter 830 - State Building Programs
Repealed - Act 2 of 1946 (1st Ex. Sess.) - State Hospitals (830.31 - 830.33)
Repealed - Act 10 of 1946 (1st Ex. Sess.) - State Institutions (830.51 - 830.54)
Repealed - Act 11 of 1946 (1st Ex. Sess.) - Educational Institutions (830.71 - 830.74)
Repealed - Act 313 of 1947 - State Building and Construction (830.101 - 830.105)
Repealed - Act 46 of 1948 (1st Ex. Sess.) - State Building and Construction (830.111 - 830.116)
Repealed - Act 155 of 1949 - Postwar Victory Building Board Abolished (830.121 - 830.121)
Repealed - Act 314 of 1947 - University of Michigan; Michigan State College (830.151 - 830.151)
Repealed - Act 35 of 1950 (Ex. Sess.) - University of Michigan (830.171 - 830.173)
Repealed - Act 34 of 1950 (Ex. Sess.) - Percy Jones Hospital at Battle Creek (830.201 - 830.202)
Repealed - Act 45 of 1951 - Mental Health Institutions (830.301 - 830.304)
Act 4 of 1951 (1st Ex. Sess.) - State Office Building (830.401 - 830.404)
Act 183 of 1964 - State Building Authority (830.411 - 830.425)