Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 121c - Economic Development and Industrial Corporations
Section 4 - Corporate Seal; Officers; Bond; Accounts; Annual Audit and Report; Management of Affairs and Property

Section 4. The directors of the corporation shall adopt a corporate seal for the corporation, and designate the custodian thereof; may from time to time appoint and at pleasure remove a clerk, a treasurer or such other officers of the corporation as they may deem necessary, and may determine their duties and their compensation, which shall be paid by the corporation; shall cause at all times accurate accounts to be kept of all receipts and expenditures of the funds of the corporation; and shall make a report annually in December to the municipality, MOBD and to the director, containing an abstract of such accounts and detailed information of all receipts and expenditures, including prices paid for land purchased or taken and any buildings constructed thereon, contracts for construction of facilities and for the leasing thereof, and such other detailed information as may be deemed helpful. The office of treasurer and clerk may be held by the same person. The corporation shall cause an audit of its books and accounts to be made at least once in each fiscal year by certified public accountants and the cost thereof shall be treated as an item of current expense. Except as otherwise provided in this act, the corporation shall have full power to exercise care of its property and the management of its business and affairs, and to sell and convey any real estate or other property not needed for its business or affairs, by deed or other instrument sealed with the corporate seal, signed and acknowledged by a majority of the board of directors or in like manner to authorize such sale and conveyance by any of its officers or agents. The treasurer shall give bond for the faithful performance of his duties, with a surety company authorized to do business in this commonwealth as surety, in such sum as the said board may determine, the premium therefor to be paid by the corporation. Neither chapter thirty-one nor any rule made thereunder shall apply to any person employed or engaged by the corporation under this act.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XVII - Public Welfare

Chapter 121c - Economic Development and Industrial Corporations

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 2 - Legislative Declarations

Section 3 - Economic Development and Industrial Corporation; Authority to Organize; Consolidations; Members of Board of Directors; Surety Bonds; Compensation and Reimbursements

Section 4 - Corporate Seal; Officers; Bond; Accounts; Annual Audit and Report; Management of Affairs and Property

Section 5 - Powers of Corporation; Payment of Relocation Costs

Section 6 - Economic Development Projects; Approval; Procedural Requisites

Section 7 - Rents and Charges for Service or Facilities Furnished or Supplied; Control and Application; Sinking Fund for Revenue Bond Obligations

Section 8 - Corporate Liability in Contract or in Tort

Section 9 - Real Estate and Tangible Personal Property Exempt From Taxation and Assessments; Payments in Lieu of Taxes; Taxation of Certain Real Estate; Exemption of Income or Profits From Transfer of Corporation Obligations

Section 10 - Debentures; Issuance Authorized; Trust Agreements as Security

Section 11 - Municipal Indebtedness in Aid of Corporation

Section 12 - Revenue Bonds; Revenue Refunding Bonds; Requisites; Negotiability

Section 13 - Revenue or Revenue Refunding Bonds; Trust Agreements as Security

Section 14 - Revenue and Revenue Refunding Bonds as Securities for Purposes of Investments or Deposits by Certain Institutions

Section 15 - Enforcement of This Chapter and of Trust Agreements

Section 16 - Provisions Inconsistent With Other Law Controlling

Section 17 - Severability

Section 18 - Liberal Construction