Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 223 - Commencement of Actions, Service of Process
Section 39b - Reciprocal or Inter-Insurance Exchange; Service on Attorney in Fact of Subscribers

Section 39B. In an action against the subscribers of a reciprocal or inter-insurance exchange defined in section ninety-four A of chapter one hundred and seventy-five and authorized to transact business in the commonwealth under said chapter, service may be made upon the attorney in fact of such subscribers, as defined in said section ninety-four A, if a domestic exchange, as so defined, instead of on the commissioner of insurance under clause Third of section one hundred and fifty-one of said chapter one hundred and seventy-five.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part III - Courts, Judicial Officers and Proceedings in Civil Cases

Title II - Actions and Proceedings Therein

Chapter 223 - Commencement of Actions, Service of Process

Section 1 - Transitory Actions; General Provisions

Section 2 - Transitory Actions; District Courts

Section 2a - Consolidation of Pending Actions Arising Out of Same Accident or Transaction

Section 2b - Actions Arising Out of Same Accident or Transaction Pending in Both Superior and District Courts; Transfer to Superior Court

Section 2c - Actions Arising Out of Same Accident or Transaction; Procedure After Transfer

Section 3 - Transitory Actions; Enumeration

Section 4 - Replevin Actions

Section 5 - Actions by the Commonwealth

Section 6 - Counties; Actions by or Against

Section 7 - Defective Ways, etc.; Negligence Actions

Section 8 - Corporations; Actions by or Against

Section 8a - Reciprocal or Inter-Insurance Exchange; Transitory Actions by or Against Subscribers

Section 9 - Transitory Actions by or Against City of Boston

Section 10 - Actions by City of Boston; Transfer From County of Suffolk

Section 11 - Executors or Administrators; Transitory Actions by or Against

Section 12 - Land Title Actions

Section 13 - Change of Venue

Section 14 - Forfeitures

Section 15 - Erroneous Venue; Procedure

Section 19 - Unknown Defendant; Procedure

Section 20 - Process; Issuance

Section 31 - Summons; Leaving at Last Known Address, Etc.

Section 31a - Summons; Service Upon Persons Engaged in Voting

Section 34 - Further Notice to Absent Defendant

Section 35 - Process; Duty of Officer to State Place of Service in Return

Section 37 - Corporations; Persons Authorized to Be Served

Section 38 - Foreign Corporations

Section 39 - Foreign Insurance Company; Manner of Service

Section 39a - Service on Certain Insurance Companies Severally, or Jointly and Severally, Liable

Section 39b - Reciprocal or Inter-Insurance Exchange; Service on Attorney in Fact of Subscribers

Section 40 - Voluntary Associations, Service On

Section 42 - Property Subject to Attachment

Section 42a - Amount Liquidated or Ascertainable by Calculation; Limitation on Attachment

Section 43 - Cars and Vessels; Attachment

Section 44 - Ships or Vessels; Conditions Precedent

Section 44a - Motor Vehicles; Conditions Precedent

Section 45 - Property of Newspaper Offices

Section 45a - Attaching Officer; Powers to Require Security

Section 47 - Successive Attachments on Different Writs

Section 48 - Keeper; Appointment; Costs

Section 49 - Attached Personalty; Keeping on Owner's Premises

Section 50 - Bulky Goods

Section 52 - Personalty; Attachment of Proceeds of Sale

Section 53 - Further Attachment of Replevied Property

Section 54 - Replevin; Liability of Plaintiff for Value

Section 55 - Death or Removal of First Attaching Officer

Section 56 - Death or Removal of First Attaching Officer; Procedure in Subsequent Attachment

Section 57 - Replevied Property; Mode of Attaching

Section 58 - Death of Attaching Officer; Continuance of Attachment

Section 59 - Duration of Attachment After Judgment

Section 62 - General Provisions

Section 63 - Copy of Writ; Deposit in Registry of Deeds

Section 64 - Attaching Officer; Duty

Section 65 - Register; Duty; Fees

Section 66 - Attachment; Time of Taking Effect

Section 67 - Fraudulently Conveyed Realty; General Provisions

Section 68 - Fraudulently Conveyed Realty; Duty of Register

Section 69 - Papers in Actions in Federal Courts; Duties of Registers

Section 70 - Encumbered Realty

Section 71 - Attachment of Shares of Stock Prohibited

Section 72 - Attachment of Property in Possession of Bailee; Limitation

Section 73 - Carrier or Warehouseman; Property in Possession

Section 74 - Mortgaged or Sold Under Conditional Sales Contract

Section 75 - Mortgagee, Lienor, or Conditional Vendor; Duty to State Account

Section 76 - Excessive Demands; Penalty

Section 77 - Proceeds of Sale; Payment of Creditors

Section 78 - Redemption of Mortgage; Duty of Debtor to Repay Redemption Price

Section 79 - Holder of Encumbrance; Summoning; Examination

Section 80 - Amount Due; Determination

Section 81 - Validity of Mortgage; Determination

Section 82 - Creditor to Retain Amount Paid by Him

Section 83 - Creditor; Right to Hold Property Until Repaid Upon Failure to Recover Judgment

Section 83a - Application of Secs. 74 to 83

Section 84 - Insufficient Service of Process; Dismissal of Action or Further Service

Section 86a - Equitable Attachments; Allowance After Entry of Judgment

Section 87 - Sale of Attached Personal Property

Section 88 - Perishable Property; Appraisal and Sale

Section 89 - Perishable Property; Appraisal and Sale; Proceedings

Section 90 - Absent Defendant; Notice

Section 91 - Appraisers; Manner of Appointment

Section 92 - Perishable Property; Sale After Appraisal

Section 93 - Perishable Property; Delivery to Debtor; Condition

Section 94 - Bond; Duty to Return With Writs

Section 95 - Action on Bond; Executions for Costs Against Attaching Creditors

Section 97 - Action on Bond; Distribution of Money by Court

Section 98 - Action on Bond; Protection of Prior Attachments

Section 99 - Action on Bond; Right of Creditor Not Joining

Section 100 - Action on Bond; Limitation

Section 101 - Creditors; Payment and Satisfaction

Section 102 - Appraisal at Request of Part Owner

Section 103 - Delivery to Part Owner; Conditions Precedent

Section 104 - Pledge of Property

Section 105 - Restoration

Section 106 - Dissolution of Prior Attachment: Application

Section 107 - Affidavit and Bond

Section 108 - Dissolution of Prior Attachment; Finding of Court

Section 109 - Dissolution of Prior Attachment; Effect of Pleadings

Section 110 - Dissolution of Prior Attachment; Defences

Section 111 - Costs; Damages

Section 112 - Proceeding Upon Appeal

Section 113 - Judgment; Force and Effect

Section 113a - Method of Dissolving, Discharging or Reducing Attachments

Section 114 - Excessive or Unreasonable Attachments; Manner of Reduction or Discharge

Section 114a - Real Estate Attachments; Expiration by Operation of Law

Section 115 - Dissolution of Attachment Upon Exhaustion of Appellate Review

Section 115a - Failure of Service Upon Defendant

Section 116 - Death of Defendant

Section 117 - Attaching Officer; Liability for Net Proceeds

Section 118 - Liability of Creditor for Proceeds Paid Over to Him

Section 119 - Counterclaim

Section 120 - Dissolution of Attachment Upon Giving of Bond

Section 121 - Bond; Hearing Before Approval

Section 122 - Debtor's Fees and Costs

Section 123 - Debtor's Bond; Filing

Section 124 - Release of Sureties of Insolvent Debtor

Section 125 - Bond to Pay Value of Property

Section 126 - Fees

Section 127 - Fraudulently Conveyed Realty

Section 128 - Deposit

Section 129 - Individual Property of One Defendant

Section 130 - Dissolution of Attachment Upon Appointment of Receiver

Section 131 - Discharge of Receiver

Section 132 - Dissolution of Attachment of Real Estate Upon Release by Plaintiff

Section 133 - Persons Authorized; Approval