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Section 500.2400 - Purposes and Interpretation of Chapter. - Sec. 2400. (1) Except with respect to worker's compensation insurance,...
Section 500.2400a - Repealed. 1993, Act 200, Eff. Dec. 28, 1994. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to applicability of act...
Section 500.2401 - Applicability of Chapter; Insurance or Coverage Subject to Regulation by Another Rate Regulatory Chapter; Filing Designation With Commissioner; Order for Prior Approval; Absence of Reasonable Degree of Competition. - Sec. 2401. (1) Except as provided in subsection (2), this...
Section 500.2402 - Definitions; Data Collection Agency; Creation; Purpose; Governing Board; Appointment, Terms, and Qualifications of Members; Conduct of Business at Public Meeting. - Sec. 2402. (1) As used in this act with respect...
Section 500.2403 - Rate-Making Provisions; Uniformity Among Insurers. - Sec. 2403. (1) All rates shall be made in accordance...
Section 500.2404 - Secondary or Merit Rating Plan for Commercial Liability Insurance Rates; Rating Plan for Medical Malpractice Insurance; Limitations; “Commercial Liability Insurance” Defined. - Sec. 2404. (1) Each authorized insurer which delivers or issues...
Section 500.2405 - Liquor Liability Insurance Policies; Server Training Discount Plan; Certified Server Training Course. - Sec. 2405. Each insurer which delivers or issues for delivery...
Section 500.2406 - Required Filings by Insurers; Insufficient Information; Supporting Information; Notice; Public Inspection; Becoming Member of or Subscriber to Licensed Rating Organization; Rates and Rating Systems Regarding Worker's Compensation I... - Sec. 2406. (1) Except for worker's compensation insurance, an insurer...
Section 500.2407 - “Pure Premium Data” Defined; Worker's Compensation Insurance; Collecting, Compiling, or Making Available to Insurers Certain Information; Filing Rating System Incompatible With Approved Statistical Plans; Proposed Plan for Reportin... - Sec. 2407. (1) As used in this section, "pure premium...
Section 500.2408 - Review of Filings by Commissioner; Purpose; Waiting Period; Extension; Effective Date of Filing; Special Filing; Section Inapplicable to Worker's Compensation Insurance. - Sec. 2408. (1) The commissioner shall review filings as soon...
Section 500.2409 - Repealed. 2016, Act 101, Eff. Aug. 1, 2016. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to report delineating classifications...
Section 500.2409a - Repealed. 2016, Act 101, Eff. Aug. 1, 2016. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to certification by commissioner...
Section 500.2409b - Repealed. 2016, Act 104, Eff. Aug. 1, 2016. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to report detailing state...
Section 500.2409c - Repealed. 2016, Act 99, Eff. Aug. 1, 2016. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to public hearing to...
Section 500.2410 - Filing Requirements; Modification or Suspension by Insurance Commissioner. - Sec. 2410. Under such rules and regulations as he shall...
Section 500.2411 - Rates and Rating Systems; Classifications; Merit Rating Plan; Use of Single Enterprise Rule or Similar Rule Prohibited. - Sec. 2411. (1) Rates and rating systems used by any...
Section 500.2412 - Filing Requirements; Adherence by Insurer. - Sec. 2412. No insurer shall make or issue a contract...
Section 500.2414 - Filing Requirements; Excess Rates on Specific Risks. - Sec. 2414. Upon the written application of the insured, stating...
Section 500.2416 - Disapproval of Filing; Notice; Waiting Period. - Sec. 2416. (1) If within the waiting period or any...
Section 500.2418 - Disapproval of Filing After Approval; Hearing; Notice; Procedure. - Sec. 2418. If at any time after approval of any...
Section 500.2419 - Excessive Premium Charges for Worker's Compensation Insurance; Personal Meeting With Management Representative; Providing Reserve and Redemption Information to Insured Upon Request; Determination of Dispute by Commissioner; Rules;... - Sec. 2419. (1) An insured who has reason to believe...
Section 500.2420 - Complaint of Aggrieved Person or Organization; Application for Hearing; Notice; Order Rendering Filing Ineffective; Filing by Insurer Providing Worker's Compensation Insurance Controlled by Nonprofit Health Care Corporation; Prohib... - Sec. 2420. (1) Any person or organization aggrieved with respect...
Section 500.2421 - Insurer Authorized to Write Worker's Compensation Insurance; Prohibited Acts. - Sec. 2421. As a condition of maintaining its certificate of...
Section 500.2426 - Manual of Classifications, Rules and Rating Plans; Rates Meeting Standards. - Sec. 2426. No manual of classifications, rule, rating plan, or...
Section 500.2430 - Manual of Classifications; Rules and Rating Plans; Alternative Filing; Effective Date; Hearing; Order of Disapproval; Adjustment of Premium; Review of Filing. - Sec. 2430. (1) In lieu of the filing requirements of...
Section 500.2431 - Group Rated Automobile Insurance; MCL 500.2430 Inapplicable. - Sec. 2431. Section 2430 does not apply to group rated...
Section 500.2434 - Malpractice Insurance for Physicians; Rating Classifications; Furnishing Classifications to Legislature and Governor. - Sec. 2434. (1) The commissioner, after consultation with associations representative...
Section 500.2436 - Application for License as Rating Organization; Issuance of License by Commissioner; Fee; Duration; Notification of Changes. - Sec. 2436. (1) A corporation, an association, a partnership, or...
Section 500.2438 - Rating Organizations; Subscribers; Notice of Changes in Rules; Furnishing of Service Without Discrimination; Review; Order. - Sec. 2438. (1) Subject to rules and regulations which have...
Section 500.2440 - Rating Organizations; Rules Affecting Payment of Dividends, Savings or Unabsorbed Premium. - Sec. 2440. No rating organization shall adopt any rule the...
Section 500.2446 - Rating Organizations; Cooperation With Other Rating Organizations and Insurers, Discontinuance. - Sec. 2446. Cooperation among rating organizations or among rating organizations...
Section 500.2450 - Rating Organizations; Deviation From Filings, Procedure, Termination of Deviation. - Sec. 2450. (1) Every member of or subscriber to a...
Section 500.2452 - Rating Organizations; Alternative Deviation, Without Waiting Period, Procedure, Termination of Deviation. - Sec. 2452. (1) In lieu of the requirements of section...
Section 500.2456 - Rating Organizations; Subscriber Appeal to Insurance Commissioner From Action by Organization. - Sec. 2456. (1) Any member of or subscriber to a...
Section 500.2458 - Furnishing Information as to Rates; Hearings for Persons Aggrieved by Rating System; Appeal; Representation. - Sec. 2458. Each rating organization and insurer that makes its...
Section 500.2462 - Advisory Organizations; Definition; Filing; Discontinuance of Unfair or Unreasonable Practices; Rate Filings; Violation. - Sec. 2462. (1) Every group, association or other organization of...
Section 500.2464 - Joint Underwriting or Reinsurance; Unfair Activities. - Sec. 2464. (1) Every group, association or other organization of...
Section 500.2468 - Examination of Rating Organizations; Report. - Sec. 2468. (1) The commissioner may make or cause to...
Section 500.2472 - Statistical Plans; Exchange of Data, Consultation. - Sec. 2472. (1) The commissioner shall promulgate reasonable rules and...
Section 500.2474 - Prohibited Acts; Violation; Penalties. - Sec. 2474. A person or organization shall not wilfully withhold...
Section 500.2475 - Policy Forms and Statistical Plans for Worker's Compensation Insurance; Continuation. - Sec. 2475. The policy forms and statistical plans for worker's...
Section 500.2476 - Assigned Risks; Rate Modifications. - Sec. 2476. Agreements may be made among insurers with respect...
Section 500.2477 - Repealed. 2016, Act 102, Eff. Aug. 1, 2016. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to submission of data...
Section 500.2477a - Repealed. 2016, Act 102, Eff. Aug. 1, 2016. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to submission of data...
Section 500.2477b - Repealed. 2016, Act 102, Eff. Aug. 1, 2016. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to submission of data...
Section 500.2477c - Repealed. 2016, Act 102, Eff. Aug. 1, 2016. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to submission of data...
Section 500.2477d - Repealed. 2016, Act 98, Eff. Aug. 1, 2016. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to publication of report...
Section 500.2478 - Violation of Chapter; Imposition and Disposition of Civil Fine; Suspension or Revocation of License. - Sec. 2478. (1) Subject to subsection (3), the commissioner may,...
Section 500.2482 - Insurer or Rating Organization Aggrieved by Order Without Hearing; Hearing, Court Review. - Sec. 2482. (1) Any insurer or rating organization aggrieved by...
Section 500.2484 - Insurance Commissioner; Regulatory Powers. - Sec. 2484. The commissioner may make reasonable rules and regulations...