Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 40j - Massachusetts Technology Park Corporation
Section 4h - Massachusetts Cybersecurity Innovation Fund

[ Subsection (a) effective until July 1, 2021. For text effective July 1, 2021, see below.]
  Section 4H. (a) In order to grow the cybersecurity industry cluster in the commonwealth and protect against cybersecurity threats, there is hereby established and set up on the books of the corporation the Massachusetts Cybersecurity Innovation Fund, hereinafter referred to as the fund, to which shall be credited the proceeds of any bonds or notes of the commonwealth issued for the purpose, and any appropriations designated by the general court to be credited thereto. The fund shall be administered by the corporation. The corporation shall hold the fund in an account or accounts separate from other funds of the corporation. The purpose of the fund shall be to: (i) support facilities, hardware and software used to develop or test cybersecurity solutions and enable the growth of innovative ideas to address cybersecurity threats; (ii) accelerate the growth of the cybersecurity cluster and related clusters; (iii) expand employment opportunities and address talent pipeline needs in the cybersecurity industry and related industries for the residents of the commonwealth, including, but not limited to, women, minorities, veterans, and unemployed and underemployed individuals, through workforce training; (iv) match public and private universities with industry participants to develop cybersecurity technology and expand other relevant capabilities; and (v) promote the development and implementation of educational programs within the commonwealth's public schools, kindergarten to grade 12, inclusive, and public institutions of higher education through collaboration with Massachusetts Computing Attainment Network.
[ Subsection (a) as amended by 2021, 24, Sec. 21 effective July 1, 2021. See 2021, 24, Sec. 149. For text effective until July 1, 2021, see above.]
  (a) In order to grow the cybersecurity industry cluster in the commonwealth and protect against cybersecurity threats, there is hereby established and set up on the books of the corporation the Massachusetts Cybersecurity Innovation Fund, hereinafter referred to as the fund, to which shall be credited the proceeds of any bonds or notes of the commonwealth issued for the purpose, and any appropriations designated by the general court to be credited thereto. The fund shall be administered by the corporation. The corporation shall hold the fund in an account or accounts separate from other funds of the corporation. The purpose of the fund shall be to: (i) support facilities, hardware and software used to develop or test cybersecurity solutions and enable the growth of innovative ideas to address cybersecurity threats; (ii) accelerate the growth of the cybersecurity cluster and related clusters; (iii) expand employment opportunities and address talent pipeline needs in the cybersecurity industry and related industries for the residents of the commonwealth, including, but not limited to, women, minorities, veterans, and unemployed and underemployed individuals, through workforce training; (iv) match public and private universities with industry participants to develop cybersecurity technology and expand other relevant capabilities; (v) provide for the monitoring and detection of threat activity in order to investigate or mitigate cybersecurity incidents; and (vi) promote the development and implementation of educational programs within the commonwealth's public schools, kindergarten to grade 12, inclusive, and public institutions of higher education through collaboration with Massachusetts Computing Attainment Network.
[ There is no subsection (b).]

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title VII - Cities, Towns and Districts

Chapter 40j - Massachusetts Technology Park Corporation

Section 1 - Findings and Purpose

Section 1a - Additional Findings and Revised Public Purpose

Section 2 - Definitions

Section 3 - Massachusetts Technology Park Corporation; Creation; Board of Directors; Employees

Section 4 - Powers of Corporation

Section 4a - Supplemental Powers

Section 4b - Essential Governmental Functions

Section 4c - Application of Sec. 12(h); Tax Exemption for Corporation Debt Obligations and Income Therefrom; Restrictions on Directors Affiliated With Participating Businesses or Institutions

Section 4d - Microelectronics Center; Essential Tasks

Section 4f - Massachusetts Research Center Matching Fund

Section 4g - Scientific and Technology Research and Development Matching Grant Fund

Section 4h - Massachusetts Cybersecurity Innovation Fund

Section 5 - Center Fund; Massachusetts Microelectronics Center

Section 6 - Establishment of Center

Section 6a - John Adams Innovation Institute; Fund; Grants

Section 6b - Massachusetts Broadband Institute; Board of Directors; Broadband Infrastructure; Plan of Operation; Disbursement of Funds; Annual Report

Section 6c - Massachusetts Broadband Incentive Fund

Section 6d - Massachusetts E–health Institute; Dissemination of Health Information Technology; Electronic Health Records Plan; Public-Private Partnership; Funding; Annual Report

Section 6e - E–health Institute Fund

Section 6e.5 - Massachusetts Health Information Technology Revolving Loan Fund

Section 6h - Big Data Innovation and Workforce Fund

Section 6i - Massachusetts Computing Attainment Network, or Masscan; Support From Collaborative; Goals and Objectives; Advisory Board; Annual Report

Section 7 - Executive Director

Section 8 - Annual Report

Section 9 - Audits

Section 10 - Construction of Chapter

Section 11 - Application of Chapter 12a

Section 12 - Massachusetts Centers of Excellence Corporation

Section 13 - Application of Other Laws to the Technology Park Corporation