Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 70b - School Building Assistance Program
Section 8 - Order of Priorities for Approval of School Projects and Reimbursements; Deferral of Approval or Disapproval of Project Applications

Section 8. The authority shall approve school projects and reimbursements under this chapter in accordance with the following order of priorities:
(1) priority shall be given to school projects needed in the judgment of said board to replace or renovate a building which is structurally unsound or otherwise in a condition seriously jeopardizing the health and safety of school children, where no alternative exists;
(2) priority shall be given to school projects to eliminate existing severe overcrowding;
(3) priority shall be given to school projects needed in the judgment of said authority to prevent loss of accreditation;
(4) priority shall be given to school projects needed in the judgment of said authority to prevent severe overcrowding expected to result from increased enrollments which must be substantiated;
(5) priority shall be given to projects needed in the judgment of said authority for the replacement, renovation or modernization of the heating system in any schoolhouse to increase energy conservation and decrease energy related costs in said schoolhouse;
(6) priority shall be given to any school project needed in the judgment of said authority for short term enrollment growth;
(7) priority shall be given to school projects needed in the judgment of said authority to replace or add to obsolete buildings in order to provide for a full range of programs consistent with state and approved local requirements; and
(8) priority shall be given to projects needed in the judgment of said authority to transition from court-ordered and authority approved racial balance school districts to walk-to, so-called, or other school districts.
Notwithstanding the provisions of section 6, the authority may defer its approval or disapproval of any project application if such deferral is necessary for the effective implementation of the provisions of this section. The authority may issue regulations to define the procedures pursuant to which the priorities established by this section will be implemented. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the authority shall not approve any project for any school district which fails to spend in the year preceding the year of application at least 50 per cent of the sum of said school district's calculated foundation budget amounts for the purposes of foundation utility and ordinary maintenance expenses, and extraordinary maintenance allotment as defined in chapter 70, for said purposes. From fiscal year 1999 forward, no school district shall be approved for a project nor receive school facilities funds unless said district has spent at least 50 per cent of the sum of said district's calculated foundation budget amounts in each of the fiscal years including and succeeding fiscal year 1999. All projects which received first school building assistance payments prior to July 1, 2000 shall be exempted from the provisions of this paragraph. Upon a request of a school district, the authority may grant a waiver from said requirement for unanticipated or extraordinary changes in maintenance spending as determined by said departments including, but not limited to, the impact on said spending due to the opening of a new school building, the closing of an existing school building or the completion of a major renovation project.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XII - Education

Chapter 70b - School Building Assistance Program

Section 1 - School Building Assistance Program; Establishment

Section 1a - School Building Authority

Section 2 - Definitions

Section 3 - Purpose of Program; Board of Education; General Policy and Review Standards; Specific Powers of Board

Section 3a - School Building Advisory Board; Establishment; Members

Section 3b - Bonds

Section 3c - School Building Authority; Termination; Projects to Conform to Federal Statutory Mandates

Section 3d - Accounts; Annual Report

Section 3e - Municipality Indebted to Authority; Offset of Deficiency by State Treasurer's Disbursement of Funds Payable to Indebted Municipality

Section 4 - Reimbursement for Incidental Educational, Engineering and Architectural Services; Application and Documentation

Section 5 - School Facilities Grant Applications

Section 6 - Examination of Application by Board of Education; Notice of Approval or Rejection

Section 7 - Limit on Estimated Amount of Grants Approved by Authority

Section 8 - Order of Priorities for Approval of School Projects and Reimbursements; Deferral of Approval or Disapproval of Project Applications

Section 9 - Cost Effective Production of Efficient and Creative School Projects; Standards and Procedures; Regulations

Section 10 - Facilities Grants for Approved Projects; Formula

Section 11 - Disbursement Schedule

Section 14 - Approved Alternative Projects; Allowable Costs

Section 15 - Sale or Lease of School Buildings for Which School Facilities Project Applicant Receives Grant Payments

Section 16 - Maintenance Assessment Program for School Buildings

Section 17 - Annual Report; Anticipated Needs for School Facilities Projects

Section 19 - Notification of Actual Interest Rate for Bond Issuance

Section 20 - Submission of Plans or Blueprints Associated With Construction, Renovation or Reconstruction of School Building to Police and Fire Departments and Emergency Management Agency