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Section 32.551 - Governor as Commander-in-Chief of Michigan National Guard; Order to Active State Service; Order by Adjutant General; Conditions; Order by Governor Under Other Circumstances. - Sec. 151. (1) The governor is the commander-in-chief of the...
Section 32.555 - Unorganized Militia; Power of the Governor. - Sec. 155. The governor may order into the defense force...
Section 32.559 - Mutual Military Assistance Agreement With Other States or Reciprocal Agreements for Emergency Assistance to Other States. - Sec. 159. (1) The governor may enter into an agreement...
Section 32.563 - State Military Forces; Pursuit of Insurrectionist, Saboteur, or Enemy Into Another State; Captives, Surrender and Extradition. - Sec. 163. If the United States is at war or...
Section 32.567 - Military Forces of Another State; Pursuit of Insurrectionist, Saboteur, or Enemy Into This State; Surrender of Captives; Construction of Section. - Sec. 167. A military force of another state which is...
Section 32.571 - Reorganization of Military Establishment; Transfer of Personnel. - Sec. 171. The governor may direct the adjutant general to...
Section 32.575 - Declaration of Martial Law. - Sec. 175. When any part of the organized militia is...
Section 32.579 - Command of State Military Personnel; Militia on Active Service; Duties, Liabilities, and Immunities; Defense of Civil Action or Criminal Prosecution. - Sec. 179. (1) No civilian person, except the governor, may...
Section 32.581 - Officers and Warrant Officers; Appointment, Promotion. - Sec. 181. The authority to appoint and promote officers and...
Section 32.582 - Governor; Awards for Services Rendered to Military Establishment. - ***** 32.582 THIS SECTION IS AMENDED EFFECTIVE 91 DAYS AFTER...
Section 32.582.amended - Governor; Awards for Services Rendered to Military Establishment; Adjutant General; "Michigan Vietnam Veteran Recognition Certificate". - ***** 32.582.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE 91 DAYS AFTER...