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281-1967-2-10 - Chapter 10 (206.601...206.611)
Section 206.601 - Meanings of Terms; Other Provisions. - Sec. 601. A term used in this part and not...
Section 206.603 - Definitions; A, B. - Sec. 603. (1) "Affiliated group" means that term as defined...
Section 206.605 - Definitions; C to E. - Sec. 605. (1) "Corporation" means a person that is required...
Section 206.607 - Definitions; F to M. - Sec. 607. (1) "Federal taxable income" means taxable income as...
Section 206.609 - Definitions; P to S. - Sec. 609. (1) "Person" means an individual, bank, financial institution,...
Section 206.611 - Definitions; T to U. - Sec. 611. (1) "Tangible personal property" means that term as...
281-1967-2-11 - Chapter 11 (206.621...206.625)
Section 206.621 - Nexus; "Actively Solicits" and "Physical Presence" Defined. - Sec. 621. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this part,...
Section 206.623 - Corporate Income Tax; Levy and Imposition; Base; Adjustments; Business Income of Unitary Business Group; "Business Loss" and "Oil and Gas" Defined. - Sec. 623. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this part,...
Section 206.625 - Exemptions; Corporate Income Tax Base of Foreign Person; Sales Factor; "Business Income," "Domiciled," and "Foreign Person" Defined. - Sec. 625. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this section,...
281-1967-2-12 - Chapter 12 (206.635...206.643)
Section 206.635 - Tax on Insurance Company; Imposition and Levy; Direct Premiums; Qualified Health Insurance Policies; Exemption. - Sec. 635. (1) Except as otherwise provided under subsection (4)...
Section 206.637 - Tax Credit; Calculation; Assessments of Insurance Company From Immediately Preceding Tax Year; Payments to Michigan Automobile Insurance Placement Facility Attributable to Assigned Claims Plan. - Sec. 637. (1) Except as otherwise provided under subsection (3),...
Section 206.639 - Tax Credit in Amount Equal to 50% of Examination Fees Paid by Insurance Company. - Sec. 639. An insurance company shall be allowed a credit...
Section 206.641 - Amounts Paid Pursuant to MCL 418.352; Tax Credit; Refund of Excess Amount. - Sec. 641. (1) For amounts paid pursuant to section 352...
Section 206.643 - Imposition of Tax on Insurance Company; Tax Year; Annual Return; Calculation of Estimated Payment; Disclosure. - Sec. 643. (1) An insurance company is subject to the...
281-1967-2-13 - Chapter 13 (206.651...206.659)
Section 206.651 - Definitions. - Sec. 651. As used in this chapter: (a) "Billing address"...
Section 206.653 - Franchise Tax. - Sec. 653. (1) Every financial institution with substantial nexus in...
Section 206.655 - Financial Institution; Tax Base; Total Equity Capital. - Sec. 655. (1) For a financial institution, the tax base...
Section 206.657 - Financial Institution; Business Activities Subject to Tax Within and Outside of State; Gross Business Factor. - Sec. 657. (1) Except as otherwise provided under this chapter,...
Section 206.659 - Financial Institution; Gross Business in State; Determination. - Sec. 659. Gross business in this state of the financial...
281-1967-2-14 - Chapter 14 (206.661...206.669)
Section 206.661 - Tax Base; Apportionment; Taxpayer Subject to Tax Within State, Within and Outside State, or in Another State. - Sec. 661. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this part,...
Section 206.663 - Sales Factor. - Sec. 663. (1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (2)...
Section 206.665 - Sales; Determination; Receipts; Definitions; Borrower Located in This State. - Sec. 665. (1) Sales of the taxpayer in this state...
Section 206.667 - Alternative to Apportionment Provisions of Part; Rebuttable Presumption; Filing of Return. - Sec. 667. (1) If the apportionment provisions of this part...
Section 206.669 - Receipts; Sourcing. - Sec. 669. All other receipts not otherwise sourced under this...
281-1967-2-15 - Chapter 15 (206.671...206.676)
Section 206.671 - Tax Credit; Requirements; Determination of Disqualification; Reduction Percentage; Compensation Paid by Professional Employer Organization to Officers of Client and Employees of Professional Employer; Unitary Business Group; Definit... - Sec. 671. (1) The credit provided in this section shall...
Section 206.673 - Tax Credit Under Former 1975 Pa 228, or 2007 Pa 36, MCL 208.1101 to 208.1601, or MCL 208.1403; Effect of Failure to Comply With Terms of Agreement or Movement, Sale, Transfer, or Disposal of Property. - Sec. 673. (1) A taxpayer that has claimed a credit...
Section 206.675 - Flow-Through Entity Members; Tax Credit for Tax Paid by the Flow-Through Entity; Refundable. - Sec. 675. (1) Except as otherwise provided under this section,...
Section 206.676 - Rehabilitation of Historic Resource; Tax Credit; Plan; Certification; Revocation of Certificate or Sale of Historic Resource; Rules; Report; Definitions. - Sec. 676. (1) Subject to the limitations under this section,...
281-1967-2-16 - Chapter 16 (206.680...206.699)
Section 206.680 - Election to Pay Tax Imposed by Michigan Business Tax Act; Duration; Taxpayer as Member of Unitary Business Group; Separate Return; Annual Return; "Certificated Credit" Defined. - Sec. 680. (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this part,...
Section 206.681 - Quarterly Returns and Estimated Payments. - Sec. 681. (1) Except as otherwise provided under this section,...
Section 206.683 - Payment for Portion of Tax Year; Computation; Methods. - Sec. 683. (1) If a taxpayer's tax year to which...
Section 206.685 - Annual or Final Return; Filing; Form and Content; Remittance of Final Liability; Calculation; Extension. - Sec. 685. (1) An annual or final return shall be...
Section 206.687 - Furnishing Copy of Return Filed Under Internal Revenue Code; Amended Return; Partnership Audit or Adjustment Reporting. - Sec. 687. (1) A taxpayer required to file a return...
Section 206.689 - Information Return of Income Paid to Others. - Sec. 689. At the request of the department, a taxpayer...
Section 206.691 - Filing of Combined Return by Unitary Business Group. - Sec. 691. (1) Except as otherwise provided under section 680(3),...
Section 206.693 - Administration of Tax; Conflicting Provisions; Rules; Forms; Additional Tax Liability; Statistics Detailing Distribution of Tax Receipts. - Sec. 693. (1) The tax imposed by this part shall...
Section 206.695 - Distribution of Revenue to General Fund. - Sec. 695. The revenue collected under this part shall be...
Section 206.697 - Appropriation; Carrying Forward Unexpended Funds. - Sec. 697. There is appropriated to the department for the...
Section 206.699 - Classification as Disregarded Entity for Federal Income Tax Purposes. - Sec. 699. Notwithstanding any other provision of this act, a...