Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 55c - Limited Public Financing of Campaigns for Statewide Elective Office
Section 5 - Maximum Financing Available; Primary Election

Section 5. Any candidate eligible to receive limited public financing of his primary election campaign shall, on determination and certification by the director, be entitled to an amount equal to $1 for each one dollar of qualifying contributions as defined by section 1, subject to the following limitations: (a) no candidate shall be entitled to receive any amount in excess of the balance then remaining in the primary candidate account established for that candidate under section 42 of chapter 10; (b) nor shall any candidate be entitled to receive any amount in excess of the following maximum amounts for the following statewide elective offices:
Governor $750,000
Lieutenant Governor 312,500
Attorney General 312,500
Secretary 187,500
Treasurer and Receiver General 187,500
Auditor 187,500
Only amounts appearing in statements of qualifying contributions filed with the director, in such form as he shall prescribe, shall be considered in determining amounts to which candidates are entitled. Determinations and certifications of the amounts to which eligible candidates are entitled shall be made by the director on or before the eighth, sixth, fourth and second Tuesday before the primary election and shall be based solely upon information contained in such statements as have been filed prior to such dates.