Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 53 - Nominations, Questions to Be Submitted to the Voters, Primaries and Caucuses
Section 92 - Notices of Caucuses; Contents

Section 92. Notices of caucuses in said cities or towns shall state the place where and the day and hour when nomination papers shall be issued; the place where and the earliest day and hour when such nomination papers may be filed, which time shall be not less than twenty-four week day hours succeeding three o'clock of the day fixed for issuing such papers; the place where and the day and hour prior to which such nomination papers shall be filed; and the day on which the several caucuses will be held, and shall be issued not less than eighteen days prior thereto.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title VIII - Elections

Chapter 53 - Nominations, Questions to Be Submitted to the Voters, Primaries and Caucuses

Section 1 - Parties Entitled to Make Nominations

Section 2 - Nominations and Elections; Necessity; Procedure

Section 3 - Nomination of Person Not Printed on Primary Ballot; Acceptance; Statement of Financial Interest

Section 4 - Conventions to Nominate Candidates; Dates

Section 5 - Certificate of Nomination; Contents; Signatures; Filing; Written Acceptance of Candidate

Section 6 - Nomination Papers; Contents; Number of Signatures; Unenrolled Candidates

Section 7 - Nomination Papers; Signatures; Addresses; Submission; Deadlines; Correction Procedures; Certification and Checking; Special Elections

Section 7a - Nomination Papers for City Offices; Deadlines; Signatures; Certification and Checking

Section 8 - Certificates of Nomination and Nomination Papers; Contents; Party Designation

Section 9 - Certificate of Nomination and Nomination Papers; Certification of Candidate as Registered Voter; Acceptance Procedure

Section 9a - Nomination Papers for Cities or Towns; Applicable Provisions

Section 10 - Certificates of Nomination and Nomination Papers; Time for Filing

Section 11 - Certificates of Nomination and Nomination Papers; Objections; Filing

Section 13 - Withdrawal of Nominated Candidates

Section 14 - Death, Withdrawal or Ineligibility of Nominated Candidates; Filling Vacancies; Objections

Section 15 - Certificate of Nomination to Fill Vacancy; Contents; Acceptance

Section 16 - Certificates of Nomination, etc.; Public Inspection; Preservation

Section 17 - Blank Forms for Nominations

Section 17a - Procedure

Section 18 - Proposed Amendments to Federal Constitution; Opinion of Voters Ascertained

Section 18a - Nonbinding Public Opinion Advisory Questions on Local Ballots

Section 18b - Information Relating to Questions on City, Town or District Ballot; Contents; Written Arguments by Principal Proponents and Opponents; Public Inspection

Section 19 - Questions of Public Policy Submitted in Certain Districts Upon Application

Section 20 - Applications; Signatures; Identification; Certification; Submission

Section 21 - Applications; Filing Deadline; Number of Questions; Resubmission

Section 22 - Instructions to Representatives; Necessity of Majority Vote

Section 22a - Signing Petitions; Forms; Receipt; Filing Date

Section 23 - Sections Applicable to All Primaries

Section 24 - Applicability of Sections Relating to Elections and Corrupt Practices

Section 25 - Withdrawal of Nominations

Section 28 - Dates and Places for Holding Primaries

Section 29 - Designation of Primary Officers; Compensation

Section 30 - Designation of Primary Officers; Wards or Towns

Section 31 - Ineligibility to Act as Primary Officers

Section 32 - Ballots; Preparation; Number

Section 33 - Ballots; Color; Specimen Ballots

Section 34 - Ballots; Contents; Arrangement; Form

Section 34a - Absentee Ballots; Application; Forms; Envelopes; Preparation

Section 35 - Cross Constituting as Vote

Section 35a - Use of Pasters or Stickers

Section 35b - Persons Nominated by Pasters or Write-Ins; Notice

Section 36 - Delivery of Ballots, etc., at Polling Places; Posting Specimen Ballots

Section 37 - Party Enrollment of Voters

Section 37a - Absentee Ballots; Application; Unenrolled Voters; Recording Upon Voting Lists

Section 38 - Party Designation of Voters and Eligibility to Vote Under Party Enrollments; Certificate to Establish, Change or Cancel Enrollment

Section 38a - Enrolled and Unenrolled Voters; Precinct Count

Section 39 - Counting Votes

Section 40 - Number of Votes Necessary to Nominate Candidate Not on Ballot

Section 40a - Petitions for Recounts

Section 41 - Sections Applicable to Nominations at State Primaries

Section 42 - Primaries Held by Wards, Precincts or Groups of Precincts; Notice to State Secretary

Section 43 - Polls; Hours When Open

Section 44 - Nomination Papers; Number of Signatures

Section 45 - Nomination Papers; Contents; Signatures; Acceptance; Number of Candidates; Penalty Provisions

Section 46 - Nomination Papers; Submission to Registrars; Certification; Correction of District; Number of Names

Section 47 - Nomination Papers; Preparation; Availability

Section 48 - Nomination Papers; Certificates of Nomination; Filing; Political Party Membership; Term Limits

Section 49 - Nomination in Case of Withdrawal, Death or Ineligibility

Section 50 - Vacancies Caused by Withdrawal; Nominations to Fill; Objections

Section 51 - Counting Ballots

Section 52 - Canvass and Return of Votes; Certification and Notification of Nominees

Section 53 - Vacancies Caused by Ties; Filling

Section 53a - Objections to Nominations; Withdrawals by Nominees

Section 55 - Primaries for City and Town Nominations; Objections; Withdrawals

Section 56 - Primaries for Nomination; Submission of Question; Notice of Result to State Secretary

Section 57 - Notices of Intention to Participate in Primaries

Section 58 - Blank Nomination Papers; Contents

Section 59 - Nominations on Blank Nomination Papers; Signatures; Acceptance

Section 60 - Nomination Papers; Contents

Section 61 - Nomination Papers; Filing; Certification; Correction of District

Section 62 - Death, Withdrawal, or Ineligibility of Candidates; Filling Vacancies

Section 63 - Polls; Hours

Section 64 - Returns of Votes; Canvass and Certification

Section 70a - Sections Applicable

Section 70b - Delegates to National Conventions; Election; Number

Section 70c - Primaries by Wards, Precincts or Groups of Precincts; Notice to State Secretary

Section 70d - Nomination Papers

Section 70e - Order of Names on Ballots; Statement of Preference; Preferential Vote Count

Section 70f - Canvass of Returns; Notice; Certification; Certificates

Section 70g - Filling Vacancies

Section 70h - Applicability of Certain Other Sections

Section 70i - Delegates and Alternate Delegates to National Conventions; Voting for President on First Roll Call

Section 71 - Nomination at Caucuses

Section 72 - Regulations for City or Town Caucuses

Section 72a - Time for Holding City or Town Caucuses

Section 73 - Caucuses Held by Precincts or Groups of Precincts; Notice

Section 74 - Caucuses Relative to Special Elections

Section 75 - Calling of Caucuses; Notice

Section 76 - Persons Entitled to Vote or Take Part in Caucuses; Oath; Challenges; Penalties

Section 77 - Balloting; Use of Voting Lists

Section 78 - Tie Vote for Caucus Officers

Section 79 - Certificate of Election; Notice of Nomination

Section 80 - Returns of Caucuses Where Direct Nominations Made; Tabulation of Results; Notice; Recounts

Section 81 - Tie Votes in Direct Nominations; Filling Vacancies

Section 82 - Polling Places Provided; Notice

Section 83 - Notice of Caucuses; Procedure

Section 84 - Balloting; Duration

Section 85 - Tie Vote for Elective Office; Proceedings

Section 86 - Ballots and Check Lists; Transmission to City or Town Clerk; Preservation

Section 87 - Contested Elections or Nominations; Preservation of Ballots; Notice; Recount; Penalties

Section 88 - Calling of Caucuses

Section 89 - Adoption of Law for Official Ballots; Calling Caucuses; Notice

Section 90 - Revocation of Acceptance of Special Provisions; Notice

Section 91 - Time of Holding Caucuses

Section 92 - Notices of Caucuses; Contents

Section 93 - Provision of Polling Places; Voting Lines

Section 94 - Notice by City or Town Committees

Section 95 - Blank Nomination Papers; Contents

Section 96 - Nominations Made by Nomination Papers; Acceptance; Vacancies

Section 97 - Nomination Papers; Sealing; Filing; Opening

Section 98 - Correction of Errors; Notice

Section 99 - Proceedings in Cities When Papers Not Filed; Filling Vacancies

Section 100 - Proceedings in Towns When Papers Not Filed

Section 101 - Withdrawals; Filling Vacancies

Section 102 - Nomination Papers; Delivery to City or Town Clerk

Section 103 - Nomination Papers; Correction of Errors

Section 104 - Objections to Nomination Papers

Section 105 - Ballots; Provision by Cities or Towns

Section 106 - Form of Official Ballot

Section 107 - Applicability of Certain Laws

Section 108 - Order of Business

Section 109 - Challenges

Section 110 - Counting of Ballots; Announcement of Result; Sealing; Transmittal of Records

Section 111 - Voting Lists; Certified Copies

Section 112 - Recount of Ballots

Section 113 - Caucus Officers; Eligibility; Terms; Oaths; Duties

Section 114 - Vacancies; Additional Officers

Section 115 - Appointment of Officers for First Caucus

Section 116 - Caucus Officers in Newly Incorporated Cities or Cities Redivided Into Wards

Section 117 - Caucuses to Nominate Municipal Officers; Convention Delegates; Committees

Section 118 - Notice of Caucus; Chairman; Order of Business

Section 119 - Elections by Ballot; Written Request

Section 120 - Preservation of Ballots and Voting Lists

Section 121 - Calling Town Caucus at Annual Meeting; Rescission; Nominations; Tie Vote

Section 122 - Regional School District-Wide Elections; Applicable Provisions