Section 80. The terms ''city clerk'' and ''registrars of voters'' when used in sections seventy-nine to ninety-two A, inclusive, shall have the respective meanings given them by section one of chapter fifty.
Structure Massachusetts General Laws
Part I - Administration of the Government
Title VII - Cities, Towns and Districts
Section 2 - Authorization to Adopt a Plan of Government
Section 3 - Effect of Chapter on Legislative Powers of Cities
Section 4 - Effect of Adoption of Governmental Plan on Ordinances, Etc.
Section 5 - Existing Organization to Continue Until Superseded
Section 6 - Wards, Number and Boundaries to Continue Until Changed Under Law
Section 7 - Adoption of Plan; Filing of Petition Calling for Vote
Section 8 - Adoption of Plan; Form of Petition
Section 9 - Plan A, B, C, D or E; Proceeding After Filing of Petition; Submission to Electorate
Section 9b - Plan F; Proceeding After Filing of Petition; Submission to Electorate
Section 10 - Number of Plans Considered at Election; Procedure on Subsequent Petitions
Section 11 - Majority Vote Required for Adoption of Plan; Effect of Adoption; Election of Officers
Section 12 - Petition for Other Plans After Unfavorable Election
Section 13 - Duration of Plan Adopted
Section 14 - Officials to Expedite Transition to Adopted Plan
Section 15 - Dates of Elections Under Adopted Plan; Municipal Year Defined
Section 16 - Primaries and Caucuses Prohibited
Section 16a - Plan F; Primaries and Caucuses
Section 17 - Oath of Office; Time of Taking
Section 17a - Salaries of Mayor, City Manager and Council
Section 17b - Compensation of Mayor and City Council
Section 17d - Two-Year Term for Mayors in Cities Under Sec. 17c; Acceptance by Election
Section 18 - City Council; Powers and Duties
Section 20 - Passage of Ordinances
Section 21 - Amendments and Repeals of Ordinances
Section 22 - Ordinances, etc.; Passage at One Session
Section 23 - Ordinances; Publication
Section 24 - Adoption of Plan; Effect on Obligations, Taxes and Legal Acts
Section 25 - Employees in Mayor's Office Not Subject to Civil Service
Section 26 - Vacancies in Office of Mayor or City Council; Acting Mayor
Section 27 - Interest in Public Contracts by Public Employees Prohibited; Penalty
Section 29 - Public Contracts; Form; Required Approvals; Bond, Etc.
Section 30 - Purchase or Taking of Land
Section 31 - School Committee; Membership; Tenure
Section 32 - Superintendent of Schools; Election; Appointment of Other School Employees.
Section 33 - School Committee; Powers and Duties
Section 34 - Location and Erection of Schools; Approvals Required
Section 35 - Open and Public Meetings; Yea and Nay Vote
Section 36 - School Committee; Filling Vacancies
Section 37 - Initiative Petition; Measure Defined
Section 38 - Initiative Petitions; Validity of Signatures; Objections
Section 39 - Initiative Petition; Passage and Submission to Electorate
Section 40 - Proceedings if Initiative Petition Not Properly Signed
Section 41 - Contents of Ballot for Proposed Measure
Section 42 - Referendum Petition; Effect on Final Passage
Section 43 - Submission of Proposed Measure to Voters
Section 44 - Measures With Conflicting Provisions
Section 44a - Preliminary Elections; Contents of Notices
Section 44b - Inclusion of Name on Ballot; Prerequisites
Section 44c - Candidates for Nomination; Qualifications; Statement and Petition
Section 44d - Official Ballot; Posting Lists of Candidates; Drawing for Position on Ballot
Section 44e - Counting Ballots; Canvass of Returns
Section 44f - Determination of Candidates for Election
Section 44g - Nomination of Candidates; Conditions Making Preliminary Election Unnecessary
Section 44h - Acceptance of Sections Dealing With Preliminary Elections; Submission to Electorate
Section 45 - Provisions Applicable to Adoption of Any Governmental Plan
Section 47 - Effective Date of Plan
Section 48 - Mayor as Chief Executive Officer; Term of Office
Section 49 - Party Designations on Ballots Prohibited
Section 50 - City Council; Number; Election; Tenure
Section 50a - City Council; Filling Vacancies In
Section 52 - Appointments of Employees by Mayor Without Confirmation
Section 53 - Certificate of Appointment
Section 54 - Removal of Officials; Exceptions
Section 55 - Approval or Veto by Mayor of Orders, Ordinances, etc.; Overriding Veto
Section 57 - Operative Date of Plan
Section 58 - Mayor as Chief Executive Officer; Election; Tenure
Section 59 - City Council; Number; Election; Tenure
Section 59a - Vacancies in Office of Mayor and Council; Procedure for Filling
Section 60 - Appointments by Mayor Subject to Confirmation; Exceptions
Section 63 - Approval and Veto Offer of Mayor
Section 65 - Effective Date of Plan Adopted
Section 66 - City Council; Powers and Duties
Section 67 - Membership; Duties of Individual Commissioners; Tenure
Section 69 - Organization; Oath of Office
Section 71 - Quorum; Open and Public Meetings; Duties of City Clerk; Method of Voting
Section 72 - Powers and Duties
Section 73 - Methods of Action; Itemization of Appropriations
Section 74 - Mayor; Status; Powers and Duties; Acting Mayor
Section 75 - Distribution of Executive Powers; Determination of Policies
Section 76 - Appointment and Removal of Department Heads
Section 77 - Department Records; Publication of Reports
Section 79 - Plan D; Effective Date
Section 80 - Definitions
Section 81 - Management and Control of City Government by Mayor and Council
Section 82 - City Council, Membership; Election; Terms
Section 83 - City Council; Powers and Duties; Organization; Oaths of Office
Section 84 - Meetings of City Council
Section 85 - City Council; Quorum; Duties of City Clerk; Records; Procedure
Section 86 - Mayor; Powers and Duties
Section 89 - City Manager; Qualifications; Tenure; Compensation; Removal
Section 90 - Powers and Duties of City Manager
Section 91 - City Officers and Employees
Section 92 - Interference With City Manager by Council Forbidden; Penalty
Section 93 - Plan E; Effective Upon Adoption
Section 95 - Governing Power of City Council, Etc.
Section 96 - City Council; Membership; Tenure
Section 97 - City Council; Powers and Duties; Organization
Section 98 - Meetings of City Council
Section 99 - Quorum; Presiding Officer; Duties of City Clerk; Voting Procedure
Section 100 - Mayor; Official Head of City; Powers and Duties; Vice-Chairman
Section 102 - Vacancies in Elective Bodies
Section 103 - City Manager; Appointment; Qualifications; Compensation; Removal
Section 104 - Powers, Rights and Duties of City Manager
Section 105 - City Officers and Employees; Appointments and Removals
Section 106 - Officers and Employees; Regulations; Penalty for Violations
Section 107 - Interference With City Manager by Council Forbidden; Penalty
Section 108 - Solicitation of Political Contributions by Employees; Penalties
Section 109 - Regular Municipal Election; Date
Section 110 - Candidates; Statement and Petition
Section 111 - Nomination Papers
Section 112 - Ballots; Form and Contents
Section 113 - Preparing Ballots, etc.; Procedure
Section 114 - Counting of Ballots; Procedure
Section 116 - General Election Laws; Applicability
Section 119 - Mayor; Election; Term
Section 120 - Legislative Powers; Election and Term of City Council
Section 123 - Certificate of Appointment
Section 124 - Removal of Heads of Departments
Section 125 - Ordinances and Resolutions; Approval by Mayor
Section 126 - Regular Municipal Election; Date; Nomination Papers
Section 127 - General Election Laws; Applicability
Section 129 - Referendum; Questions Submitted; Petition
Section 131 - Division of City Into Districts; Time; Ordinance; District Description; Redistricting
Section 132 - Failure of Timely Districting