Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 143 - Inspection and Regulation Of, and Licenses For, Buildings, Elevators and Cinematographs
Section 70 - Appeals; Procedure; Effect

Section 70. (a) Whoever is aggrieved by an interpretation, order, requirement or direction of an inspector or other person charged with the enforcement of any provision of law, code, rule or regulation relating to the installation or alteration of elevators may within ten days after the service or notice thereof appeal from such interpretation, order, requirement or direction to the board of elevator regulations. Whoever is or will be aggrieved by the application of any provision of law, code, rule or regulation relating to the installation or alteration of elevators, may file a petition for a variance therefrom with said board, whether or not compliance with such provision is required at the time of filing or at a future date on which such provision becomes effective. The filing fee for such appeal or petition for a variance shall be fifty dollars. After such notice as said board shall direct, a public hearing shall be had before the board at an early and convenient time and place fixed by it, not later than thirty days after the entry of such appeal or petition, unless such time is extended by agreement with the appellant or petitioner. Any such party may appear in person or by agent or attorney at such hearing. The board shall within thirty days after such hearing, unless such time is extended by like agreement, issue an appropriate decision or order reversing, affirming or modifying in whole or in part said interpretation, order, requirement or direction or postponing the application thereof or granting or denying a variance. In the case of a petition for a variance the board shall grant a variance if, owing to conditions especially affecting the particular building or installation involved, the enforcement of any provision of law, code, rule, or regulation relating to elevators, would do manifest injustice or cause substantial hardship, financial or otherwise, to the appellant or any occupant of the appellant's building or would be unreasonable under the circumstances or condition of the property; provided, that desirable relief may be granted without substantial detriment to the public good and without nullifying or substantially derogating from the intent or purpose of such provision of law, code, rule or regulation. In exercising its powers under this paragraph, the board of elevator regulations may impose limitations both of time and of use, and a continuation of the use permitted may be conditioned upon compliance with regulations made and amended from time to time thereafter. A copy of such order or decision of the board shall be sent forthwith by registered mail to all interested parties.
(b) Within thirty days after receipt of any decision or order of the board of elevator regulations, any person aggrieved thereby may file an appeal therefrom to the board of elevator appeals established under section eleven A of chapter twenty-two. After such notice as said board shall direct said board shall hold a public hearing on such appeal at an early and convenient time and place fixed by it, not later than thirty days after the entry of such appeal, unless such time is extended by agreement with the appellant. Any such party may appear in person or by agent or attorney at such hearing. Said board shall hear all pertinent evidence and determine the facts, and, upon the facts as so determined make such decision or order, including the granting of any variance in accordance with the standards therefor set forth in paragraph (a) as may be required. Such decision or order of the board of elevator appeals shall be made within a reasonable time and not later than sixty days after such hearing, unless such time is extended by like agreement. In exercising its powers under this paragraph the board of elevator appeals may impose limitations both of time and of use, and a continuation of the use permitted may be conditioned upon compliance with regulations made and amended from time to time thereafter. A copy of such decision or order shall be sent forthwith by registered mail to all interested parties.
(c) Any person aggrieved by a decision of the board of elevator appeals, whether or not previously a party to the proceeding, or any municipal officer or board, may appeal to the superior court sitting in equity for the county in which the building or installation concerned is situated; provided, that such appeal is filed in said court within thirty days after receipt of notice of such decision. It shall hear all pertinent evidence and determine the facts, and, upon the facts as so determined, annul such decision if found to exceed the authority of such board, or make such other decree as justice and equity may require. The foregoing remedy shall be exclusive, but the parties shall have all rights of appeal and exception as in other equity cases. Costs shall not be allowed against the board of elevator appeals unless it shall appear to the court that such board acted with gross negligence or in bad faith or with malice in making the decision appealed from. Costs shall not be allowed against the party appealing from the decision of such board unless it shall appear to the court that said appellant or appellants acted in bad faith or with malice in making the appeal to the court.
(d) Compliance with any interpretation, order, requirement or direction of an inspector or other person charged with the enforcement of any provision of law, code, rule or regulation relating to the installation or alteration of elevators or with any provision of law, code, rule or regulation relating thereto, other than an order made under section sixty-five prohibiting the use of an elevator because of its dangerous condition, or with any decision or order of the board of elevator regulations or of the board of elevator appeals shall be excused pending the final determination of any appeal or petition hereunder.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XX - Public Safety and Good Order

Chapter 143 - Inspection and Regulation Of, and Licenses For, Buildings, Elevators and Cinematographs

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 2a - Buildings Operated by Commonwealth or Its Subdivisions; Window Cleaners and Elevator Inspections

Section 2b - Regulations Relative to Egress From, and Fire Prevention In, State House

Section 2c - Evacuation of State House in Case of Disaster; Fire Drills

Section 3 - Inspector of Buildings or Building Commissioner; Local Inspectors; Employment and Designation; Qualifications; City or Town Without Local Inspectors

Section 3a - Enforcement of State Building Code

Section 3l - Regulations Relative to Electrical Wiring and Fixtures; Notice of Electrical Installation

Section 3n - Gas Fitting; Permit; Notice; Penalties

Section 3o - Gas Fitting; Appointment and Duties of Inspector

Section 3p - Appeal to Board of Electricians' Appeals; Judicial Review

Section 3q - Convalescent, Nursing, etc., Homes; Rules and Regulations Regarding Safety of Persons and Fire Prevention

Section 3r - Apartment Houses; Exterior Doors and Locks

Section 3s - Multiple Dwellings; Posting Name and Address of Owner or Agent; Penalty

Section 3t - Safety Glazing Materials; Use in Construction of Buildings in Hazardous Locations; Definitions for Secs. 3u and 3v

Section 3u - Labeling of Safety Glazing Materials

Section 3v - Penalties for Failure to Install, Etc. Safety Glazing Materials; Applicability to Employees of Violators

Section 3w - Conformance of Plans and Specifications for Erection or Alteration of Public Buildings to Rules and Regulations of Board to Facilitate Use by the Physically Handicapped as Requirement for Issuance of Certificate of Approval

Section 3x - Building Permits for Ten or More Residential Units; Notice to Local Postmaster

Section 3y - Inspector of Buildings, Building Commissioner or Local Inspector; Appointment

Section 3z - Part Time Inspector of Buildings, Building Commissioner, Local Inspector, or Alternate Inspector; Other Employment

Section 6 - Local Inspector; Duties

Section 7 - Removal or Making Structure Safe; Putting Up Fence

Section 8 - Failure to Remove or Make Structure Safe; Survey Board; Survey; Report

Section 9 - Dangerous or Abandoned Structures Removed or Made Safe by Local Inspector; Costs; Penalty; Use of Structure

Section 9a - Taking or Injuring Other Property in Removing Dangerous Structures or Making Them Safe

Section 10 - Remedy of Person Ordered to Remove a Dangerous Structure or Make It Safe

Section 11 - Service of Notice on Non-Resident; Certificate

Section 12 - Restraint of Construction, Repair, or Use of a Structure; Order for Removal

Section 13 - Inspection by Inspector of Office of Public Safety and Inspections

Section 14 - Dangerous Structures Removed or Rendered Safe

Section 16a - Furnishing Safety Inspection or Advisory Services; Liability of Insurers

Section 21d - Auxiliary Emergency Lighting Systems; Exit Signs; Rules and Regulations

Section 22 - Articles Placed on Fire Escapes

Section 23 - Articles Obstructing Stairways

Section 32 - Fire Escapes for Schoolhouses

Section 35 - Responsibility of Licensee of Theatres and Halls

Section 43 - Fire Escape Affixed by Joint Owner, Lessee or Occupant; Projection Over Highway or Right of Way

Section 50 - Hindering Commissioner, Chief of Inspection or Inspectors or Local Inspectors From Entering Building or Enclosure

Section 51 - Liability for Violation of Statutes; Criminal Prosecution; Notice to Firm or Corporation

Section 54a - Acceptance or Approval of Construction Plans or Specifications; Seal of Architect or Professional Engineer

Section 57 - Restraint of Construction, Alteration or Use of Structure

Section 58 - Jurisdiction of Prosecutions and Proceedings at Law

Section 59 - Enforcement of Statutes and Orders

Section 60 - Restraint of Use of Structure; Removal; Presumption as to Act Without License or Authority

Section 61 - Notice to Assessors of Building Permits

Section 62 - Elevator Inspection System

Section 62a - Fees for Inspections and Safety Tests

Section 63 - Test of Safety Devices on Completion of Work; Certificate of Approval

Section 64 - Periodic Inspections and Tests; Reports

Section 65 - Certificate or Notice as to Safety and Construction; Posting; Removal; Prohibition of Use of Elevator; Penalty for Violations

Section 66 - Reports as to Unsafe Conditions and Accidents; Inspection

Section 68 - Board of Regulations; Amendments to Regulations

Section 69 - Amendments to Regulations Generally; Assistance by Attorney General; Furnished to Persons Concerned; Hearings; Notice

Section 70 - Appeals; Procedure; Effect

Section 71 - Violation of Statutes or Regulations

Section 71a - Board of Examiners; Membership; Qualifications; Chairman; Compensation of Members

Section 71b - License for Construction, Maintenance or Repair; Necessity; Application of Law

Section 71c - Examinations by Board; Fees; Qualifications of Applicants; Terms, Revocation or Suspension of License; Appeals; Temporary Licenses; Continuing Education Requirements

Section 71d - Working Without License; Violations; Punishment

Section 71e - Definitions of ''elevator'' and ''limited Use Elevator'' or ''limited Application Elevator''

Section 71f - License or Temporary License; Necessity

Section 71g - License of Elevator Operator; Duration; Expiration; Fees

Section 71h - Recreational Tramway Board; Establishment; Membership; Appointment; Terms; Compensation; Expenses; Personnel

Section 71i - Definitions

Section 71j - Rules and Regulations

Section 71k - Licenses; Issuance

Section 71l - Fees

Section 71m - Orders; Appeal

Section 71n - Duties of Ski Area Operators

Section 71o - Duties of Skiers

Section 71p - Actions Against Ski Area Operators; Limitations

Section 71q - Leaving the Scene of Skiing Accident; Penalty

Section 71r - Penalties

Section 71s - Jurisdiction and Control

Section 72 - Cinematograph Booth or Enclosure; Necessity of Inspection and Approval; Certificate; Fire Precautions

Section 73 - Inspection; Regulations

Section 74 - Inspection Fees

Section 75 - Operator's License; Examination; Qualifications; Fees; Renewal; Expiration

Section 81 - Suspension and Revocation of License; Appeal

Section 82 - Special Exhibitions; Permits; Regulations; Fee

Section 83 - Machines to Which Cinematograph Statutes Are Not Applicable; Regulations

Section 84 - Violation of Statutes or Regulations

Section 85 - Special Licenses; Churches, Schools and Public Institutions; Fee; Regulations

Section 87 - Misrepresentation or False Stamping or Marking as to Kind or Combustibility of Film

Section 89 - Thirty-Five Millimeter Nitrate Film Generally; Violation of Statute

Section 90 - Contract to Repair or Remodel Dwelling; Exculpatory Provisions

Section 91 - Violations of Secs. 1 to 90; Penalty

Section 92 - State Building Code, Rules and Regulations or Amendments Thereof; Retroactive Effect Precluded

Section 93 - State Board of Building Regulations and Standards; Establishment

Section 94 - Powers and Duties

Section 95 - General Objectives

Section 96 - Specialized Codes, Rules or Regulations

Section 97 - Amendments to State Building Code

Section 97a - Nightclubs, Dance Halls, Discotheques, Bars; Automatic Sprinkler System

Section 98 - Rules and Regulations Imposing More Restrictive Standards

Section 99 - Continuing Educational Program of Instruction

Section 100 - Building Code Appeals Board