Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 48 - Fires, Fire Departments and Fire Districts
Section 63 - Election of Clerk; Removals; Vacancies

Section 63. If at such meeting the voters determine to organize such district, they shall choose a clerk, who shall be sworn. He may be removed by the district, and in case of a vacancy another may be chosen; or in such case, or in case of his disability, the selectmen may appoint a temporary clerk, who shall be sworn and shall perform such duties until the vacancy is filled or the disability removed. Immediately upon the establishment of such a district, written notice thereof shall be sent by the clerk to the commissioner of revenue.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title VII - Cities, Towns and Districts

Chapter 48 - Fires, Fire Departments and Fire Districts

Section 1 - Appointment of Fire Wards; Penalty for Failure to Give Notice of Acceptance

Section 2 - Duties; Badge of Office

Section 3 - Demolition of Buildings

Section 4 - Powers of Fire Officials; Demolition of Buildings

Section 5 - Indemnification for Demolition

Section 6 - Powers and Duties; Commanding Assistance

Section 7 - Powers and Duties; Direction of Fire Fighting Operations; Penalty for Noncompliance

Section 8 - Appointment of Forest Wardens; Tenure

Section 9 - Duties; Fire Prevention

Section 10 - Powers; Appointment of Assistants; Commandeering of People and Property

Section 11 - Penalty for Refusal of Aid

Section 12 - Compensation

Section 13 - Setting Open Air Fires; Conditions and Restrictions; Penalty for Violation

Section 15 - Powers of Arrest

Section 16 - Definitions

Section 16a - Handling of Slash

Section 17 - Disposition of Slash Cut Near Highways

Section 18 - Disposition of Slash Cut by Public Utility Companies

Section 19 - Enforcement of Regulations Prohibiting Accumulations of Slash

Section 20 - Penalty for Violating Provisions Prohibiting Accumulations of Slash

Section 21 - Spark Arresters; Requirements; Penalty for Noncompliance

Section 22 - Inspection of Machines Requiring Spark Arresters

Section 23 - Fire Observation Towers

Section 24 - Firefighting Expenditures

Section 25 - Duties; Extinguishment of Fires; Investigation of Causes; Posting of Warning Notices

Section 26 - Penalty for Destruction of Warning Notices

Section 27 - Liability for Trespass

Section 28 - State Fire Warden; Powers and Duties; Reports

Section 28b - Fire Patrols in Dry Areas; Authorization; Payment of Costs

Section 28c - Closing of Forest Lands During Dry Periods; Penalty for Trespassing

Section 36 - Promotion of Call Men to Permanent Force; Conditions

Section 36a - Promotion of Call Men to Regular Force; Conditions; Qualifications

Section 37 - Application of Sections Relating to Appointment of Call Men to Regular Force

Section 39 - Compensation of Persons Employed in Fire Department; Procedure for Acquisition

Section 40 - Certificates of Employment; Penalty for Refusing to File

Section 41 - Application of Sections Relating to Compensation for Enginemen and Fire Department Employees

Section 42 - Establishment of Fire Departments; Appointment of Fire Chief; Compensation; Removal; Powers and Duties

Section 42a - Establishment in Towns Under Direction of Selectmen; Appointment of Fire Chief, Other Officers and Firemen; Compensation; Removal; Regulations; Control of Department

Section 43 - Duties of Fire Chief; Role of Forest Warden

Section 44 - Application of Sections Establishing a Fire Department and Appointing and Defining Duties of Fire Chief

Section 44a - Private Fire Fighting Units; Contracts

Section 45 - Engineers; Appointments; Removals; Vacancies

Section 46 - Organization of Engineers

Section 47 - Engineers; Powers and Duties

Section 48 - Organization of Firefighters

Section 49 - Engineers; Duties; Liabilities; Privileges and Exemptions

Section 51 - Penalty for Failing to Maintain Proper Fire Fighting Equipment

Section 51a - Breathing Apparatus

Section 52 - Board of Engineers; Duties

Section 53 - Engineers; Promulgation of Rules and Regulations for Fire Prevention

Section 54 - Engineers; Promulgation of Rules and Regulations Relating to Conduct at Fires; Penalty for Noncompliance

Section 55 - Tenure of Members

Section 56 - Hours of Labor

Section 57 - Days Off; Vacations

Section 57a - Days Off for Working on Holidays

Section 57b - Fire Fighters; Attendance of Afl–cio–clc Convention

Section 57c - Fire Fighters; Attendance of Massachusetts Permanent Firemen's Association or Massachusetts State Firemen's Association Conventions

Section 57d - Fire Fighters; Working on Holidays; Additional Pay or Day Off

Section 57e - Fire Chiefs; Working on Holidays; Additional Pay

Section 57g - Compensation of Certain Heads of Fire and Police Departments

Section 57h - Union Officers; Leave to Perform Elected Responsibilities

Section 57i - Officers of Professional Organization; Leave Without Loss of Pay or Benefits

Section 58 - Fire Chiefs; Tenure; Removal; Conditions

Section 58a - Hours of Duty of Permanent Firemen; Application of Sections Relating to Hours of Duty

Section 58b - Hours of Duty of Permanent Firemen; Limitations; Application of Other Sections Relating to Hours of Duty; Acceptance of Provision by Electorate

Section 58c - Overtime; Compensation

Section 58d - Hours of Duty of Permanent Firemen; Application of Sections Relating to Hours of Duty; Acceptance of Provisions

Section 58e - Fire Fighters; Residence

Section 59 - Platoon System; Submission to Electorate

Section 59a - Aid to Other Municipalities; Authorization; Fire Departments Defined; Payment for Damages

Section 59b - Establishment of Reserve Force of Firemen; Conditions

Section 59c - Membership

Section 59d - Duties; Compensation

Section 59e - Appointments From Civil Service Eligible List

Section 60 - Establishment of Fire Departments in Districts; Duties of Officers

Section 61 - Establishment of District; Procedure

Section 62 - Organization; Notice of Meeting

Section 63 - Election of Clerk; Removals; Vacancies

Section 64 - Establishment of Fire Department

Section 65 - Selection of Engineers

Section 66 - District Meetings; Time; Manner of Giving Notice; Selection of Moderator

Section 67 - Voting Lists; Preparation and Correction

Section 68 - Application Sections Relating to the Deposit of Ballots

Section 69 - Taxation; Purposes

Section 71 - Prudential Committee; Selection; Duties; Treasurer; Bond; Duties

Section 72 - Temporary Treasurer; Bond

Section 73 - Collection of Taxes

Section 74 - Board of Engineers; Rules and Regulations; Appointment of Personnel

Section 75 - Engineers; Extent of Authority; Liability of Districts

Section 76 - Firemen; Privileges and Immunities; Compensation

Section 77 - Authentication of District Rules and Regulations

Section 77a - Holding Real Estate for Public Use; Lease of Land or Public Building

Section 78 - Recovery of Penalties; Prosecution; Disposition

Section 79 - Annexation and Exclusion

Section 80 - Continuance of Existing Districts

Section 81 - Appropriation

Section 82 - Additional Persons Eligible for Benefits

Section 83 - Allowance to Families of Deceased Firemen; Exception

Section 87 - Standardization of Fire Fighting Equipment

Section 88 - Fire Fighters; Performance of Police Duties

Section 89 - Fire Fighters; Firearms

Section 90 - Fire District; Municipal Agency