Massachusetts General Laws
Article 7 - Documents of Title
Section 7-501 - Form of Negotiation and Requirements of Due Negotiation

Section 7–501. (a) The following rules apply to a negotiable tangible document of title:
(1) If the document's original terms run to the order of a named person, the document is negotiated by the named person's indorsement and delivery. After the named person's indorsement in blank or to bearer, any person may negotiate the document by delivery alone.
(2) If the document's original terms run to bearer, it is negotiated by delivery alone.
(3) If the document's original terms run to the order of a named person and it is delivered to the named person, the effect is the same as if the document had been negotiated.
(4) Negotiation of the document after it has been indorsed to a named person requires indorsement by the named person and delivery.
(5) A document is duly negotiated if it is negotiated in the manner stated in this subsection to a holder that purchases it in good faith, without notice of any defense against or claim to it on the part of any person, and for value, unless it is established that the negotiation is not in the regular course of business or financing or involves receiving the document in settlement or payment of a monetary obligation.
(b) The following rules apply to a negotiable electronic document of title:
(1) If the document's original terms run to the order of a named person or to bearer, the document is negotiated by delivery of the document to another person. Indorsement by the named person is not required to negotiate the document.
(2) If the document's original terms run to the order of a named person and the named person has control of the document, the effect is the same as if the document had been negotiated.
(3) A document is duly negotiated if it is negotiated in the manner stated in this subsection to a holder that purchases it in good faith, without notice of any defense against or claim to it on the part of any person, and for value, unless it is established that the negotiation is not in the regular course of business or financing or involves taking delivery of the document in settlement or payment of a monetary obligation.
(c) Indorsement of a nonnegotiable document of title neither makes it negotiable nor adds to the transferee's rights.
(d) The naming in a negotiable bill of lading of a person to be notified of the arrival of the goods does not limit the negotiability of the bill or constitute notice to a purchaser of the bill of any interest of that person in the goods.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XV - Regulation of Trade

Chapter 106 - Uniform Commercial Code

Article 7 - Documents of Title

Section 7-502 - Rights Acquired by Due Negotiation

Section 7-401 - Irregularities in Issue of Receipt or Bill or Conduct of Issuer

Section 7-402 - Duplicate Document of Title; Overissue

Section 7-403 - Obligation of Bailee to Deliver; Excuse

Section 7-309 - Duty of Care; Contractual Limitation of Carrier's Liability

Section 7-404 - No Liability for Good–faith Delivery Pursuant to Document of Title

Section 7-501 - Form of Negotiation and Requirements of Due Negotiation

Section 7-503 - Document of Title to Goods Defeated in Certain Cases

Section 7-509 - Adequate Compliance With Commercial Contract

Section 7-505 - Indorser Not Guarantor for Other Parties

Section 7-506 - Delivery Without Indorsement: Right to Compel Indorsement

Section 7-507 - Warranties on Negotiations or Delivery of Document of Title

Section 7-508 - Warranties of Collecting Bank as to Documents of Title

Section 7-601 - Lost, Stolen, or Destroyed Documents of Title

Section 7-602 - Judicial Process Against Goods Covered by Negotiable Document of Title

Section 7-603 - Conflicting Claims; Interpleader

Section 7-308 - Enforcement of Carrier's Lien

Section 7-504 - Rights Acquired in Absence of Due Negotiation; Effect of Diversion; Stoppage of Delivery

Section 7-307 - Lien of Carrier

Section 7-210 - Enforcement of Warehouse's Lien

Section 7-305 - Destination Bills

Section 7-101 - Short Title

Section 7-306 - Altered Bills of Lading

Section 7-102 - Definitions and Index of Definitions

Section 7-103 - Relation of Article to Treaty or Statute

Section 7-104 - Negotiable and Nonnegotiable Document of Title

Section 7-105 - Reissuance in Alternative Medium

Section 7-201 - Person That May Issue a Warehouse Receipt; Storage Under Bond

Section 7-202 - Form of Warehouse Receipt; Effect of Omission

Section 7-203 - Liability for Nonreceipt or Misdescription

Section 7-204 - Duty of Care; Contractual Limitation of Warehouse's Liability

Section 7-106 - Control of Electronic Document of Title

Section 7-206 - Termination of Storage at Warehouse Option

Section 7-207 - Goods Must Be Kept Separate; Fungible Goods

Section 7-208 - Altered Warehouse Receipts

Section 7-209 - Lien of Warehouse

Section 7-301 - Liability for Nonreceipt or Misdescription; ''said to Contain''; ''shipper's Weight, Load and Count''; Improper Handling

Section 7-302 - Through Bills of Lading and Similar Documents of Title

Section 7-205 - Title Under Warehouse Receipt Defeated in Certain Cases

Section 7-303 - Diversion; Reconsignment; Change of Instructions

Section 7-304 - Tangible Bills of Lading in a Set