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Section 286.101 - White Pine Blister Rust; Definitions. - Sec. 1. For the purposes of this act the following...
Section 286.102 - White Pine Blister Rust; Declared Dangerous Pest; Enforcement of Act; Other State Departments. - Sec. 2. (1) The fungus disease commonly known as the...
Section 286.103 - White Pine Blister Rust; Destruction of Plants. - Sec. 3. Any white pines, currants or gooseberries within the...
Section 286.104 - Cultivated Black Currant Declared Public Nuisance; Destruction. - Sec. 4. The cultivated black currant is hereby declared a...
Section 286.105 - White Pine Blister Rust; Blister Rust Control Areas; Fruiting Currant and Gooseberry Control Areas; Destruction of Plants, Expense. - Sec. 5. The commissioner is hereby authorized and empowered to...
Section 286.106 - White Pine Blister Rust; Destruction of Plants; Compensation to Owner; Noxious Weeds. - Sec. 6. If cultivated currants, gooseberries or white pines which...
Section 286.107 - Right of Entry by Commissioner of Agriculture. - Sec. 7. The commissioner and his agents shall have the...
Section 286.108 - White Pine Blister Rust; Co-Operation; Rust Control on State Lands. - Sec. 8. The commissioner may co-operate with the United States...
Section 286.109 - Entry or Movement of Certain Plants. - Sec. 9. The commissioner is hereby authorized and empowered to...
Section 286.112 - Violation of Act; Penalty. - Sec. 12. Any person violating any of the provisions of...