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Section 500.3801 - Chapter; Definitions. - Sec. 3801. As used in this chapter: (a) "Applicant" means:...
Section 500.3803 - Applicability of Chapter. - Sec. 3803. (1) Except as provided in subsections (2) and...
Section 500.3804 - Repealed. 2018, Act 429, Eff. Mar. 20, 2019. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to the applicability of...
Section 500.3805 - Medicare Supplement Policy; Definitions. - Sec. 3805. As used in a medicare supplement policy: (a)...
Section 500.3807 - Basic Core Package of Benefits; Standards for Plans K and L; Applicability of Section. - Sec. 3807. (1) Every insurer issuing a medicare supplement insurance...
Section 500.3807a - Medicare Supplement Policies or Certificates With Effective Date for Coverage on or After June 1, 2010; Basic Core Package of Benefits. - Sec. 3807a. (1) This section applies to all medicare supplement...
Section 500.3808 - Repealed. 2018, Act 429, Eff. Mar. 20, 2019. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to medicare supplement insurance...
Section 500.3809 - Additional Benefits; Reimbursement for Preventive Screening Tests and Services; Definitions; Applicability of Section. - Sec. 3809. (1) In addition to the basic core package...
Section 500.3809a - Medicare Supplement Policies or Certificates With Effective Date for Coverage on or After June 1, 2010; Additional Benefits. - Sec. 3809a. (1) This section applies to all medicare supplement...
Section 500.3811 - Basic Core Benefits; Availability; Sale of Certain Benefits Prohibited; Designations, Structure, Language, and Format; Other Designations; Requirements; Applicability of Section. - Sec. 3811. (1) An insurer shall make available to each...
Section 500.3811a - Medicare Supplement Policies or Certificates With Effective Date for Coverage on or After June 1, 2010; Basic Core Benefits; Availability; Sale of Certain Benefits Prohibited; Structure, Language, Designation, and Format; Other De... - Sec. 3811a. (1) This section applies to all Medicare supplement...
Section 500.3811b - Medicare Supplement Policies or Certificates for Newly Eligible Individuals After December 31, 2019; Exceptions to Standards and Requirements. - Sec. 3811b. (1) This section applies to all Medicare supplement...
Section 500.3813 - Disability Coverage; Medicare Supplement Buyer's Guide; Applicability of Section. - Sec. 3813. An insurer that issues a policy that provides...
Section 500.3815 - Outline of Coverage; Acknowledgment of Receipt; Compliance With Notice Requirements; Substitute; Language, Written or Electronic Format, and Required Items. - Sec. 3815. (1) An insurer that offers a Medicare supplement...
Section 500.3817 - Medicare Select Policies and Certificates; Definitions; Requirements for Issuance; Plan of Operation; Filing, Format, and Contents; Proposed Changes; Updated List of Network Providers; Payment for Covered Services Not Available Thr... - Sec. 3817. (1) This section applies to medicare select policies...
Section 500.3819 - Minimum Standards; Suspension of Benefits and Premiums; Notice; Reinstitution; Offer to Exchange 1990 Standardized Plan to 2010 Plan. - Sec. 3819. (1) An insurance policy shall not be titled,...
Section 500.3819a - Medicare Supplement Policies or Certificates With Effective Date for Coverage on or After June 1, 2010; Minimum Standards. - Sec. 3819a. (1) This section applies to all Medicare supplement...
Section 500.3821 - Issuance of Policy to Person Not Enrolled in Medicare Parts a and B Prohibited; Refund; Interest. - Sec. 3821. (1) An insurer shall not issue an individual...
Section 500.3823 - Covered Benefits More Restrictive Than Benefits Under Medicare and Required Under State Law Prohibited; Benefits for Outpatient Prescription Drugs. - Sec. 3823. (1) An insurance policy shall not be titled,...
Section 500.3825 - Preexisting Diseases or Conditions; Waiver Prohibited. - Sec. 3825. A medicare supplement policy shall not use waivers...
Section 500.3827 - Duplicate Benefits Prohibited; Application; Statements and Questions Whether Another Policy in Force; List of Policies Sold to Applicant; Notice Regarding Replacement Coverage. - Sec. 3827. (1) A Medicare supplement insurance policy or certificate...
Section 500.3829 - Denying or Conditioning Issuance Based on Health Status, Claims Experience, Receipt of Health Care, or Medical Condition of Applicant Prohibited; Condition; Exclusion of Benefits Based on Preexisting Conditions; Reduction; Creditab... - Sec. 3829. (1) An insurer shall not deny or condition...
Section 500.3829a - Medicare Supplement Policies or Certificates Delivered, Issued for Delivery, or Renewed on or After May 21, 2009; Genetic Test; Definitions. - Sec. 3829a. (1) This section applies to all medicare supplement...
Section 500.3830 - Eligible Person; Requirements. - Sec. 3830. (1) An eligible person is an individual described...
Section 500.3830a - Termination of Contract or Agreement; Notice to Individual. - Sec. 3830a. (1) At the time of an event described...
Section 500.3831 - Individual or Group Expense Incurred Hospital, Medical, or Surgical Policies; Right of Continuation or Conversion to Medicare Supplemental Plan; Request for Coverage; Exclusion From Preexisting Conditions; Notice of Availability of... - Sec. 3831. (1) Each insurer offering group expense incurred hospital,...
Section 500.3833 - Replacement Policy; Waiver of Certain Time Periods. - Sec. 3833. If a medicare supplement policy or certificate replaces...
Section 500.3835 - Marketing Procedures; Determining Appropriateness of Recommended Purchase or Replacement; More Than 1 Policy Prohibited; Individual Enrolled in Medicare Advantage; "Notice to Buyer" Displayed. - Sec. 3835. (1) An insurer that markets Medicare supplement insurance...
Section 500.3837 - Repealed. 2002, Act 304, Imd. Eff. May 10, 2002. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to report to commissioner.Popular...
Section 500.3839 - Renewal or Continuation Provision; Effect of Termination or Replacement; Elimination of Outpatient Prescription Drug Benefit. - Sec. 3839. (1) Each medicare supplement policy shall include a...
Section 500.3841 - Riders or Endorsements; Signed Acceptance or Agreement; Additional Premium; Use of Certain Standards, Terms, and Words; Filing of Changes in Medicare Benefits; Elimination of Duplicate Benefits; Notice of Modifications; Notice Requ... - Sec. 3841. (1) Except for riders or endorsements by which...
Section 500.3843 - Health Insurance; Notice; Contents; Applicability of Subsection (1). - Sec. 3843. (1) A policy or certificate of health insurance...
Section 500.3847 - Advertising; Filing Copy With Director. - Sec. 3847. An insurer that provides Medicare supplement insurance coverage...
Section 500.3849 - Filing and Approval Requirements; Deletion of Outpatient Prescription Drug Benefits; Issuance of Policy; Use and Change in Premium Rates; Additional Forms; Availability; Conditions and Effect of Discontinuance; Combining Forms for... - Sec. 3849. (1) An insurer shall not deliver or issue...
Section 500.3851 - Aggregate Benefits; Rates, Rating Schedules, and Rate Revisions. - Sec. 3851. (1) A medicare supplement policy form or certificate...
Section 500.3852 - Benchmark Ratio. - Sec. 3852. An insurer shall file by May 31 of...
Section 500.3853 - Refund or Credit Calculation; Form; Interest; Due Date. - Sec. 3853. If on the basis of the experience as...
Section 500.3855 - Annual Filing of Rates, Rating Schedule, and Supporting Documentation; Premium Adjustments; Public Hearing for Rate Increase; Failure to Make Premium Adjustments. - Sec. 3855. (1) Each insurer that issues medicare supplement policies...
Section 500.3857 - Duties of Insurer; Certification of Compliance With Subsection (1)(a). - Sec. 3857. (1) An insurer shall do all of the...
Section 500.3859 - Prohibited Conduct; Violation as Misdemeanor; Penalty. - Sec. 3859. (1) A person shall not knowingly sell a...
Section 500.3861 - Probable Cause of Violation; Notice of Hearing; Opportunity to Confer and Discuss; Hearing; Applicability of MCL 500.2038 to 500.2040; Violation; Penalty. - Sec. 3861. (1) If the commissioner has probable cause to...