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281-1967-3-17 - Chapter 17 (206.701...206.715)
Section 206.701 - Definitions. - Sec. 701. As used in this chapter: (a) "Casino" means...
Section 206.703 - Tax Withholding; Deduction; Amount; Computation; Duties of Employer; Flow-Through Entity; Casino Licensee; Racing Licensee or Track Licensee; Eligible Production Company; Publicly Traded Partnership; Agreement With Community College... - Sec. 703. (1) A person who disburses pension or annuity...
Section 206.705 - Payment at Other Than Monthly Periods or Deposit in Separate Bank Account; Grounds. - Sec. 705. All provisions relating to the administration, collection, and...
Section 206.707 - Filing 1099-Misc; Failure to Comply With Filing Requirement; Penalty; Filing With City. - Sec. 707. (1) A person required under the internal revenue...
Section 206.709 - Federal or State Employer; Return by Officer of Employer Having Control of Payment of Compensation. - Sec. 709. If the employer is the United States or...
Section 206.711 - Income Other Than Distributive Share From Flow-Through Entity; Tax Withholding and Deduction; Duplicate Statement; Annual Reconciliation Return; Agreement With Community College; Delineation of Taxes Withheld and Paid to State Attri... - Sec. 711. (1) Every person required by this part to...
Section 206.713 - Report on Operation and Effectiveness of New Jobs Training Programs and Corresponding Withholding Requirements; Contents. - Sec. 713. By July 1 of each year, based on...
Section 206.715 - Employer Credit for Paid Adoption Leave. - Sec. 715. (1) Subject to an appropriation and the limitations...
281-1967-3-18 - Chapter 18 (206.721...206.725)
Section 206.721 - Definitions; Partnership Audits. - Sec. 721. As used in this chapter: (a) "Administrative adjustment...
Section 206.723 - Partnership Level Audits; Administrative Adjustment Requests; Reporting Requirements; State Partnership Representative; Irrevocable Election to Pay Tax; Reporting to Partners; Alternative Reporting and Payment Methods; Credit or Ref... - Sec. 723. (1) Except for adjustments required to be reported...
Section 206.725 - Effective Date of Chapter. - Sec. 725. This chapter is effective and applies to all...