Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 34 - Counties and County Commissioners
Section 5 - Salaries

Section 5. The salaries of county commissioners, payable by their respective counties in full for all services performed by said commissioners except as otherwise provided, shall be as follows:—
Middlesex $9,505.16

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title VI - Counties and County Officers

Chapter 34 - Counties and County Commissioners

Section 1 - Boundaries in Tide Water; Powers

Section 2 - Alteration of Maps

Section 3 - Public Buildings

Section 4 - Election; Tenure

Section 5 - Salaries

Section 5a - Salaries; Acceptance of Provision of This Section

Section 7 - Commissioners Acting by Appointment; Compensation; Travel Expenses

Section 8 - Statement of Expenses; Certification; Payment; Audit

Section 9 - Meetings; Frequency; Location; Special Meetings

Section 9a - Records

Section 9b - Docket Defined

Section 9c - Files Defined

Section 9d - Record of Payments; Form and Contents

Section 9e - Extended Record; Form and Contents

Section 10 - Record of Proceedings; Copy to Director of Accounts

Section 11 - Clerical Employees; Temporary Clerk; Duties

Section 12 - Absence or Disqualification of Commissioners; Appointment of Substitute; Tenure

Section 13 - Powers; Administration of Oaths; Punishment for Contempt

Section 14 - Additional Powers

Section 14a - Associate Commissioner for Affairs Concerning the Elderly

Section 14b - Associate Commissioner for Affairs Concerning Handicapped Persons

Section 15 - Qualification of Officers; Return to State Secretary

Section 16 - Office Hours; Holidays; Certain Acts Performable on Next Business Day

Section 18 - Recognizances and Damages

Section 19 - Proceedings at Other Times Than Regular Meetings and Returns Thereof

Section 20 - Applicability of Laws Relating to County Commissioners and Clerks to Certain Other Officers

Section 21 - Official Letters

Section 22 - Breach or Neglect of Duty; Penalty

Section 23 - Gifts; Use and Disposition

Section 24 - Federal Grants; Acceptance, Custody and Disposition

Section 25 - Acquisition of Real Property