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Section 280.261 - Computation of Cost; Items Included; Contingent Expenses. - Sec. 261. Within 10 days after the letting of contracts,...
Section 280.262 - Special Assessment Roll and Tax Assessment Roll; Contents; Installment Payments. - Sec. 262. (1) The commissioner shall thereupon make a special...
Section 280.263 - Spread of Drain Taxes on Rolls; Time. - Sec. 263. It shall be the duty of the supervisor,...
Section 280.264 - Statement of Assessments Upon Township at Large Furnished Township Treasurer. - Sec. 264. The supervisor shall, at the time of the...
Section 280.265 - Drain Taxes; General Tax Law Applicable, Payment Under Protest, Action, Lien, Personal Claim. - Sec. 265. All drain taxes assessed under the provisions of...
Section 280.266 - Return of Delinquent Drain Taxes; General Tax Law Applicable. - Sec. 266. If the taxes levied for the construction, cleaning...
Section 280.267 - Injunction After Assessment. - Sec. 267. After any taxes have been assessed for the...
Section 280.268 - Perpetual Injunction Not Allowed for Informalities; Plaintiff May Show Injury. - Sec. 268. The collection of no tax levied or ordered...
Section 280.269 - Invalidation Proceedings; Proofs, Correction of Damages or Assessment, Order, Costs. - Sec. 269. The court in which such proceedings are begun...
Section 280.270 - Tax Lien; Proceeding to Compel Spread of Tax; Established Drains. - Sec. 270. Whenever any drain has been located and established,...
Section 280.271 - Tax Collection Suits; Tax Reassessment. - Sec. 271. Any drain taxes that may have been assessed...
Section 280.272 - Tax Collection Suits; Assumpsit; Prima Facie Evidence, Judgment Based on Benefits; Authority to Sue. - Sec. 272. In any suit brought for the collection of...
Section 280.273 - New Proceedings When Tax Set Aside; Report of Defects to Supervisors, Reassessment. - Sec. 273. In case any drain tax heretofore or to...
Section 280.274 - Invalidation Proceedings; Commissioner as Party. - Sec. 274. In any suit brought to set aside any...
Section 280.275 - Drainage District Bonds; Issuance; Terms; Sale Subject to Revised Municipal Finance Act; Premium; Limitation on Payment From County General Fund. - Sec. 275. If bonds are issued, as provided in this...
Section 280.276 - County Drainage District Bonds or Notes; Intracounty Drains; Faith and Credit; Advancement by County, Reassessment. - Sec. 276. If bonds or notes are to be issued...
Section 280.277 - Drainage District Bonds; Delinquent Assessments, Advance by Cities, Villages, or Townships; Reimbursement; Reassessment; Validation of Drain Orders or Bonds. - Sec. 277. Whenever lands in any city, village, or township...
Section 280.278 - Interest on Installments of Drain Taxes; Payment of Interest; Disposition and Use of Installments and Interest; Bank Deposits; Interest on Bonds or Notes. - Sec. 278. If bonds or notes are issued and sold...
Section 280.279 - Special Assessments; Payment in Full; Notice to Commissioner; Deficiency Assessment. - Sec. 279. Any person liable to the payment of special...
Section 280.280 - Additional Assessments; Levy; Surplus; Exemption of Certain Lands From Deficiency Assessments; Purpose. - Sec. 280. (1) If there is not sufficient money in...
Section 280.281 - Special Drain Assessment; Definition of Municipal Corporation. - Sec. 281. Any municipal corporation may contract to pay all...
Section 280.282 - Investment of Surplus Funds; Consolidation of Drainage District Funds; Disposition and Use of Interest; Revolving Maintenance Fund; Consolidation With Other Funds for Investment Purposes; Disposition of Interest Earned; Accounting f... - Sec. 282. (1) The drain commissioner or drainage board may...
Section 280.283 - Use or Transfer of Surplus Construction Funds; Contract With Public Corporation; Provisions of Contract; Return of Surplus Construction Funds to State Transportation Department; Definitions. - Sec. 283. (1) The drain commissioner or drainage board shall...