Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 23 - Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development
Section 9t - Director of Division; Appointment; Powers and Duties

Section 9T. (a) The division shall be administered by a director, who shall be appointed by the governor to serve for a term coterminous with that of the governor. The position of director shall be classified in accordance with section 45 of chapter 30 and the salary shall be determined in accordance with section 46C of said chapter 30. The director shall devote her full time to the duties of her office and shall not engage in other employment or business activities during regular business hours.
(b) The appointment or reappointment of the director of the division shall be made by the governor from names submitted to the governor by the advisory council. Before any appointment or reappointment to the position of director of the division, the advisory council shall review all applications for such nominations and consider the following factors: (1) basic understanding of the commonwealth's public sector labor relations law; (2) skills and experience in managing organizations; and (3) any other relevant experience and education. The advisory council shall rank each candidate as qualified, unqualified, or highly qualified. The governor may select 1 of the candidates recommended by the advisory council; provided, however, that the governor may decline to appoint any of the proffered candidates, in which case the council shall reopen the application process and submit new candidates for the governor's consideration. Any director may be removed by the governor for neglect of duty or malfeasance in office, or for the division's failure to meet the performance standards as set forth in subsection (d) of section 9Q, but for no other cause.
(c) The director shall be the executive and administrative head of the division and shall have charge of the administration of the division. The director shall have the authority, pursuant to chapter 30A, and after consultation with the advisory council and the members of the commonwealth employment relations board, to issue any regulation for the enforcement and administration of the provisions of this section and the 3 following sections, as well as chapters 150, 150A, and 150E. The director shall prepare an annual operating budget and other funding requirements and requests pursuant to this chapter to be submitted to the executive office of labor and workforce development.
(d) In addition to the responsibilities specified above, the director's duties shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
(i) the training of newly appointed board members, hearing officers, mediators, arbitrators, investigators, and any other staff as to their responsibilities and powers, including, but not limited to: the conduct of investigations, conferences, hearings, and mediations; the prompt, clear, and concise writing of decisions; and the prompt resolution of labor disputes brought to the attention of the division;
(ii) the establishment of an annual training program to instruct all board members, hearing officers, mediators, arbitrators, investigators, and any other staff as the director deems appropriate, in matters related to their professional development;
(iii) the establishment of reasonable criteria, in conjunction with the general counsel, and after consultation with the advisory council, upon which to perform an annual review of each board member;
(iv) the establishment of performance standards for all of the functions of the division;
(v) the appropriate allocation of all disputes brought to the attention of the division, to ensure that all professional staff receive balanced and equitable case loads; and
(vi) the hiring, supervision, and evaluation of hearing officers, mediators, arbitrators, investigators, and other staff, for the purpose of fostering more effective resolution of disputes brought to the attention of the division.
(e) While the director shall have oversight over the performance of hearing officers, arbitrators, and other staff, neither the director nor any other person may interfere with, influence, or overrule any written opinion issued by the division's staff or by the board. Any such decision may only be overruled by the members of the commonwealth employment relations board or a court, in accordance with applicable law.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title II - Executive and Administrative Officers of the Commonwealth

Chapter 23 - Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development

Section 1 - Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development Created; Adoption of Regulations; Constituent Departments

Section 3a - Surcharge on Fees Assessed by Department of Labor Standards

Section 9h - Emergency Commission

Section 9j - Rules, Regulations and Orders Necessary for the Administration and Enforcement of Chapter 151a; Expenditures; Reports

Section 9k - Deputy or Assistant Directors; Bonding

Section 9n - State Advisory Council; Board of Review

Section 9o - Department of Labor Relations; Creation; Jurisdiction of Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development Over Certain Functions; Declaration of Public Policy

Section 9p - Dispute Resolution Office

Section 9q - Advisory Council; Appointment of Members; Meetings; Designation of Chairperson; Performance Standards

Section 9r - Commonwealth Employment Relations Board; Appointment of Members; Designation of Chairperson; Reimbursement; Powers and Duties

Section 9s - Joint Labor-Management Committee

Section 9t - Director of Division; Appointment; Powers and Duties

Section 9u - Report to the General Court

Section 11a - Department of Labor Standards; Creation; Powers and Duties

Section 11e - Apprenticeship Council; Members; Terms; Expenses; Meetings

Section 11f - Deputy Director of Apprentice Standards; Appointments

Section 11g - Powers and Duties of Director of Labor Standards and Deputy Director of Apprentice Standards

Section 11h - Definitions

Section 11i - Apprentice Agreements; Basic Standards

Section 11j - Apprentice Agreements; Approval; Signing; Training Period

Section 11k - Basic Apprentice Program Standards; Apprentice Ratio; Eligibility; Minimum Employment; Pay; Credit; Resolution of Complaints

Section 11l - Application to Sponsor Apprentice Program; Collective Bargaining Agreement; Effect of Abnormal Labor Condition

Section 11t - Voluntary Deregistration of Apprentice Programs; Program Investigation; Deregistration for Cause; Notice to Interested Persons; Appeals; Program Reinstatement

Section 11u - Violations of Apprentice Agreement; Investigation; Rules; Hearings; Notice; Appeals

Section 11v - Apprentice Agreements in Collective Bargaining Agreements

Section 11w - Requirements for Apprentice Identification Card; Fees Deposited in Division Special Trust Account

Section 25 - Council on the Underground Economy