Section 6. The probate and family court department shall have original and concurrent jurisdiction with the supreme judicial court and the superior court department of all cases and matters of equity cognizable under the general principles of equity jurisprudence and, with reference thereto, shall be courts of general equity jurisdiction, except that the superior court department shall have exclusive original jurisdiction of all actions in which injunctive relief is sought in any matter growing out of a labor dispute as defined in section twenty C of chapter one hundred and forty-nine.
Probate courts shall also have jurisdiction concurrent with the supreme judicial and superior courts, of all cases and matters in which equitable relief is sought relative to: (i) the administration of the estates of deceased persons; (ii) wills, including questions arising under section twenty of chapter one hundred and ninety-one; (iii) trusts created by will or other written instrument; (iv) cases involving in any way the estate of a deceased person or the property of an absentee whereof a receiver has been appointed under chapter two hundred or the property of a person under guardianship or conservatorship; (v) trusts created by parol or constructive or resulting trusts; (vi) all matters relative to guardianship or conservatorship; and (vii) actions such as one described in clause (11) of section three of chapter two hundred and fourteen and of all other matters of which they now have or may hereafter be given jurisdiction. They shall also have jurisdiction to grant equitable relief to enforce foreign judgments for support of a wife or of a wife and minor children against a husband who is a resident or inhabitant of this commonwealth, upon an action by the wife commenced in the county of which the husband is a resident or inhabitant. They shall, after the divorce judgment has become absolute, also have concurrent jurisdiction to grant equitable relief in controversies over property between persons who have been divorced. They shall also have jurisdiction of an action by an administrator, executor, guardian, conservator, receiver appointed as aforesaid or trustee under a will to enjoin for a reasonable period of time the foreclosure, otherwise than by open and peaceable entry, of a mortgage on real estate, or the foreclosure of a mortgage on personal property, which real estate or personal property is included in the estate or trust being administered by such fiduciary, if in the opinion of the court the proper administration of the estate or trust would be hindered by such foreclosure. They shall also have jurisdiction, concurrent with the superior court, of proceedings in which equitable relief is sought under sections seven to twelve, inclusive, of chapter one hundred and seventeen and section twenty-six of chapter one hundred and twenty-three.
Notwithstanding any contrary or inconsistent provisions of the General Laws, procedure in cases in the probate court within the jurisdiction granted by this section shall be governed by the Massachusetts Rules of Civil Procedure.
Structure Massachusetts General Laws
Part III - Courts, Judicial Officers and Proceedings in Civil Cases
Title I - Courts and Judicial Officers
Section 1 - Divisions; Definitions; Courts of Record
Section 2 - Superior Jurisdiction; Presumption
Section 3 - Courts and Their Jurisdictions; General Provisions
Section 5 - Courts and Their Jurisdictions; French Spoliation Awards
Section 6 - Courts and Their Jurisdictions; Equity Jurisdiction
Section 6a - Courts and Their Jurisdictions; Attachment by Injunction
Section 7 - Attachment of Jurisdiction; Control of Case
Section 8a - Courts and Their Jurisdictions; Change of Venue
Section 9 - Persons Entitled to Appeal
Section 9a - Fiduciaries; Acts During Appeal Period
Section 10 - Appellate Procedure
Section 11 - Appeals; Report of Facts
Section 13 - Reservation and Report of Case to Appeals Court
Section 14 - Interlocutory Judgments and Decrees; Revision on Appeal From Final Judgments or Decrees
Section 17 - Appeals; Insolvent Estates
Section 18 - Appeals; Stenographers; Appointment
Section 19 - Consolidation of Appeals by Appellant
Section 20 - Consolidation of Appeals by Court
Section 22 - Effect of Appeal; Interlocutory Orders
Section 23 - Effect of Appeal; Equity Cases
Section 24 - Effect of Appeal; Separate Support and Custody Cases
Section 25 - Removal of Fiduciary; Effect of Appeal
Section 26 - Appeals; Decree; Force and Effect
Section 27 - Pending Appeals; Modification of Decrees
Section 28 - Appeals; Reversal or Affirmance
Section 30 - Rules and Forms; Power of Judges to Make
Section 31 - Notice of Hearing; Rule Making Power of Courts
Section 32 - Transaction of Business Out of Court
Section 33 - Notice; Ex Parte Matters
Section 34b - Review of Contempt Order Prior to Order of Confinement
Section 35 - Warrants and Commissions; Revocation
Section 36 - Judgments, Decrees and Orders; Necessity of Writing; Notices; Recording
Section 37 - Docket and Index; Manner of Keeping; Public Inspection
Section 39 - Administration of Estates; Compensation for Services; Power to Determine and Enforce
Section 39a - Attorneys' Fees; Power of Court to Determine
Section 39b - Attorneys' Fees; Allowance
Section 40 - Resignation or Removal of Fiduciary; Power to Compel Surrender of Property
Section 41 - Temporary Investments
Section 41a - Distribution of Limited Funds of Estates to Parents of Minors
Section 44 - Concealed Property; Examination of Suspects Under Oath
Section 46 - Summons or Citation; Service by Registered Mail
Section 49 - Notices; Selection of Newspapers
Section 50 - Receipts and Releases of Fiduciaries; Recording; Fees
Section 52 - Original Will; Taking From Registry
Section 53 - Court Room and Room for Records; Duty to Provide
Section 54 - Rooms for Records; Additional Space
Section 55 - Preservation of Dockets and Indexes
Section 56 - Recording of Proceedings in Suffolk; Expense
Section 57 - Sessions of the Courts; Contempt Powers of Judge, Etc.
Section 58 - Sessions of the Courts; Open Times
Section 59 - Sessions of the Courts; Adjournment
Section 60 - Sessions of the Courts; Holidays and Election Days