Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 110 - Labels, Trade Marks, Names and Registration Thereof
Section 5 - Certificates of Persons Conducting Businesses; Contents; Filing; Fees; Index

Section 5. Any person conducting business in the commonwealth under any title other than the real name of the person conducting the business, whether individually or as a partnership, shall file in the office of the clerk of every city or town where an office of any such person or partnership may be situated a certificate stating the full name and residence of each person conducting such business, the place, including street and number, where, and the title under which, it is conducted, and pay the fee as provided by clause (20) of section thirty-four of chapter two hundred and sixty-two. Such certificate shall be executed under oath by each person whose name appears therein as conducting such business and shall be signed by each such person in the presence of the city or town clerk or a person designated by him or in the presence of a person authorized to take oaths. The city or town clerk may request the person filing such certificate to produce evidence of his identity and, if such person does not, upon such request, produce evidence thereof satisfactory to such clerk, the clerk shall enter a notation of that fact on the face of the certificate. A person who has filed such a certificate shall, upon his discontinuing, retiring or withdrawing from such business or partnership, or in the case of a change of residence of such person or of the location where the business is conducted, file in the office of said clerk a statement under oath that he has discontinued, retired or withdrawn from such business or partnership or of such change of his residence or change of the location of such business, and pay the fee required by clause (21) of said section thirty-four. In the case of death of such a person, such statement may be filed by the executor or administrator of his estate. The clerk shall keep a suitable index of all certificates so filed with him which are currently in force and effect, setting forth the pertinent facts, including a reference to any statement of discontinuance, retirement or withdrawal from, or change of location of, such business, or change of residence of such person. A certificate issued in accordance with this section shall be in force and effect for four years from the date of issue and shall be renewed each four years thereafter so long as such business shall be conducted and shall lapse and be void unless so renewed. Copies of such certificates shall be available at the address at which such business is conducted and shall be furnished on request during regular business hours, to any person who has purchased goods or services from such business. Violations of this section shall be punished by a fine of not more than three hundred dollars for each month during which such violation continues.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XV - Regulation of Trade

Chapter 110 - Labels, Trade Marks, Names and Registration Thereof

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 4 - Use of Name of Person Formerly Connected With Business

Section 4a - Use of Word ''corporation'' or ''incorporated'' by Individual or Partnership

Section 4b - Use of Words or Phrases Leading Public to Believe That Business Is Owned, Operated or Managed by United States; ''massachusetts State Fair''

Section 5 - Certificates of Persons Conducting Businesses; Contents; Filing; Fees; Index

Section 6 - Certificates; Application of Sec. 5

Section 16 - Unauthorized Performances of Unpublished Compositions

Section 17 - Registration of Bottles; Description of Name on Bottles; Fees; Publication

Section 18 - Unlawful Use of Registered Bottles; Application of Section

Section 19 - Prima Facie Evidence of Unlawful Use

Section 20 - Search Warrant

Section 21 - Registration of Milk Cans; Description of Name; Fees; Publication

Section 22 - Use of Registered Cans Without Consent of Owner

Section 23 - Destruction or Mutilation of Registered Cans

Section 24 - Defiling Registered Cans

Section 25 - Search Warrant

Section 25a - Registration of Articles

Section 25b - Unauthorized Use or Disposition of Registered Articles

Section 25c - Unauthorized Destruction or Mutilation of Registered Articles

Section 26 - False Trade Marks, Dies; Sale of Falsely Marked Goods

Section 27 - Unauthorized Performance of Unpublished Composition

Section 28 - Illegal Use of Registered Cans; Mutilation

Section 29 - Penalty for Violation of Secs. 25a to 25c