Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 44 - Municipal Finance
Section 7 - Cities and Towns; Purposes for Borrowing Money Within Debt Limit

Section 7. Cities and towns may incur debt, by a two-thirds vote, within the limit of indebtedness prescribed in section 10, for the following purposes and payable within the periods hereinafter specified not to exceed 30 years or, except for clauses (2), (3), (6) and (7), within the period determined by the director to be the maximum useful life of the public work, improvement or asset being financed under any guideline issued under section 38:
(1) For the acquisition of interests in land or the acquisition of assets, or for the following projects: the landscaping, alteration, remediation, rehabilitation or improvement of public land, the dredging, improvement, restoration, preservation or remediation of public waterways, lakes or ponds, the construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, improvement, alteration, remodeling, enlargement, demolition, removal or extraordinary repair of public buildings, facilities, assets, works or infrastructure, including: (i) the cost of original equipment and furnishings of the buildings, facilities, assets, works or infrastructure; (ii) damages under chapter 79 resulting from any such acquisition or project; and (iii) the cost of engineering, architectural or other services for feasibility studies, plans or specifications as part of any acquisition or project; provided that the interest in land, asset acquired or project shall have a useful life of at least 5 years; and provided further, that the period of such borrowing shall not exceed the useful life of the interest in land, asset acquired or project.
(2) For a revolving loan fund established under section 53E.75; to assist in the development of renewable energy and energy conservation projects on privately-held buildings, property or facilities within the city or town, 20 years.
(3) For the payment of final judgments, 1 year or for a longer period of time approved by a majority of the members of the municipal finance oversight board after taking into consideration the ability of the city, town or district to provide other essential public services and pay, when due, the principal and interest on its debts and such other factors as the board may deem necessary or advisable.
(4) In Boston, for the original construction, or the extension or widening, with permanent pavement of lasting character conforming to specifications approved by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation established under chapter 6C and under the direction of the board of park commissioners of the city of Boston, of ways, other than public ways, within or bounding on or connecting with any public park in said city, including land damages and the cost of pavement and sidewalks laid at the time of said construction, or for the construction of such ways with stone, block, brick, cement concrete, bituminous concrete, bituminous macadam or other permanent pavement of similar lasting character under specifications approved by said department of highways, 10 years.
(5) For the cost of repairs to private ways open to the public under section 6N of chapter 40, 5 years.
(6) For the payment of charges incurred under contracts authorized by section 4D of chapter 40, but only for those contracts for purposes comparable to the purposes for which loans may be authorized under this section. Each authorized issue shall constitute a separate loan, and the loans shall be subject to the conditions of the applicable clauses of this section.
(7) For the cost of feasibility studies or engineering or architectural services for plans and specifications for any proposed project for which a city, town or district is authorized to borrow, 5 years if issued before any other debt relating to the project is authorized, otherwise the period for the debt relating to the project.
(8) For energy audits as defined in section 3 of chapter 25A, if authorized separately from debt for energy conservation or alternative energy projects; 5 years.
(9) For the development, design, purchase and installation of computer hardware or software and computer-assisted integrated financial management and accounting systems; 10 years.
(10) For the cost of cleaning up or preventing pollution caused by existing or closed municipal facilities not referenced in clause (20) of section 8, including cleanup or prevention activities taken pursuant to chapter 21E or chapter 21H, 10 years; provided, however, that no indebtedness shall be incurred hereunder until plans relating to the project shall have been submitted to and approved by the department of environmental protection.
(11) For any other public work, improvement or asset with a maximum useful life of at least 5 years and not otherwise specified in this section, 5 years.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title VII - Cities, Towns and Districts

Chapter 44 - Municipal Finance

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 2 - Limitations and Restrictions Upon Manner of Incurring Debt

Section 3 - Computation of Indebtedness

Section 4 - Temporary Loans in Anticipation of Revenue; Conditions; Limitations

Section 6 - Power to Incur Debt for Payment of Land Damages, Altering Grade Crossings, and Highway or Traffic Control Expenditures

Section 6a - Power to Borrow in Anticipation of Reimbursement by Federal Government or Commonwealth

Section 7 - Cities and Towns; Purposes for Borrowing Money Within Debt Limit

Section 8 - Cities and Towns; Purposes for Borrowing Money Outside Debt Limit

Section 8a - Orders Authorizing Issuance of Bonds; Authentication

Section 8b - Cities and Towns; Right to Replace Lost Funds Deposited; Liquidation or Insolvency of Depository Bank

Section 8c - Cities and Towns; Acquisition of Land for Conservation or Recreation Purposes in Anticipation of State or Federal Reimbursement of Expense; Temporary Debt Outside Limit Authorized

Section 9 - Districts; Right to Borrow Money; Purposes; Amount

Section 10 - Debt Limit

Section 11 - Debt Retirement; Provision for Earlier Payment

Section 14 - Liability for Lawful Debts

Section 15 - Liability for Legal Debts Contracted Under Special Acts

Section 16 - Issuance of Bonds, Notes and Certificates of Indebtedness; Procedure; Form; Contracts With Banking or Financial Institutions

Section 16a - Facsimile Signature

Section 16b - Facsimile Seal; Validity

Section 17 - Temporary Loans; Refund; Repayment

Section 18 - Discount of Notes

Section 19 - Issuance of Notes Payable on Demand Forbidden; Procedure for Repaying Debts; Time for Making Final Payment

Section 19a - Inability to Pay Interest or Principal of Bonds, Notes or Certificates of Indebtedness; Notice; Certification to State Treasurer; Payment by State Treasurer

Section 20 - Proceeds From Sale of Bonds; Restrictions on Use; Disposition of Premiums

Section 20a - Advances Made in Anticipation of Proceeds

Section 21 - Call and Redemption Prior to Maturity

Section 21a - Refunding Bonds; Issuance; Present Values

Section 21b - Designation of Tax Credit Bonds; Sinking Fund; Sale of Tax Credit Bonds; Issuance of Refunding Bonds

Section 21c - Lease Purchase Financing Agreements

Section 22 - Rate of Interest

Section 22a - Insurance, Letters or Lines of Credit for Bonds or Notes; Trust Agreements

Section 22b - Bonds and Notes; Official Statements; Advertising; Collateral Tax Consequences to Social Security Recipients

Section 22c - Security for Bonds or Notes; Insurance, Letters or Lines of Credit, Trust Agreements

Section 23 - Forms for Notes

Section 24 - Authentication; Certification

Section 24a - Bearer Instruments

Section 27 - Certification; Evidence of Liability

Section 27a - Effect of Provisions on Power to Issue Notes

Section 28 - Report to Director of Accounts Required

Section 28a - Applicability of Finance Law to School Districts

Section 28b - Applicability of Finance Law to Planning Districts

Section 28c - Management of Solid Waste; Project Costs; Debt Obligations

Section 30 - Determination of Amount of Appropriation for Departments

Section 31 - Liabilities in Excess of Appropriations Forbidden; Exceptions

Section 31a - Report of Estimated Expenses; Period Covered; Contents

Section 31c - Construction Contracts; Certificate as to Availability of Funds; Effect of Certificate Upon Defense of Insufficiency of Appropriations

Section 31d - Snow and Ice Removal; Emergency Expenditures; Reporting Requirements

Section 32 - Submission of City Budget to City Council; Procedure for Approval, Rejection or Alteration

Section 33 - Power of Council to Add to Appropriation; Conditions; Limitations

Section 33a - Salary Provisions in Budget; Requirements and Limitations

Section 33b - Transfer of Appropriations; Restrictions

Section 35 - Audits of Accounts; When Conducted; Governmental Units to Be Considered Districts; Copy to Be Sent to Chief Executive Officer; Costs

Section 38 - Uniformity of Accounting Classifications; Standards; Authority of Director

Section 39 - Results of Audit; Report to Municipality

Section 40 - Audit of Accounts; Frequency; Reports

Section 41 - Failure to Meet Minimum Standards and Methods of Accounting; Expenses of Auditing; Payment

Section 42 - Audits by Private Accountants; Required Reports

Section 42a - Pilot Program for Audits of Public Functions of City, Town, County, Etc. Where Irregularities or Illegal Acts Are Suspected; Establishment

Section 43 - Accounting Reports; Returns; Forms

Section 44 - Reports of Municipal Statistics; Publication

Section 45 - Powers of Director; Attendance of Witnesses; Production of Books and Documents

Section 46a - Powers of Director; Investigation of Municipal Affairs

Section 47 - Right to Establish or Use

Section 48 - Sinking Fund Commissioners; Powers and Duties; Records; Compensation

Section 49 - Issuance of New Bonds

Section 52 - Issuance of Bonds in Exchange for Bearer Instruments

Section 53 - City, Town or District Funds; Use and Disposition

Section 53a - Grants and Gifts; Acceptance and Expenditure

Section 53a1/2 - Gifts of Tangible Personal Property; Acceptance

Section 53b - Contributions by Commonwealth; Application to Indebtedness

Section 53c - Deposit and Expenditure of Compensation for Off-Duty or Special Detail Work; Appropriation for Special Fund; Fee

Section 53d - Recreation and Park Self-Supporting Service Revolving Funds; Creation; Authorized Use of Funds; Annual Report; Revocation of Provisions

Section 53e - Agencies, Boards, etc.; Annual Operating Costs; Offset by Estimated Receipts of User Fees

Section 53e1/2 - Revolving Funds

Section 53e3/4 - Energy Revolving Loan Fund

Section 53f - Deposits of Public Funds in Banking Institutions in Return for Banking Services

Section 53f1/2 - Enterprise Funds

Section 53f3/4 - Peg Access and Cable Related Fund

Section 53g - Employment of Outside Consultants

Section 53g1/2 - Special Account for Deposits to Secure the Performance of an Obligation by an Applicant for a License or Permit

Section 53h - Rebate to Federal Government to Exclude Interest Paid on Bonds From Gross Income

Section 53i - Settlement or Incorporation Celebrations; Special Fund

Section 53j - Reservation of Revenues From Betterments or Special Assessments to Repay Debt Issued in Connection to Such Improvements

Section 54 - Investment of Trust Funds

Section 55 - Public Funds on Deposit; Limitations; Investments

Section 55a - Liability of Depositor for Losses Due to Bankruptcy

Section 55b - Investment of Public Funds

Section 55c - Municipal Affordable Housing Trust Fund

Section 56 - Towns; Fiscal Year

Section 56a - Cities; Fiscal Year

Section 57 - Taxation; Interest on Debts Incurred in Aid of a Railroad

Section 58 - Cities and Towns; Limitation on Purchasing Powers

Section 59 - Enforcement of Chapter

Section 60 - Penalty for Violation of Law Controlling Handling of Town and District Notes

Section 61 - Penalty for Refusal to Issue Bond in Exchange for Bearer Instruments in Sinking Funds

Section 62 - Penalty for Violation of Provisions of Chapter by Officials

Section 63 - Sale or Other Disposal of Realty; Disposition of Proceeds

Section 63a - Sales of Public Land; Payment of Taxes

Section 64 - Payment of Bills Incurred in Excess of Appropriations

Section 65 - Vacation Pay; Advances to Employees

Section 66 - Advances to Public Employees

Section 67 - Deferred Compensation Program for Employees; Authorized Investments; Requisites; Limitations

Section 67a - Employee Individual Retirement Accounts

Section 68 - Retroactive Salary Increases

Section 69 - Municipal or District Services, Fees or Charges; Insufficient Funds Checks or Electronic Funds Transfers; Penalty

Section 70 - Payment for Municipal Programs, Services, and Activities; Federal Government Reimbursements and Other Resources

Section 71 - Contracts for Revenue Raising Activities; Regulations and Guidelines; Negotiation

Section 72 - Federal Funds for Reimbursable Medical Expenses; Distribution

Section 73 - Requests for Proposals for Design and Construction Services in Public-Private Partnership Development Agreement Seeking Assistance Under Chapter 29c; Technical Assistance From Public-Private Partnership Infrastructure Oversight Commissio...