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Section 500.2600 - Purpose of Chapter; Construction. - Sec. 2600. The purpose of this chapter is to promote...
Section 500.2601 - Scope of Chapter. - Sec. 2601. (1) This chapter applies to the following kinds...
Section 500.2603 - Rate-Making Provisions; Uniformity. - Sec. 2603. (1) All rates shall be made in accordance...
Section 500.2604 - Expired. 1980, Act 461, Eff. Dec. 31, 1980. - Compiler's Notes: The expired section pertained to underwriting.Subsequent to its...
Section 500.2606 - Rate Filings; Proposed Effective Date; Character and Extent of Coverage; Insufficient Information; Public Inspection; Trade Secret; Inland Marine Rates; Insurer as Member of or Subscriber to Rating Organization. - Sec. 2606. (1) Each insurer shall file with the director,...
Section 500.2608 - Rate Filings; Review by Insurance Commissioner; Waiting Period; Specific Inland Marine Rates on Risks. - Sec. 2608. (1) The commissioner shall review filings as soon...
Section 500.2610 - Filing Requirements; Modification or Suspension by Insurance Commissioner. - Sec. 2610. Under such rules and regulations as he shall...
Section 500.2612 - Rate Filings; Adherence by Insurer. - Sec. 2612. No insurer shall make or issue a contract...
Section 500.2614 - Rate Organization; Excess Rates on Specific Risks. - Sec. 2614. Upon the written application of the insured, stating...
Section 500.2616 - Disapproval of Filing by Insurance Commissioner; Notice; Waiting Period; Specific Inland Marine Rate. - Sec. 2616. (1) If within the waiting period or any...
Section 500.2618 - Failure of Filing to Meet Requirements; Procedure. - Sec. 2618. If at any time after the applicable review...
Section 500.2620 - Disapproval of Filing; Complaint of Aggrieved Person or Organization; Hearing; Notice; Order Rendering Filing Ineffective. - Sec. 2620. (1) Any person or organization aggrieved with respect...
Section 500.2626 - Manual, Minimum, Class Rate, Rating Schedule, Rating Plan or Rule; Rates Meeting Standards. - Sec. 2626. No manual, minimum, class rate, rating schedule, rating...
Section 500.2628 - Rates; Alternative Method of Filing; Disapproval; Hearing; Order; Approval; Adjustment of Premium; Review. - Sec. 2628. (1) In lieu of the filing requirements of...
Section 500.2630 - Rating Organization; License Application, Contents. - Sec. 2630. (1) A corporation, an unincorporated association, a partnership...
Section 500.2636 - Rating Organizations; Subscribers; Notice of Changes in Rules and Regulations; Review; Order. - Sec. 2636. (1) Subject to rules and regulations which have...
Section 500.2638 - Rating Organizations; Rules Affecting Payment of Dividends, Savings or Unabsorbed Premiums. - Sec. 2638. No rating organization shall adopt any rule the...
Section 500.2640 - Rating Organizations; Cooperation With Other Rating Organizations and Insurers, Discontinuance. - Sec. 2640. Cooperation among rating organizations or among rating organizations...
Section 500.2642 - Rating Organizations; Submission of Policies for Examination; Actuarial, Technical, or Other Services. - Sec. 2642. (1) Any rating organization may provide for the...
Section 500.2646 - Rating Organizations; Deviation, Procedure, Termination of Deviation. - Sec. 2646. (1) Every member of or subscriber to a...
Section 500.2648 - Rating Organizations; Alternative Methods for Deviation. - Sec. 2648. (1) In lieu of the requirements of section...
Section 500.2650 - Rating Organizations; Member or Subscriber, Appeal to Insurance Commissioner. - Sec. 2650. Any member of or subscriber to a rating...
Section 500.2652 - Rating Organization and Insurer; Rating Information to Insured, Hearing; Appeal. - Sec. 2652. Each rating organization and insurer that makes its...
Section 500.2654 - Advisory Organizations; Definition; Filing; Discontinuance of Unfair or Unreasonable Practices; Rate Filings; Violation. - Sec. 2654. (1) Every group, association or other organization of...
Section 500.2658 - Joint Underwriting or Reinsurance; Unfair Activities. - Sec. 2658. (1) Every group, association or other organization of...
Section 500.2662 - Examination of Rating Advisory Organizations; Report. - Sec. 2662. (1) The commissioner may make or cause to...
Section 500.2664 - Statistical Plans; Exchange of Data, Consultation. - Sec. 2664. (1) The commissioner shall promulgate reasonable rules and...
Section 500.2666 - Withholding Information, False or Misleading Information; Penalties. - Sec. 2666. No person or organization shall wilfully withhold information...
Section 500.2670 - Violation of Chapter; Imposition and Disposition of Civil Fines; Suspension or Revocation of License. - Sec. 2670. (1) Subject to subsection (3), the commissioner may,...
Section 500.2672 - Insurer or Rating Organization Aggrieved by Order Without Hearing; Hearing, Court Review. - Sec. 2672. (1) Any insurer or rating organization aggrieved by...
Section 500.2674 - Insurance Commissioner; Regulatory Powers. - Sec. 2674. The commissioner may make reasonable rules and regulations...