Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 185c - Housing Court Department
Section 9 - Clerks; Appointment; Disputes Between Justices and Clerks

Section 9. There shall be a clerk, appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the council, for each of the housing courts. Said clerks shall hold office during good behavior, subject however, to retirement under the provisions of any general or special law relative to retirement systems. The clerk appointed for the western division shall reside in either Berkshire, Franklin, Hampden or Hampshire counties. Said clerks shall have responsibility for the internal administration of their respective offices, including the selection, appointment, and management of personnel, staff services and record keeping. The chief justice, a first justice or a clerk of the housing court may submit any dispute that arises between said chief justice or said first justice and said clerk of court, concerning the management and administration of the clerk's office, the duties, powers and obligations of the clerk-magistrate or a member of the clerk-magistrate's staff, or the interpretation of the personnel standards provided for under section eight of chapter two hundred and eleven B, to the chief justice of the trial court, who in consultation with the court administrator, shall within thirty days, hear and determine the matter. The decision of the chief justice of the trial court shall be binding on the parties.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part II - Real and Personal Property and Domestic Relations

Title I - Title to Real Property

Chapter 185c - Housing Court Department

Section 1 - Housing Court Department; Composition; Definitions

Section 2 - Superior and General Jurisdiction; Presumption; Processes

Section 3 - Concurrent Jurisdiction; Powers of Superior Court Department; Enforcement Authority

Section 4 - Sittings of Court

Section 5 - Time for Transaction of Business

Section 6 - Seal

Section 7 - Rules and Forms of Procedure

Section 8 - Justices; Appointment; Disputes Between Justices and Clerks; Appeals; Removal

Section 8a - Chief Justice Authority and Responsibility

Section 8b - Deputy Court Administrator

Section 9 - Clerks; Appointment; Disputes Between Justices and Clerks

Section 9a - Salaries of Clerks and Assistant Clerks; Practice of Law

Section 10 - Temporary Clerks

Section 11 - Assistant Clerks

Section 12 - Oath of Office of Clerks

Section 13 - Bond of Clerks

Section 14 - Powers and Duties of Clerks

Section 15 - Court Officers

Section 16 - Housing Specialists

Section 17 - Practice of Law by Clerks or Housing Specialists

Section 18 - Recording System; Procurement of Law Books, Stationery, Etc.

Section 19 - Commencement of Proceedings; Fees; Non-Willful Offense Deemed Non-Criminal

Section 20 - Transfer of Civil Actions

Section 21 - Trial Without Jury; Exception; Report of Inspector as Prima Facie Evidence

Section 22 - Entry of Judgment or Order

Section 23 - Bond of Receiver