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Section 280.301 - Revolving Drain Fund; Creation, Use. - Sec. 301. At the October session of the board of...
Section 280.302 - Revolving Drain Fund; Use; Intercounty Drains; Expenses After Date of Letting Drain Contracts. - Sec. 302. The revolving fund may be used for paying...
Section 280.303 - Revolving Drain Fund; Accounting Records; Reimbursement. - Sec. 303. The county treasurers shall carry as a separate...
Section 280.304 - Revolving Drain Fund; Deposit in Bank; Interest. - Sec. 304. The said revolving fund shall be deposited in...
Section 280.305 - Revolving Drain Fund; Transfer to Particular Drain Fund of Moneys Under Former Law, Use. - Sec. 305. When the moneys for the revolving fund shall...
Section 280.306 - Revolving Fund; Expenditures or Obligation Before Completion of Improvement; Report to County Board of Commissioners; Apportionment. - Sec. 306. If revolving fund money has been expended or...
Section 280.307 - Revolving Fund; Expenditures or Obligation Before Completion of Improvement; Intercounty Drainage District, Apportionment; Recovery of Money. - Sec. 307. (1) The drainage board shall apportion the cost...