Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 39 - Municipal Government
Section 9 - Annual Meeting; Other Meetings; Election of Officers; Times; Adjournment; Holidays

[ Section impacted by 2020, 45, Secs. 1 and 1A, as amended by 2020, 92, Secs. 1 to 3, effective March 23, 2020, 2020, 92 Secs. 9 and 15 to 17 effective June 5, 2020 and 2021, 5, Secs. 1 and 2, effective March 16, 2021, relating to elections in order to address disruptions caused by the outbreak of COVID-19.]
  Section 9. Except as otherwise provided by special law or a charter adopted or revised or amended under Sections two, three, or four of Article LXXXIX of the Amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth which may provide for a different time for the election of town officials and other matters to be determined by ballot, the annual meeting of each town shall be held in February, March, April, May or June; and other meetings may be held at such times as the selectmen may order or the charter or by-law prescribe; provided, however, that, notwithstanding the provisions of this section or of any other law, by-law, or charter to the contrary, a town, by the vote of its board of selectmen or town council may delay the annual town meeting; and provided, further, that such a delayed annual town meeting shall complete its business on or before June 30 except in the event of an emergency that poses an immediate threat to the health or safety of persons or property that prevents the completion of the business of the delayed town meeting on or before June 30 if the governor has declared a state of emergency with respect to such emergency. Town meetings shall be held within the geographic limits of the town unless a special law, charter or by-law provides otherwise; provided, however, that any meeting for the election by ballot of federal, state or other officers or the determination of other matters that are to be determined by ballot at an election shall be held within the geographic limits of the town. Meetings may be adjourned from time to time and meet and adjourn to any place authorized by law provided that officers shall be elected, and matters required by law to be elected or determined by ballot, shall be so elected or determined during the hours during which polls shall remain open as hereinafter provided. If the day set for a town meeting by by-law or otherwise falls on a legal holiday, such meetings shall be held on the day following. A town may by by-law designate the hour at which the annual town meeting shall be called and subject to section sixty-four of chapter fifty-four by vote or by-law designate the hours during which polls shall remain open in meetings for the election of officers and the determination of other matters that are required by law to be determined by ballot.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title VII - Cities, Towns and Districts

Chapter 39 - Municipal Government

Section 1 - Allocation of Powers

Section 2 - Presiding Officer of Board of Aldermen; Voting Rights

Section 3 - Elections of City Officers by Municipal Bodies; Manner of Voting

Section 4 - Mayor to Sign Every Ordinance; Veto Power; Effect

Section 5 - Performance of Mayoralty Duties During Vacancy

Section 6 - Election Warrants; Issuance; Acceptance of Provisions of Section

Section 6a - Municipal Salaries; Increases and Decreases; Procedure

Section 7 - Holding Other Offices

Section 8 - Compatibility of Offices

Section 8a - Removal of Officers; Procedure; Exception

Section 9 - Annual Meeting; Other Meetings; Election of Officers; Times; Adjournment; Holidays

Section 9a - Election of Officers and Other Matters Determined by Ballot; Meetings; Time and Place; Warrants

Section 10 - Warrant; Issuance; Contents

Section 10a - Recession and Continuation of Town Meeting Due to Inclement Weather or Public Safety Emergency; Notice

Section 11 - Persons Authorized to Call Meetings Upon Resignation of Selectmen

Section 12 - Persons Authorized to Call Meetings Upon Refusal of Selectmen

Section 13 - Quorum; Application of Section

Section 14 - Moderators; Election; Tenure; Vacancies; Assistant Moderators

Section 15 - Moderators; Powers and Duties

Section 16 - Appropriation, Advisory or Finance Committees; Appointment; Tenure; Powers and Duties

Section 17 - Powers of Moderator; Preservation of Order

Section 18 - Duties of Moderators; Reception of Votes

Section 20 - Precinct Voting

Section 21 - Canvass of Returns

Section 23d - Adjudicatory Hearings; Attendance by Municipal Board, Committee and Commission Members; Voting Disqualification

Section 24 - Application of Chapter