Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 151d - Health, Welfare and Retirement Funds
Section 3a - Periodic Review of Registered Pension Plans; Exceptions; Report

Section 3A. The plan administrator or trustee of a registered pension plan except plans with less than twenty-six participants or pension plans or profit-sharing retirement plans funded solely by the direct purchase of an insurance contract or group annuity contract, or that portion of combination plans funded solely by the direct purchase of an insurance contract or group annuity contract, shall cause the plan to be reviewed not less than once every five years by a qualified certified public accountant or public accountant or actuary and shall submit a report of such review to the board stating:
(a) the estimated cost of statutory vested benefits in respect to service in the next succeeding five-year period and the formula for computing such cost for such subsequent five-year period.
(b) the contributions made by the employer for the preceding five-year period to fund the statutory vested benefit.
(c) the surplus or the experience deficiency for statutory vested benefits in the pension plan after making allowances for the present value of all special payments required to be made in the future by the employer as determined by previous reports.
(d) the special payments which will liquidate any such experience deficiency over a term not exceeding five years; and the actuarial assumptions and methods used in the determination.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XXI - Labor and Industries

Chapter 151d - Health, Welfare and Retirement Funds

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 2 - Registration of Trusts, Funds or Plans; Form, etc.; Approval; Filing; Time; Proceedings; Venue; Violations; Penalties

Section 3 - Annual Report or Other Reports by Trustees or Plan Administrators; Exemptions; Information Required; Form; Filing; Time; Powers of Board; Conflicts of Interest; Restrictions; Violations; Penalties; Proceedings; Service of Process on Nonre...

Section 3a - Periodic Review of Registered Pension Plans; Exceptions; Report

Section 4 - Reimbursement for Visual Services

Section 5 - Fees; Registration of Trust or Fund; Filing Annual Reports

Section 6 - Embezzlement or Misappropriation of Trust Funds; Fraud; Penalties

Section 7 - Application of Chapter; Exceptions

Section 8 - Waiver of Compliance With Requirements of This Chapter; Application; Form; Revocation; Judicial Review

Section 9 - Waiver of Requirement for Statutory Vested Benefits; Procedures

Section 10 - Compliance With Other Applicable Laws by Trustees or Plan Administrators

Section 11 - Additional Penalties for Failure to Pay Contributions or Benefits; Venue for Complaints

Section 12 - Bond of Trustee or Plan Administrator; Waiver; Failure to File Certification Thereof; Penalty

Section 13 - Statutory Vested Benefits; Requirement; Standards

Section 14 - Termination of Pension Plan or Profit-Sharing Retirement Plan; Allocation of Benefits and Vesting of Interests; Insurance; Notices

Section 15 - Violations by Trustee or Plan Administrator; Injunctive Relief

Section 16 - Investments and Management

Section 18 - Severability