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Section 500.2001 - Short Title. - Sec. 2001. Sections 2001 to 2050 shall be known and...
Section 500.2002 - Purpose of Act. - Sec. 2002. The purpose of this uniform trade practices act...
Section 500.2003 - Prohibited Trade Practices; "Person" Defined. - Sec. 2003. (1) A person shall not engage in a...
Section 500.2005 - Misrepresentations. - Sec. 2005. An unfair method of competition and an unfair...
Section 500.2005a - Unfair Method of Competition; Unfair or Deceptive Act or Practice. - Sec. 2005a. An unfair method of competition and an unfair...
Section 500.2006 - Payment of Benefits on Timely Basis; Payment of Interest in Alternative; Failure to Pay Claims or Interest as Unfair Trade Practice; Liability for Claim Pursuant to Judgment; Proof of Loss; Inability to Pay Claim; Interest Requirem... - Sec. 2006. (1) A person must pay on a timely...
Section 500.2007 - Unfair Methods of Competition or Deception; False, Deceptive or Misleading Advertising. - Sec. 2007. The following are defined as unfair methods of...
Section 500.2008 - Audit of Insured's Payroll Expenditures; Purpose; Request; Failure to Complete Payroll Audit or Final Audit as Unfair or Deceptive Act or Practice; Failure to Pay Premium Adjustment or Dividend on Timely Basis as Unfair or Deceptiv... - Sec. 2008. (1) Upon the written request of an insured,...
Section 500.2009 - False, Maliciously Critical, or Derogatory Statement as to Financial Condition. - Sec. 2009. Unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive...
Section 500.2010 - Unfair Method of Competition; Unfair or Deceptive Act or Practice. - Sec. 2010. It is an unfair method of competition and...
Section 500.2011 - Unfair Methods of Competition; Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices. - Sec. 2011. (1) An unfair method of competition and an...
Section 500.2012 - Unfair Methods of Competition or Deception; Combinations in Restraint of Trade. - Sec. 2012. The following are defined as unfair methods of...
Section 500.2013 - Violation of Chapter or Rule; Effect. - Sec. 2013. A violation of chapter 5 or a rule...
Section 500.2013a - Failure to Comply With MCL 500.3107e; Unfair Practice; Applicability to Other Rights. - Sec. 2013a. (1) The failure of an insurer to materially...
Section 500.2014 - False Material Statement of Financial Condition; False Entry or Omission of True Entry in Book, Report, or Statement. - Sec. 2014. Unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive...
Section 500.2015 - Repealed. 1976, Act 273, Eff. Apr. 1, 1977. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to false or incomplete...
Section 500.2016 - Unfair Methods of Competition and Unfair and Deceptive Acts or Practices in Business of Insurance; Applicability of Section. - Sec. 2016. (1) In addition to other provisions of law,...
Section 500.2017 - Unfair Methods of Competition or Deception; Illegal Inducements. - Sec. 2017. The following are defined as unfair methods of...
Section 500.2018 - False or Fraudulent Statements or Representations as to Application for Insurance Policy. - Sec. 2018. An unfair method of competition and an unfair...
Section 500.2019 - Unfair Methods of Competition or Deception; Unfair Discrimination in Life Insurance. - Sec. 2019. The following are defined as unfair methods of...
Section 500.2020 - Unfair Methods of Competition or Deception; Unfair Discrimination in Accident or Health Insurance. - Sec. 2020. The following are defined as unfair methods of...
Section 500.2021 - Failure to Furnish Insured Rate Information Upon Request; Unfair Method of Competition and Unfair or Deceptive Act or Practice in Business of Insurance; Exception. - Sec. 2021. An unfair method of competition and an unfair...
Section 500.2022 - Repealed. 1976, Act 273, Eff. Apr. 1, 1977. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to refusal to pay...
Section 500.2023 - Automatic Insurance on Debtor Contracting Credit. - Sec. 2023. It is an unfair method of competition and...
Section 500.2024 - Unfair Methods of Competition or Deception; Rebates and Special Inducements. - Sec. 2024. The following are defined as unfair methods of...
Section 500.2024a - Giving Merchandise to Applicants for Life Insurance. - Sec. 2024a. Beginning January 1, 1986, sections 2024, 2066, and...
Section 500.2024b - Construction of MCL 500.2024, 500.2066, and 500.2070. - Sec. 2024b. Sections 2024, 2066, and 2070 do not prohibit...
Section 500.2025 - Unfair Methods of Competition or Deception; Exclusions From Discrimination, Rebates. - Sec. 2025. Nothing in sections 2017 through 2024 shall be...
Section 500.2026 - Course of Conduct Indicating Persistent Tendency to Engage in That Type of Conduct. - Sec. 2026. (1) Unfair methods of competition and unfair or...
Section 500.2027 - Unfair Methods of Competition and Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices; Prohibited Conduct. - Sec. 2027. Unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive...
Section 500.2028 - Examination; Investigation. - Sec. 2028. Upon probable cause, the commissioner shall have power...
Section 500.2029 - Notice of Hearing; Opportunity to Confer; Summary Disposition. - Sec. 2029. When the commissioner has probable cause to believe...
Section 500.2030 - Hearing; Procedure; Intervention; Burden of Proof; Commissioner or Designate to Preside; Independent Hearing Officer; Peremptory Dismissal. - Sec. 2030. (1) At the time and place fixed for...
Section 500.2032 - Unfair Methods of Competition or Deception; Hearing; Oaths; Witnesses; Evidence; Subpoenas; Contempt of Court; Stenographic Record; Statement of Evidence. - Sec. 2032. (1) The commissioner, upon the hearing referred to...
Section 500.2033 - Hearing; Directing Witness to Give Testimony or Produce Evidence; Immunity; Perjury; Waiver of Immunity or Privilege. - Sec. 2033. If any natural person shall ask to be...
Section 500.2034 - Unfair Methods of Competition or Deception; Service of Notices, Process and Other Papers, Return. - Sec. 2034. Statements of charges, notices, orders, subpoenas and other...
Section 500.2038 - Findings and Decision to Be in Writing; Cease and Desist Order; Other Orders; Stay; Modification or Setting Aside of Order. - Sec. 2038. (1) If, after opportunity for a hearing held...
Section 500.2039 - Finality of Order. - Sec. 2039. An order issued by the commissioner pursuant to...
Section 500.2040 - Violation of Cease and Desist Order; Penalty; Stay; Contents of Cease and Desist Order. - Sec. 2040. (1) A person who violates a cease and...
Section 500.2041 - Unfair Methods of Competition or Deception; Court Review of Orders, Findings of Fact Conclusive, Modification; Additional Evidence. - Sec. 2041. (1) Any order or decision of the commissioner...
Section 500.2043 - Unfair Methods of Competition or Deception; Procedure to Enjoin, Jurisdiction of Circuit Court; Filing Petition; Additional Evidence; Modification of Findings; Issuance of Injunction; Preliminary Notice; Application for Trade Confe... - Sec. 2043. (1) Whenever the commissioner has probable cause to...
Section 500.2045 - Unfair Methods of Competition or Deception; Court Review on Petition of Intervenor. - Sec. 2045. If the finding and decision of the commissioner...
Section 500.2047 - Trade Practice Conferences; Authorization by Insurance Commissioner; Purpose; Notice; Scope; Recommendation; Rules, Regulations, or Standards; Construction of Section. - Sec. 2047. (1) Trade practice conferences for the purpose of...
Section 500.2049 - Unfair Methods of Competition or Deception; Liability Under Other State Laws. - Sec. 2049. No order of the commissioner under this uniform...
Section 500.2050 - Construction of Chapter. - Sec. 2050. The enumeration in this uniform trade practices act...
Section 500.2055 - Misrepresentation of Insurer's Financial Condition as Misdemeanor; Penalty; Civil Liability of Officers and Agents; Forfeiture of Chartered Privileges; Publication of True Statement; Other Violations as Misdemeanor; Penalty. - Sec. 2055. (1) If any insurance corporation organized or operating...
Section 500.2057 - Misrepresentation of Insurer's Identity Prohibited; Advertising by Fire Insurer Not Limited; Violation as Misdemeanor; Penalty. - Sec. 2057. (1) No insurer or department or general agency...
Section 500.2059 - Maintaining or Operating Office for Transaction of Insurance Business; Using Name of Insurer in Conducting or Advertising Business Not Related to Business of Insurance. - Sec. 2059. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this act,...
Section 500.2060 - Repealed. 1986, Act 253, Eff. Dec. 31, 1987. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to marketing or transacting...
Section 500.2062 - False Reports; Forfeiture of Franchise or Right to Do Business; Violation by Officers or Agents as Misdemeanor; Penalty. - Sec. 2062. (1) It shall be unlawful for any person...
Section 500.2064 - Misrepresentation of Terms of Policy; Future Benefits or Dividends Prohibited; Illegal Inducements; Violation; Revocation of Certificate or License; Penalties. - Sec. 2064. (1) No insurer, or any officer, director, agent...
Section 500.2066 - Rebates and Illegal Inducements Prohibited; Violation; Revocation of License or Certificate; Penalties. - Sec. 2066. (1) No insurer, by itself or any other...
Section 500.2068 - Revocation of License or Certificate; Notice; Hearing; Order; Review by Supreme Court. - Sec. 2068. (1) Before any such license or certificate is...
Section 500.2069 - Violation of MCL 500.2064 or 500.2066 as Misdemeanor; Penalty. - Sec. 2069. An insurer, agent, solicitor, or other person that...
Section 500.2070 - Acceptance of Rebate or Illegal Inducement Prohibited; Reduction of Insurance; Penalty. - Sec. 2070. (1) No insured person or party shall receive...
Section 500.2074 - Repealed. 2000, Act 486, Imd. Eff. Jan. 11, 2001. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to political contributions by...
Section 500.2075 - Fire, Marine or Inland Insurer's Contract in Restraint of Competition Prohibited; Acts by Agent Prohibited; Other Prohibitions. - Sec. 2075. (1) No fire, fire and marine, or marine...
Section 500.2077 - Creditors; Favoritism of Insurer Prohibited; Construction of Section, Violation, Penalty. - Sec. 2077. (1) No person shall require, as a condition...
Section 500.2078 - Agreements as to Placements of Insurance; Regulations. - Sec. 2078. Except as contained in the policy and the...
Section 500.2080 - Life Insurance, Accident Insurance, Sick or Funeral Benefit Company; Prohibited Conduct With Regard to Mortuary or Undertaking Establishments; Funeral Establishment, Cemetery, or Seller as Limited Life Insurance Producer; Authoriza... - Sec. 2080. (1) It is unlawful for any life or...
Section 500.2082 - Racial Discrimination by Life Insurers Prohibited; Violation; Penalty. - Sec. 2082. (1) No life insurer doing business in this...
Section 500.2086 - False Report by Physician as to Life or Casualty Insurance Applicant; Penalty, Civil Liability to Insurer. - Sec. 2086. Any physician who, as medical examiner for any...
Section 500.2088 - False Report by Physician; Claim for Death, Sickness or Disability Benefits, Penalty. - Sec. 2088. Any agent, collector, physician, insured or other person...
Section 500.2091 - Unlawful Advertising; Notice to Supervisory Official. - Sec. 2091. No unauthorized foreign or alien insurer shall make,...
Section 500.2092 - Unlawful Advertising; Failure to Cease and Desist, Procedure. - Sec. 2092. If after 30 days following the giving of...
Section 500.2093 - Enforcement of Act Against Foreign or Alien Insurer; Procedure. - Sec. 2093. (a) Any of the following acts in this...