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451-1994-II-3-115-1 - Subpart 1 General and Definitions (324.11501...324.11508.amended)
Section 324.11501 - Meanings of Words and Phrases. - Sec. 11501. For purposes of this part, the words and...
Section 324.11502 - Definitions; a to C. - ***** 324.11502 THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 324.11502.amended - Definitions; a to C. - ***** 324.11502.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11503 - Definitions; D to G. - ***** 324.11503 THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 324.11503.amended - Definitions; D to G. - ***** 324.11503.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11504 - Definitions; H to P. - ***** 324.11504 THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 324.11504.amended - Definitions; H to P. - ***** 324.11504.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11505 - Definitions; R, S. - ***** 324.11505 THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 324.11505.amended - Definitions; R, S. - ***** 324.11505.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11506 - Definitions; S to Y. - ***** 324.11506 THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 324.11506.amended - Definitions; S to Y. - ***** 324.11506.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11507 - Development of Methods for Disposal of Solid Waste; Construction and Administration of Part; Exemption of Inert Material From Regulation. - ***** 324.11507 THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 324.11507.amended - Recycling and Reuse of Materials; Optimizing Recycling Opportunities; Policies, Practices, and Benchmark Recycling Standards; Development of Methods for Disposal of Solid Waste; Construction and Administration of Part 115;... - ***** 324.11507.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11507a - Report on Amount of Solid Waste Received by Landfill and Amount of Remaining Disposal Capacity. - ***** 324.11507a THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 324.11507a.amended - Solid Waste Management Program; Certification; Grounds for Rescission of Certification. - ***** 324.11507a.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11508 - Solid Waste Management Program; Certification. - ***** 324.11508 THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 324.11508.amended - Operation of Materials Management Facility; Requirements; Registration Application. - ***** 324.11508.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
451-1994-II-3-115-2 - Subpart 2 Disposal Areas (324.11509...324.11521)
Section 324.11509 - Construction Permit for Establishment of Disposal Area; Application; Engineering Plan; Construction Permit Application Fee for Landfill; Construction Permit for Solid Waste Transfer Facility, Solid Waste Processing Plant, or Other... - ***** 324.11509 THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 324.11509.amended - Construction Permit for Establishment of Disposal Area; Application; Engineering Plan; Construction Permit Application Fees; Resubmission of Application With Additional Information and Fee; Modification or Renewal of Permi... - ***** 324.11509.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11510 - Advisory Analysis of Proposed Disposal Area; Duties of Department Upon Receipt of Construction Permit Application. - ***** 324.11510 THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 324.11510.amended - Advisory Analysis of Proposed Disposal Area; Duties of Department Upon Receipt of Construction Permit Application. - ***** 324.11510.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11511 - Construction Permit; Approval or Denial of Issuance; Expiration; Renewal; Fee; Additional Relevant Information; Conditions to Issuance of Construction Permit for Disposal Area. - ***** 324.11511 THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 324.11511.amended - Construction Permit; Approval or Denial of Issuance; Expiration; Renewal; Fee. - ***** 324.11511.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11511a - Coal Ash Landfill, Coal Ash Impoundment, or Lateral Expansion of Landfill or Impoundment; Standard and Location Requirements; Construction Permit; Detection Monitoring Program. - ***** 324.11511a THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 324.11511a.amended - Coal Ash Landfill, Coal Ash Impoundment, or Lateral Expansion of Landfill or Impoundment; Standard and Location Requirements; Construction Permit; Detection Monitoring Program. - ***** 324.11511a.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11511b - Rddp. - ***** 324.11511b THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 324.11511b.amended - Rddp; Research, Development, and Demonstration Project. - ***** 324.11511b.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11512 - Disposal of Solid Waste at Licensed Disposal Area; License Required to Conduct, Manage, Maintain, or Operate Disposal Area; Application; Contents; Fee; Certification; Resubmitting Application; Additional Information or Corrections... - ***** 324.11512 THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 324.11512.amended - Disposal of Solid Waste at Licensed Disposal Area; License Required to Conduct, Manage, Maintain, or Operate Disposal Area; Application; Contents; Fee; Certification; Resubmitting Application; Additional Information or Cor... - ***** 324.11512.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11512a - Issuance of License for Coal Ash Landfill or a Coal Ash Impoundment; Requirements. - Sec. 11512a. (1) The department shall not issue a license...
Section 324.11512b.added - Active Gas Collection and Control System; Prevention of the Migration of Explosive Gases; System Requirements; Compliance With Gas Migration Monitoring Plan; Alternative Gas Venting. - ***** 324.11512b.added THIS ADDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11512d.added - Installation of Monitoring Port; Sampling of Gas Extractions for Effectiveness; Surface Monitoring Design Plan; Submission and Retention of Records. - ***** 324.11512d.added THIS ADDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11512f.added - Type II Landfill; Revised Engineering Plans; Compliance Requirements; Report. - ***** 324.11512f.added THIS ADDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11512h.added - Schedule for Operating and Monitoring an Active Gas Collection and Control System; Surface Emission Scans. - ***** 324.11512h.added THIS ADDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11513 - Acceptance of Solid Waste or Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Ash for Disposal; Applicability of Subsection (1) to Coal Ash; Enforcement. - ***** 324.11513 THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 324.11513.amended - Operation of Solid Waste Processing and Transfer Facility; Notification and Reporting Requirements; Registration Application; Applicability to Existing Operations. - ***** 324.11513.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11514 - Promotion of Recycling and Reuse of Materials; Electronics Recycling; Materials Prohibited From Disposal in Landfill; Disposal of Yard Clippings; Report. - ***** 324.11514 THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 324.11514.amended - Materials Prohibited From Disposal in Landfill; Disposal of Yard Clippings; Notice of Prohibitions; Report. - ***** 324.11514.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11514b - Disposal of Certain Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (Tenorm) in Type II Landfill Prohibited; Annual Report; Disposal Requirements; Tenorm Defined. - ***** 324.11514b THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 324.11514b.amended - Disposal of Certain Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (Tenorm) in Type II Landfill Prohibited; Annual Report; Disposal Requirements; Tenorm Defined. - ***** 324.11514b.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11515 - Inspection of Site; Compliance; Hydrogeologic Monitoring Program as Condition to Licensing Landfill Facility; Determining Course of Action; Revocation or Denial of License; Issuance of Timetable or Schedule. - ***** 324.11515 THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 324.11515.amended - Inspection of Site; Compliance With Part 115 as Condition of Eligibility for Permit, License, or Registration; Written Inspection Report; Authorized Representative Defined. - ***** 324.11515.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11516 - Final Decision on License Application; Time; Effect of Failure to Make Final Decision; Expiration and Renewal of Operating License; Fee; Entry on Private or Public Property; Inspection or Investigation; Conditions to Issuance of O... - ***** 324.11516 THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 324.11516.amended - Final Decision on License Application; Expiration and Renewal of Operating License; Issuance of License as Authority to Accept Waste for Disposal; Final Exterior Landfill Slope Requirements. - ***** 324.11516.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11517 - Plan for Program Reducing Incineration of Noncombustible Materials and Dangerous Combustible Materials and Other Hazardous By-Products; Approval or Disapproval; Considerations; Modifications; Revised Plan; Implementation; Operatio... - ***** 324.11517 THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 324.11517.amended - Approval of Closure Certification and Postclosure Plan; Modification of Postclosure Care Period; Release From Postclosure Care; Duties of Owner or Operator. - ***** 324.11517.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11518 - Sanitary Landfill; Coal Ash Impoundment; Instrument Imposing Restrictive Covenant on Land; Filing; Contents of Covenant; Authorization; Special Exemption; Construction of Part. - ***** 324.11518 THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 324.11518.amended - Landfill and Coal Ash Impoundment; Instrument Imposing Restrictive Covenant on Land; Filing; Contents of Covenant; Authorization; Exemption; Construction of Part 115. - ***** 324.11518.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11519 - Specifying Reasons for Denial of Construction Permit or Operating License; Cease and Desist Order; Grounds for Order Revoking, Suspending, or Restricting Permit or License; Contested Case Hearing; Judicial Review; Inspection; Repo... - ***** 324.11519 THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 324.11519.amended - Specifying Reasons for Denial of Permit, Operating License, or Registration; Cease and Desist Order; Grounds for Order Revoking, Suspending, or Restricting Permit, License, or Registration; Contested Case Hearing; Violatio... - ***** 324.11519.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11519a - Duties of Owner or Operator of a Coal Ash Impoundment or a Coal Ash Landfill; Compliance With Federal Regulations; Assessment. - Sec. 11519a. (1) The owner or operator of an existing...
Section 324.11519b - Placement of Coal Ash and Associated Liquids; Assessment Monitoring Program; Response Action Plan; Closure of Facility. - ***** 324.11519b THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 324.11519b.amended - Placement of Coal Ash and Associated Liquids; Assessment Monitoring Program; Response Action Plan; Closure of Facility. - ***** 324.11519b.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11519c - Groundwater Contamination in Unlined Coal Ash Impound; Owner or Operator Duties; "Unlined Coal Ash Impoundment" Defined. - Sec. 11519c. (1) If assessment monitoring of an unlined coal...
Section 324.11520 - Disposition of Fees; Special Fund; Disposition of Solid Waste on Private Property. - ***** 324.11520 THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 324.11520.amended - Disposition of Fees; Special Fund; Disposition of Solid Waste on Private Property. - ***** 324.11520.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11521 - Yard Clippings; Management; Means; Temporary Accumulation; Requirements; Composting on Farm; Qualification as Registered Composting Facility; Site at Which Yard Clippings Are Managed. - ***** 324.11521 THIS SECTION IS REPEALED BY ACT 245 OF...
451-1994-II-3-115-3 - Subpart 3 Waste Diversion Centers (324.11521b...324.11522)
Section 324.11521b - Operator of Waste Diversion Center; Duties; Requirements; Disposal; Rejection of Diverted Waste. - ***** 324.11521b THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 324.11521b.amended - Operator of Waste Diversion Center; Duties; Requirements; Rejection of Diverted Waste. - ***** 324.11521b.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11522 - Open Burning of Grass Clippings or Leaves; Open Burning of Household Waste; Materials; Violation; Extension of Prohibition to Materials Not Listed in Subsection (3); Open Burning of Wooden Fruit or Vegetable Storage Bins Construct... - ***** 324.11522 THIS SECTION IS REPEALED BY ACT 245 OF...
451-1994-II-3-115-4 - Subpart 4 Financial Assurance (324.11523...324.11525f.added)
Section 324.11523 - Financial Assurance; Cash Bond; Interest; Reduction in Bond; Termination; Noncompliance With Closure and Postclosure Monitoring and Maintenance Requirements; Expiration or Cancellation Notice; Effect of Bankruptcy Action; Perpetua... - ***** 324.11523 THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 324.11523.amended - Financial Assurance; Bond Requirements; Interest; Termination; Noncompliance With Closure and Postclosure Monitoring and Maintenance Requirements; Expiration or Cancellation Notice; Effect of Bankruptcy Action; Alternate F... - ***** 324.11523.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11523a - Operation of Type II Landfill. - ***** 324.11523a THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 324.11523a.amended - Operation of Landfill Subject to MCL 324.11523(1)(b). - ***** 324.11523a.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11523b - Trust Fund or Escrow Account. - ***** 324.11523b THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 324.11523b.amended - Trust Fund or Escrow Account. - ***** 324.11523b.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11524 - Repealed. 2013, Act 250, Imd. Eff. Dec. 26, 2013. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to request for reduction...
Section 324.11525 - Perpetual Care Fund. - ***** 324.11525 THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 324.11525.amended - Perpetual Care Fund; Applicability. - ***** 324.11525.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11525a - Owner or Operator of Landfill or Coal Ash Impoundment; Surcharge; Payment of Surcharge; Deposit. - ***** 324.11525a THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 324.11525a.amended - Owner or Operator of Landfill or Coal Ash Impoundment; Surcharge; Payment of Surcharge; Deposit. - ***** 324.11525a.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11525b - Continuous Financial Assurance Coverage Required; Request for Termination of Financial Assurance Requirements. - ***** 324.11525b THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 324.11525b.amended - Continuous Financial Assurance Coverage Required; Request for Termination of Financial Assurance Requirements. - ***** 324.11525b.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11525d.added - Landfill Care Fund; Applicability; Liability Under Part 115; Cause of Action. - ***** 324.11525d.added THIS ADDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11525f.added - Establishment and Approval of Other Bonds. - ***** 324.11525f.added THIS ADDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
451-1994-II-3-115-5 - Subpart 5 Miscellaneous (324.11526...324.11538)
Section 324.11526 - Inspection of Solid Waste Transporting Unit; Determination; Administration; Inspections. - ***** 324.11526 THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 324.11526.amended - Inspection of Managed Materials Transporting Unit; Determination; Administration; Inspections. - ***** 324.11526.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11526a - Solid Waste Generated Out of State; Acceptance by Owner or Operator of Landfill Prohibited; Exceptions; Disposal Capacity. - ***** 324.11526a THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 324.11526a.amended - Solid Waste Generated Out of State; Acceptance by Owner or Operator of Landfill Prohibited; Exceptions; Disposal Capacity. - ***** 324.11526a.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11526b - Compliance With MCL 324.11526b Required; Notice Requirements; Compilation of List; Documentation. - Sec. 11526b. (1) Not later than October 1, 2004, the...
Section 324.11526c - Order Restricting or Prohibiting Solid Waste Transportation or Disposal in This State. - Sec. 11526c. (1) The director may issue an order restricting...
Section 324.11526e - Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste Generated Outside of United States; Applicability of Subsections (1) and (2). - Sec. 11526e. (1) Subject to subsection (3), a person shall...
Section 324.11527 - Delivery of Waste to Licensed Disposal Area or Solid Waste Transfer Facility; Vehicle or Container; Violation; Penalty. - ***** 324.11527 THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 324.11527.amended - Delivery of Waste to Licensed Disposal Area or Solid Waste Processing and Transfer Facility; Hauler Recycling Services. - ***** 324.11527.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11527a - Website Listing Materials Prohibited From Disposal; Notice to Customers. - Sec. 11527a. (1) The department shall post on its website...
Section 324.11528 - Solid Waste Transporting Unit; Watertight; Construction, Maintenance, and Operation; Violation; Penalties; Ordering Unit Out of Service. - ***** 324.11528 THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 324.11528.amended - Managed Materials Transporting Unit; Watertight; Construction, Maintenance, and Operation; Ordering Unit Out of Service. - ***** 324.11528.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11529 - Exemptions. - ***** 324.11529 THIS SECTION IS REPEALED BY ACT 247 OF...
Section 324.11530 - Collection Center for Junk Motor Vehicles and Farm Implements; Competitive Bidding; Bonds; “Collect” Defined. - Sec. 11530. (1) A municipality or county may establish and...
Section 324.11531 - Solid Waste Removal; Frequency; Disposal; Ordinance. - ***** 324.11531 THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 324.11531.amended - Solid Waste Removal; Frequency; Disposal; Ordinance. - ***** 324.11531.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11532 - Impact Fees; Agreement; Collection, Payment, and Disposition; Reduction; Use of Revenue; Trust Fund; Board of Trustees; Membership and Terms; Expenditures From Trust Fund. - ***** 324.11532 THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 324.11532.amended - Impact Fees; Agreement; Collection, Payment, and Disposition; Reduction; Use of Revenue; Trust Fund; Board of Trustees; Membership and Terms; Expenditures From Trust Fund. - ***** 324.11532.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11533 - Initial Solid Waste Management Plan; Contents; Submission; Review and Update; Amendment; Scope of Plan; Minimum Compliance; Consultation With Regional Planning Agency; Filing, Form, and Contents of Notice of Intent; Effect of Fail... - ***** 324.11533 THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 324.11533.amended - Promulgation of Rules for Implementation of Part 115. - ***** 324.11533.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11534 - Planning Committee; Purpose; Appointment, Qualifications, and Terms of Members; Approval of Appointment; Reappointment; Vacancy; Removal; Chairperson; Procedures. - ***** 324.11534 THIS SECTION IS REPEALED BY ACT 247 OF...
Section 324.11535 - County or Regional Solid Waste Management Planning Agency; Duties. - ***** 324.11535 THIS SECTION IS REPEALED BY ACT 247 OF...
Section 324.11536 - Request by Municipality to Be Included in Plan of Adjacent County; Approval by Resolution; Appeal; Final Decision; Formal Action on Plan; Return of Plan With Statement of Objections; Review and Recommendations; Approval by Governi... - ***** 324.11536 THIS SECTION IS REPEALED BY ACT 247 OF...
Section 324.11537 - Approval or Disapproval of Plan by Department; Time; Minimum Requirements; Periodic Review; Revisions or Corrections; Withdrawal of Approval; Timetable or Schedule for Compliance. - ***** 324.11537 THIS SECTION IS REPEALED BY ACT 247 OF...
Section 324.11537a - Use of Siting Mechanisms to Site Capacity. - ***** 324.11537a THIS SECTION IS REPEALED BY ACT 247 OF...
Section 324.11538 - Rules for Development, Form, and Submission of Initial Solid Waste Management Plans; Requirements; Identification of Specific Sites; Calculation of Disposal Need Requirements; Interim Siting Mechanism; Annual Certification Process... - ***** 324.11538 THIS SECTION IS REPEALED BY ACT 247 OF...
451-1994-II-3-115-6 - Subpart 6 Incinerators and Open Burning (324.11539...324.11545)
Section 324.11539 - Plan Update; Approval; Conditions; Rules. - ***** 324.11539 THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 324.11539.amended - Open Burning of Yard Waste or Leaves; Prohibition; Effect of Local Ordinance and Part 55; Open Burning of Household Waste, Materials; Application of Subpart 7; Violations and Penalties; Open Burning of Certain Storage Bins... - ***** 324.11539.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11539a - Plan Update; Submission to Legislature; Standard Format. - ***** 324.11539a THIS SECTION IS REPEALED BY ACT 247 OF...
Section 324.11540 - Rules; Sanitary Design and Operational Standards. - ***** 324.11540 THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 324.11540.amended - Incinerator Operator or Owner; Compliance With Permit and License Requirements of Subpart 2. - ***** 324.11540.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11540a - Repealed. 2010, Act 345, Eff. Mar. 1, 2011. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to promulgation of rules...
Section 324.11541 - State Solid Waste Management Plan; Contents; Duties of Department. - ***** 324.11541 THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 324.11541.amended - Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator; Materials Management Plan; Implementation Schedule. - ***** 324.11541.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11542 - Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Ash; Disposal. - Sec. 11542. (1) Except as provided in subsection (5) and...
Section 324.11543 - Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Ash; Transportation. - Sec. 11543. (1) If municipal solid waste incinerator ash is...
Section 324.11544 - List of Laboratories Capable of Performing Test Provided for in MCL 324.11542; Compilation; Publication; Definitive Testing; Fraudulent or Careless Testing. - Sec. 11544. (1) The department shall compile a list of...
Section 324.11545 - Incineration of Used Oil Prohibited; “Oil” Defined. - Sec. 11545. Beginning June 21, 1993, a municipal solid waste...
451-1994-II-3-115-7 - Subpart 7 Enforcement (324.11546...324.11549.amended)
Section 324.11546 - Action for Appropriate Relief; Penalties for Violation or Noncompliance; Restoration; Return; Civil Action. - ***** 324.11546 THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 324.11546.amended - Action for Appropriate Relief; Penalties for Violation or Noncompliance; Restoration; Return; Civil Action. - ***** 324.11546.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11547 - Grant Program; Establishment; Purpose; Interlocal Agreements; Separate Planning Grant; Appropriation; Use of Grant Funds by Department; Rules; Financial Assistance to Certified Health Department. - ***** 324.11547 THIS SECTION IS REPEALED BY ACT 247 OF...
Section 324.11548 - Private Sector; Legislative Intent; Salvaging Not Prohibited. - ***** 324.11548 THIS SECTION IS REPEALED BY ACT 247 OF...
Section 324.11549 - Violation as Misdemeanor; Violation as Felony; Penalty; Separate Offenses. - ***** 324.11549 THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 324.11549.amended - Violation as Misdemeanor; Violation as Felony; Penalty; Separate Offenses. - ***** 324.11549.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
451-1994-II-3-115-8 - Subpart 8 Funds and Grants (324.11550...324.11550.amended)
Section 324.11550 - Solid Waste Management Fund; Creation; Deposit of Money Into Fund; Establishment of Solid Waste Staff Account and Perpetual Care Account; Expenditures; Report; Coal Ash Care Fund; Creation; Deposit of Money; Expenditures. - ***** 324.11550 THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 324.11550.amended - Solid Waste Management Fund; Creation; Deposit of Money Into Fund; Establishment of Solid Waste Staff Account and Perpetual Care Account; Expenditures; Grants and Loans for Recycling Programs; Report; Coal Ash Care Fund; C... - ***** 324.11550.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
451-1994-II-3-115-9 - Subpart 9 Beneficial Use By-Products (324.11551...324.11554.amended)
Section 324.11551 - Beneficial Use By-Product; Qualification; Requirements; Analysis of Representative Sample by Initial Generator; Determination; Storage and Use; Beneficial Uses 1 and 2 at and Along Roadways; Registration or Licensure Under MCL 290... - Sec. 11551. (1) Except for a material that the department...
Section 324.11551a - Beneficial Use By-Product Not Required. - Sec. 11551a. This part does not require the use of...
Section 324.11552 - Notice; Report; Confidentiality. - Sec. 11552. (1) Written notice shall be submitted to the...
Section 324.11553 - Promoting and Fostering Use of Wastes and By-Products for Recycling or Beneficial Purposes; Approval of Material, Use, or Material and Use; Request; Approval or Denial by Department; Determination Made Prior to Effective Date of A... - ***** 324.11553 THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 324.11553.amended - Promoting and Fostering Use of Wastes and By-Products for Recycling or Beneficial Purposes; Approval of Material, Use, or Material and Use; Request; Approval or Denial by Department; Determination Made Prior to September 1... - ***** 324.11553.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11554 - Administration and Enforcement of Part. - ***** 324.11554 THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023:...
Section 324.11554.amended - Administration and Enforcement of Part 115. - ***** 324.11554.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
451-1994-II-3-115-10 - Subpart 10 Materials Utilization Facilities (324.11555.added...324.11569.added)
Section 324.11555.added - Management of Compostable Materials; Temporary Accumulation of Yard Waste; Composting on a Farm; Composting Facility; Location Requirements; List of Composting Facilities. - ***** 324.11555.added THIS ADDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11556.added - Class 1 and 2 Compostable Materials; Composting of Dead Animals. - ***** 324.11556.added THIS ADDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11557.added - Location of Composting Facilities; Notification Requirements Near Airport. - ***** 324.11557.added THIS ADDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11558.added - Large Class 1 Composting Facilities; Owner or Operator Responsibilities; Separation of Class 2 Compostable Materials. - ***** 324.11558.added THIS ADDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11560.added - Annual Report. - ***** 324.11560.added THIS ADDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11561.added - Characterization of Finished Compost; Use of Compost; Approval by Department. - ***** 324.11561.added THIS ADDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11562.added - Petition for Classification; Pilot Composting Project; Testing Parameters. - ***** 324.11562.added THIS ADDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11563.added - Sale of General Use Compost; Labeling Requirements; Management of Restricted Use Compost. - ***** 324.11563.added THIS ADDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11564.added - Testing of Finished Compost; Compliance. - ***** 324.11564.added THIS ADDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11565.added - General Use Parameters for Compost. - ***** 324.11565.added THIS ADDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11567.added - Creation of Soil-Like Product; Blending Requirements; Gypsum Drywall. - ***** 324.11567.added THIS ADDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11568.added - Materials Utilization Facility; Reporting and Compliance Requirements; Anaerobic Digester; Application; Approval; Fees. - ***** 324.11568.added THIS ADDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11569.added - Materials Utilization Facilities; Site Map and Operations Plan; Final Closure Plan; Notification Requirements. - ***** 324.11569.added THIS ADDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
451-1994-II-3-115-11 - Subpart 11 Materials Management Plans (324.11571.added...324.11587.added)
Section 324.11571.added - Approved Materials Management Plan (Mmp); County Approval; Notification of Intent; Requirements; Time Period; County Approval Agency (Caa); Duties; Electronic Mail. - ***** 324.11571.added THIS ADDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11572.added - Planning Committee; Membership; Terms. - ***** 324.11572.added THIS ADDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11573.added - Planning Committee; Responsibilities. - ***** 324.11573.added THIS ADDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11574.added - Designated Planning Agency (Dpa); Responsibilities; Copies; Revisions; Formal Action. - ***** 324.11574.added THIS ADDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11575.added - Approval or Rejection of Materials Management Plan; Deadline and Extension; Implementation of Final Plan. - ***** 324.11575.added THIS ADDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11576.added - Amending a Materials Management Plan; Procedures; Permissible Changes Without Amendment. - ***** 324.11576.added THIS ADDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11577.added - Materials Management Plan Goals. - ***** 324.11577.added THIS ADDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11578.added - Materials Management Plan Requirements. - ***** 324.11578.added THIS ADDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11579.added - Materials Management Plan; Siting Process; Exception. - ***** 324.11579.added THIS ADDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11580.added - Preparation of Materials Management Plan by the Department; Requirements. - ***** 324.11580.added THIS ADDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11581.added - Implementation of Materials Management Plan; Funding Mechanisms. - ***** 324.11581.added THIS ADDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11582.added - County Approval Agency; Certification of Materials Management Goals; Eligibility for Assistance. - ***** 324.11582.added THIS ADDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11583.added - Enforceability of Certain Local and State Laws. - ***** 324.11583.added THIS ADDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11584.added - Flow of Solid Waste or Managed Material; Control Requirements; Departmental Duties; Database. - ***** 324.11584.added THIS ADDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11585.added - Disposal Area or Materials Utilization Facility; Consistency With Materials Management Plan; Captive Type III Landfill; Independent Evaluation; Coal Ash. - ***** 324.11585.added THIS ADDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11586.added - State Solid Waste Management Plan. - ***** 324.11586.added THIS ADDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...
Section 324.11587.added - Materials Management Planning Grant Program. - ***** 324.11587.added THIS ADDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 2023...