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Section 168.841 - Board of State Canvassers; Duties. - Sec. 841. (1) The board of state canvassers shall canvass...
Section 168.842 - Board of State Canvassers; Meeting; Time and Place, Notice, Adjournment; Expedited Canvass of Returns. - Sec. 842. (1) The board of state canvassers, for the...
Section 168.843 - Statements of Votes; Filing and Preservation by Secretary of State; Certified Copies. - Sec. 843. The secretary of state, on the receipt of...
Section 168.844 - Statements of Votes; Examination, Preparation of Statement of Totals by Board of State Canvassers. - Sec. 844. The board of state canvassers shall examine the...
Section 168.845 - Certifying Correctness of Statement; Certificate of Determination; Certificate of Election; Declaration of Vacancy; Publication of Constitutional Amendment. - Sec. 845. The members of the board of state canvassers...
Section 168.846 - Board of State Canvassers; Tie Vote, Certification to Legislature, Determination. - Sec. 846. In case 2 or more persons have an...
Section 168.847 - Release of Ballots, Ballot Boxes, Voting Machines, and Equipment. - Sec. 847. The secretary of state may authorize the release...
Section 168.848 - Postelection Statement; Violation as Misdemeanor; False Statement as Perjury. - Sec. 848. (1) Each elected candidate subject to the Michigan...