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Section 168.821 - Meeting of Board of County Canvassers; Place; Time. - Sec. 821. (1) Except as provided in subsection (2), the...
Section 168.822 - Board of County Canvassers; Canvass of Returns, Conclusion; Failure to Certify Election Results. - Sec. 822. (1) The board of county canvassers shall then...
Section 168.823 - Board of County Canvassers; Power to Summon and Open Ballot Boxes; Correction of Errors; Summoning of Election Inspectors; Designation of Staff to Count Ballots and Make Corrections. - Sec. 823. (1) If it is found, upon the convening...
Section 168.824 - Board of County Canvassers; Statement of Votes; Preparation; Seal. - Sec. 824. (1) Upon completion of the canvass under section...
Section 168.824a - Board of County Canvassers; Disclosure of Out-of-Balance Precincts. - Sec. 824a. In any statement prepared under section 824, the...
Section 168.825 - Statements of Votes; Contents, Certification, Filing. - Sec. 825. In said statements, the whole number of votes...
Section 168.826 - Determination and Declaration of Election Results; Preparation, Delivery, and Filing of Certificate of Determination; Publication of Statement of Votes; Certified Certificate of Election. - Sec. 826. (1) The board of county canvassers shall determine...
Section 168.827 - Certificate of Determination to Secretary of State. - Sec. 827. The county clerk of each county which alone...
Section 168.828 - Statements of Votes; Certified Copy to Secretary of State. - Sec. 828. The clerk of the board of county canvassers...
Section 168.829 - County Provisional Ballot Report; County Affidavit Report; Voter Registration Application Report. - Sec. 829. (1) The board of county canvassers shall include...
Section 168.830 - County Clerk; Compensation. - Sec. 830. Each county clerk must receive reasonable compensation for...
Section 168.831 - Defect or Mechanical Malfunction in Election Equipment or Material; Inability of Elector to Cast Valid Vote; Petition for Special Election. - Sec. 831. If an elector cannot cast a valid vote...
Section 168.832 - Defect or Mechanical Malfunction Described in MCL 168.831; Aggrieved Candidate or Elector; Filing Petition for Special Election. - Sec. 832. A candidate aggrieved by a defect or mechanical...
Section 168.833 - Petition for Special Election; Requirements. - Sec. 833. A petition filed under section 832 shall meet...
Section 168.834 - Repealed. 1990, Act 95, Imd. Eff. June 6, 1990. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to service of petition...
Section 168.835 - Petition for Special Election; Qualification; Meeting of Board of Canvassers; Notice of Time and Place. - Sec. 835. The secretary or clerk of the board of...
Section 168.836 - Ordering Special Election in Precinct Affected by Defect or Mechanical Malfunction; Conditions; Effect of Votes in Excess of Electors. - Sec. 836. (1) The board of canvassers shall order a...
Section 168.837 - Special Election to Be Conducted by Mail; Sending Ballot to Each Elector; Time Limitation; Request From Board of Canvassers; Time for Returning Ballot. - Sec. 837. (1) A special election ordered under section 836...
Section 168.838 - Counting and Reporting Ballots; Manner; Count to Include Number of Votes Cast by Absent Voters. - Sec. 838. Ballots returned under section 837 shall be counted...
Section 168.839 - Candidate Not Required to Petition for Recount; Special Election Not Subject to Recount. - Sec. 839. (1) A candidate who petitions for a special...