Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 211b - Trial Court of the Commonwealth
Section 6a - Advisory Board

Section 6A. There shall be an advisory board to assist the justices of the supreme judicial court, the chief justice of the trial court, and the court administrator. The board shall consist of the attorney general, or his designee, the executive director of the Massachusetts office of victim assistance and the following 10 additional members appointed by the supreme judicial court: 2 persons who have significant experience in public administration, 2 persons who have significant experience in business administration, 1 lawyer with significant experience in the practice of criminal law, 1 lawyer with significant experience in the practice of civil law, 1 lawyer with significant experience in the practice of probate and family law, 1 lawyer with significant experience in the representation of juveniles in the courts, 1 lawyer with significant judicial experience but not a current justice of the commonwealth or a retired justice serving the commonwealth pursuant to judicial recall, and 1 person who has significant experience in information technology. The board shall choose its chair. The appointed members of said board shall serve for a term of 3 years. The maximum amount of time that said members may serve on said board shall be 2 such terms. The chief justice of the trial court shall be the executive secretary of the board.
The board shall advise the justices of the supreme judicial court, the chief justice of the trial court, and the court administrator on all matters of judicial reform including, but not limited to, a proposal for the allocation of resources based on the demonstrated workload of each court.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part III - Courts, Judicial Officers and Proceedings in Civil Cases

Title I - Courts and Judicial Officers

Chapter 211b - Trial Court of the Commonwealth

Section 1 - Organization

Section 2 - Number of Trial Court Justices; Appointments

Section 3 - Justices Assigned to Other Departments; Powers and Duties

Section 4 - Salaries; Practice of Law; Expenses; Vacation and Sick Leave; Special Justices

Section 5 - Chief Justices; Appointment; Term; Removal

Section 5a - Deputy Court Administrators; Appointment; Term; Removal; Submission of Disputes to Chief Justice of the Trial Court and Court Administrator

Section 6 - Chief Justice of the Trial Court; Appointment; Term; Removal

Section 6a - Advisory Board

Section 6b - Office of Court Management; Court Administrator

Section 7 - Vacancies in Office

Section 8 - Advisory Committee on Personnel Standards

Section 9 - Chief Justice of the Trial Court; Powers and Duties

Section 9a - Employees of Chief Justice for Administration and Management; Powers and Duties

Section 9b - Domestic and Sexual Violence Training for Court Personnel

Section 10 - Chief Justice and Deputy Court Administrators; Powers and Duties

Section 10a - First Justices; Powers and Duties

Section 10b - Appointment of Assistant Clerks

Section 10c - Limitation of Powers, Duties or Responsibilities of Clerks or Registers of Probate

Section 10d - Court Officers; Applicants for Appointment as Court Officer; Written Examination; Investigation and Interview; Promotion

Section 12 - Office of Court Management; Court Administrator

Section 13 - Estimates of Expenses, Costs and Revenue

Section 14 - Services of Retired Justices

Section 16 - Judicial Institute; Training Judicial and Nonjudicial Personnel

Section 17 - Operation and Maintenance of Court Facilities; Long-Range Planning and Capital Budget Requests; Occupancy Fees

Section 19 - Mandatory Alternative Dispute Resolution Program

Section 20 - Leave of Absence; Restrictions

Section 21 - Publication of Notice in Newspaper; Notice Requirements Deemed Met

Section 22 - Delivery of Criminal Case Disposition Information to Department of State Police