Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 13 - Division and Boards of Registration
Section 90 - Board of Registration of Allied Mental Health and Human Services Professions; Meetings; Duties

[ First paragraph effective until fulfillment of the conditions of 2021, 39 Sec. 127. For text effective upon the conditions of 2021, 39 Sec. 127, see below.]
  Section 90. The board shall hold at least two regular meetings each year, but additional meetings may be held upon the call of the chairperson, or the secretary, or upon the written request of any two board members. A majority of the appointed members of the board shall constitute a quorum; provided, however, that at least one of those members shall be a member who was selected from and who represents the general public. The principal office of the board shall be in the city of Boston but the board may act and exercise all of its powers in such other jurisdictions as it deems necessary.
[ First paragraph as amended by 2021, 39, Sec. 16A effective upon the fulfillment of the conditions of 2021, 39 Sec. 127. For text effective until the conditions of 2021, 39 Sec. 127, see above.]
  The board shall hold at least two regular meetings each year, but additional meetings may be held upon the call of the chairperson, or the secretary, or upon the written request of any two board members. A majority of the appointed members of the board shall constitute a quorum; provided, however, that at least one of those members shall be a member who was selected from and who represents the general public.
  The board shall administer and enforce the provisions of section one hundred and sixty-three to one hundred and seventy-two, inclusive, of chapter one hundred and twelve. Said board shall promulgate regulations which set forth education requirements necessary for a person to be licensed under the provisions of section one hundred and sixty-five of said chapter one hundred and twelve; and the board may, from time to time, adopt such rules and regulations as it deems necessary to carry out the performance of its duties.
[ Third paragraph effective until fulfillment of the conditions of 2021, 39 Sec. 127. For text effective upon the conditions of 2021, 39 Sec. 127, see below.]
  The director of consumer affairs and business regulations shall have authority to review and approve rules and regulations proposed by the board. Such regulations will be deemed approved unless disapproved within fifteen days of submission to said director; provided, however that any such disapproval shall be in writing setting forth the reasons for such disapproval.
[ Third paragraph as amended by 2021, 39, Sec. 17 effective upon the fulfillment of the conditions of 2021, 39 Sec. 127. For text effective until the conditions of 2021, 39 Sec. 127, see above.]
  The commissioner of public health shall have authority to review and approve rules and regulations proposed by the board. Such regulations will be deemed approved unless disapproved within fifteen days of submission to said director; provided, however that any such disapproval shall be in writing setting forth the reasons for such disapproval.
  Said board shall examine and pass on the qualifications of all applicants for licenses under sections one hundred and sixty-three to one hundred and seventy-two, inclusive, of chapter one hundred and twelve, and shall issue a license to each successful applicant therefor, attesting to their professional qualifications to be a licensed allied mental health and human services professional. After a person has applied for licensure, no member of the board may supervise such applicant for a fee nor shall any member vote on any applicant previously supervised by such member.
  The board shall establish standards committees for each allied mental health and human services profession. Each standards committee shall have three members, two of whom shall be the board members representing their respective professions and one of whom shall be a board member representing the general public. Each standards committee, by a majority vote, shall recommend approval or disapproval of the granting of all licenses for that profession, approve the examination required of applicants for licensure in that profession, provide for the grading of that examination and provide for other matters relating to the standards for licensure in that profession.
  No decision of a standards committee shall become effective until approved by the board. The board may initiate or otherwise act regarding any matter in which a standards committee is authorized to act. No decision of the board regarding the standards of a particular allied mental health and human services profession shall become effective without the approval of a majority of the standards committee for such profession.
  Said board may recommend to the governor and the general court, after a public hearing which shall be advertised by publication of notices to the appropriate mental health and human service professional organizations and in major media outlets throughout the commonwealth, modifications and amendments to sections eighty-eight, eighty-nine and this section and sections one hundred and sixty-three to one hundred and seventy-two, inclusive, of chapter one hundred and twelve.
  Said board shall cause examinations to be held not less than twice annually and shall evaluate examinations to keep them free from cultural bias.
  Said board shall annually publish a list of names and addresses of persons who are licensed under sections one hundred and sixty-three to one hundred and seventy-two inclusive, of chapter one hundred and twelve.
  Fees for examinations and for initial and renewal applications shall be determined annually by the commissioner of administration under the provisions of section three B of chapter seven.
  Said board shall establish regulations for continuing educational requirements for licensees. Said regulations shall not require more than thirty contact hours per year, on average through the term of the license, of approved continuing education programs as a condition for continuing registration, nor more than fifteen contact hours per year on average for any licensed individual during the term of their employment by the commonwealth or any political subdivisions thereof.
  Said board shall cause public hearings to be held prior to setting specifications for any continuing educational requirements.
  The board shall establish procedures to permit consumers to file written complaints against licensed individuals and investigate and take appropriate action on such complaints.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title II - Executive and Administrative Officers of the Commonwealth

Chapter 13 - Division and Boards of Registration

Section 8 - Division of Professional Licensure; Commissioner; Duties; Compensation; Appointment of Successor

Section 8a - Office of Private Occupational School Education

Section 9 - Boards Subsequently Mentioned to Serve in Division; Offices; Compensation

Section 9a - Rules and Regulations Governing Examinations

Section 9b - Boards of Registration; Conflicting Interests of Public or Lay Members Restricted; Delegation of Duties to Single Members; Policy Matters; Definitions

Section 9c - Boards of Registration; Members; Public Employees for Certain Purposes

Section 10 - Board of Registration in Medicine; Membership; Appointment and Term; Expenses; Rules and Regulations

Section 10a - Board of Registration in Medicine; Review and Approval of Rules and Regulations

Section 11 - Board of Registration in Medicine; Meetings; Officers; Bond; Salaries and Expenses

Section 11a - Board of Allied Health Professions; Membership; Appointment; Term; Removal; Election of Officers; Expenses; Powers and Duties

Section 11b - Board of Respiratory Care; Membership; Qualifications; Term

Section 11c - Board of Registration of Physician Assistants; Membership; Appointment; Term

Section 11d - Board of Registration of Dieticians and Nutritionists

Section 11e - Board of Registration of Perfusionists; Members; Officers

Section 12a - Board of Registration in Podiatry; Membership; Term

Section 12b - Board of Registration in Podiatry; Meetings; Officers; Quorum

Section 12c - Board of Registration in Podiatry; Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses

Section 13 - Board of Registration in Nursing; Members; Number; Qualifications; Appointment; Term

Section 14 - Board of Registration in Nursing; Meetings; Officers; Executive Director; Duties

Section 14a - Board of Registration in Nursing; Assistant to Executive Director; Qualifications; Appointment

Section 15 - Board of Registration in Nursing; Compensation and Expenses

Section 15d - Board of Registration in Nursing; Compensation and Expense Limit

Section 16 - Board of Registration in Optometry; Membership; Appointment; Term; Qualifications

Section 17 - Board of Registration in Optometry; Meetings; Officers; Secretary's Bond

Section 18 - Board of Registration in Optometry; Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses

Section 19 - Board of Registration in Dentistry; Membership; Qualifications; Appointment; Term; Advisors

Section 20 - Board of Registration in Dentistry; Board Meetings; Officers

Section 21 - Board of Registration in Dentistry; Salaries and Expenses; Accounts Open to Public

Section 22 - Board of Registration in Pharmacy; Membership; Qualifications; Appointment; Term; Code of Ethics

Section 23 - Board of Registration in Pharmacy; Meetings; Officers; Secretary's Bond

Section 24 - Board of Registration in Pharmacy; Salaries and Expenses

Section 25 - Board of Registration in Pharmacy; Agents; Expenses; Duties

Section 25a - Agents Appointed Pursuant to Sec. 25; Training

Section 26 - Board of Registration in Veterinary Medicine; Membership; Qualifications; Term

Section 27 - Board of Registration in Veterinary Medicine; Meetings; Officers

Section 28 - Board of Registration in Veterinary Medicine; Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses

Section 29 - Board of Registration in Embalming and Funeral Directing; Membership; Appointment; Term

Section 30 - Board of Registration in Embalming and Funeral Directing; Meetings; Officers; Secretary's Bond

Section 31 - Board of Registration in Embalming and Funeral Directing; Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses

Section 32 - State Examiners of Electricians; Membership; Appointment and Term; Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses

Section 32a - Board of Electricians' Appeals

Section 33 - Board of Public Accountancy; Membership; Appointment; Terms; Removal

Section 34 - Board of Public Accountancy; Officers; Records of Proceedings; Register; Meetings

Section 35 - Board of Public Accountancy; Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses

Section 36 - Board of State Examiners of Plumbers and Gas Fitters; Membership; Appointment; Term; Chairperson

Section 37 - Board of State Examiners of Plumbers and Gas Fitters; Meetings

Section 38 - Board of State Examiners of Plumbers and Gas Fitters; Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses

Section 42 - Board of Registration of Cosmetology and Barbering; Membership; Appointment and Term

Section 44a - Board of Registration of Architects; Membership; Appointment; Term

Section 44b - Board of Registration of Architects; Meetings; Officers; Quorum

Section 44c - Board of Registration of Architects; Rules and By-Laws; Seal; Powers; Annual Report

Section 44d - Board of Registration of Architects; Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses

Section 45 - Board of Registration of Professional Engineers and of Land Surveyors; Membership; Appointment; Terms

Section 46 - Board of Registration of Professional Engineers and of Land Surveyors; Meetings; Officers

Section 47 - Board of Registration of Professional Engineers and of Land Surveyors; Compensation; Expenses; Limitations

Section 48 - Board of Registration of Dispensing Opticians; Membership; Appointment; Term

Section 49 - Board of Registration of Dispensing Opticians; Meetings; Officers; Secretary's Bond

Section 50 - Board of Registration of Dispensing Opticians; Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses

Section 51 - Board of Registration of Sanitarians; Membership; Appointment and Qualifications; Term

Section 52 - Board of Registration of Sanitarians; Meetings; Organization; Rules and Regulations

Section 53 - Board of Registration of Sanitarians; Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses

Section 54 - Board of Registration of Real Estate Brokers and Salesmen; Membership; Appointment; Term; Vacancies

Section 55 - Board of Registration of Real Estate Brokers and Salesmen; Meetings; Notice, Quorum; Record

Section 56 - Board of Registration of Real Estate Brokers and Salesmen; Rules and By-Laws; Seal; Annual Report; Contents

Section 57 - Board of Registration of Real Estate Brokers and Salesmen; Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses

Section 64 - Board of Registration of Chiropractors Membership; Appointment and Qualifications

Section 65 - Board of Registration of Chiropractors; Meetings

Section 66 - Board of Registration of Chiropractors; Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses

Section 66b - Board of Certification of Operators of Drinking Water Supply Facilities

Section 67 - Board of Registration of Landscape Architects; Membership; Appointment and Qualifications; Term; Vacancies

Section 68 - Board of Registration of Landscape Architects; Meetings; Chairman

Section 69 - Board of Registration of Landscape Architects; Compensation; Expenses; Clerks

Section 70 - Board of Certification of Health Officers; Membership; Appointment and Qualifications; Term

Section 71 - Board of Certification of Health Officers; Meetings; Officers; Rules and Regulations

Section 72 - Board of Certification of Health Officers; Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses

Section 73 - Board of Nursing Home Administrators; Membership; Appointment; Vacancies; Removal

Section 74 - Board of Nursing Home Administrators; Meetings; Officers; Rules and Regulations

Section 75 - Board of Nursing Home Administrators; Disposition of Fees; Compensation and Expenses of Members; Employees

Section 76 - Board of Registration of Psychologists; Membership; Appointment and Qualifications

Section 77 - Board of Registration of Psychologists; Term; Expiration; Appointment of Successor

Section 78 - Board of Registration of Psychologists; Removal of Member for Cause; Notice; Right to Hearing

Section 79 - Board of Registration of Psychologists; Meetings; Election of Officers; Licenses; Rules and Regulations; Compensation; Assistants

Section 80 - Board of Registration of Social Workers; Membership; Appointment and Qualifications

Section 81 - Board of Registration of Social Workers; Term

Section 82 - Board of Registration of Social Workers; Removal of Member for Cause; Right to Hearing; Vacancy

Section 83 - Board of Registration of Social Workers; Compensation

Section 84 - Board of Registration of Social Workers; Meetings; Election of Officers; Powers and Duties of Board; Issuance of Cease and Desist Orders; Fees

Section 85 - Board of Registration of Speech–language Pathology and Audiology; Membership; Appointment; Election of Officers; Expenses

Section 86 - Board of Registration of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology; Examination, Licensing and Registration; Ethical Standards; Complaints

Section 87 - Board of Registration of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology; Rules and Regulations

Section 88 - Board of Registration of Allied Mental Health and Human Services Professions; Membership; Appointment; Removal

Section 89 - Board of Registration of Allied Mental Health and Human Services Professions; Qualifications of Members

Section 90 - Board of Registration of Allied Mental Health and Human Services Professions; Meetings; Duties

Section 92 - Board of Real Estate Appraisers; Membership; Appointment; Expenses

Section 93 - Board of Registration of Hearing Instrument Specialists; Members

Section 94 - Board of Registration of Hearing Instrument Specialists; Duties

Section 96 - Board of Registration of Home Inspectors; Members

Section 97 - Board of Registration of Home Inspectors; Duties; Informational Brochure on Home Inspections

Section 97a - Board of Registration of Home Inspectors; Regulations Outlining Procedures and Benefits of Home Energy Audit

Section 98 - Board of Registration of Massage Therapy; Composition; Terms; Voting

Section 99 - Board of Registration of Massage Therapy; Powers and Duties

Section 101 - Board of Examiners of Sheet Metal Workers; Members; Terms; Frequency of Meetings

Section 102 - Board of Examiners of Sheet Metal Workers; Powers and Duties

Section 103 - Board of Registration of Genetic Counselors; Members; Removal and Resignation

Section 104 - Board of Registration of Genetic Counselors; Election of Officers; Meetings; Reimbursement of Expenses

Section 105 - Board of Registration of Genetic Counselors; Powers and Duties

Section 106 - Board of Certification of Community Health Workers; Membership; Term; Removal and Vacancies

Section 107 - Board of Certification of Community Health Workers; Meetings; Officers; Quorum; Records; Expenses; Staffing

Section 108 - Board of Certification of Community Health Workers; Powers and Duties

Section 109 - Board of Registration in Naturopathy; Membership; Term; Officers; Quorum; Compensation and Expenses