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Section 32.601 - National Guard; Composition. - Sec. 201. The national guard consists of the organizations and...
Section 32.605 - Commanding Officers; Duties and Responsibilities. - Sec. 205. The commanding officer of each organization of the...
Section 32.613 - Officers; Appointment, Qualifications; Merger of National Guard and Reserve Component. - Sec. 213. The governor shall appoint general officers of the...
Section 32.617 - Officers; Oath Required, Time. - Sec. 217. An officer of the national guard shall take...
Section 32.621 - Enlistment Periods. - Sec. 221. Original enlistments in the national guard and all...
Section 32.625 - Oath of Person Enlisting in National Guard. - Sec. 225. A person enlisting in the national guard shall...
Section 32.629 - Administration of Oaths and Affirmations. - Sec. 229. An officer of an active or reserve component...
Section 32.633 - Enlistments and Commissions; Continuation After Termination of National Emergency; Discharges. - Sec. 233. On termination of an emergency in which officers...
Section 32.636 - Department-Administered Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Questionnaire and Traumatic Brain Injury Questionnaire. - Sec. 236. (1) An officer or enlisted person serving in...
Section 32.637 - Certificates of Discharge; Discharge Before Expiration of Term; Presentment to Home Counties for Recording. - Sec. 237. (1) Enlisted personnel discharged from service in the...