Section 38. No boxing, kickboxing or other unarmed combative sporting match or exhibition shall exceed 10 rounds; provided, however, if a match is to determine a championship, it may exceed the round limits with the prior approval of the commission. No mixed martial arts match or exhibition shall exceed 3 rounds; provided, however, if a match is to determine a championship, it may exceed the round limits with the prior approval of the commission. No round in a boxing, kickboxing or other unarmed combative sporting match or exhibition shall exceed 3 minutes. No round in a mixed martial arts match or exhibition shall exceed 5 minutes. No contestant in a professional match or exhibition shall participate in more than 10 rounds unless otherwise authorized by the commission, as the case may be, during a 72–hour period. During a contest, contestants in professional boxing and kickboxing matches or exhibitions shall wear gloves weighing at least 8 ounces each unless otherwise authorized by the commission. During a contest, contestants in mixed martial arts and other unarmed combative sporting events, matches or exhibitions shall wear gloves weighing at least 4 ounces each unless otherwise authorized by the commission. Every contestant participating in boxing, kickboxing, mixed martial arts or other unarmed combative sporting event or exhibition shall be required to wear standard protective devices as outlined by regulation by the commission.
Structure Massachusetts General Laws
Part I - Administration of the Government
Title XX - Public Safety and Good Order
Section 1 - Definitions and Duties of Commissioner and Division of Professional Licensure
Section 2 - Inspectors; Powers and Duties; Appointment as Special State Police
Section 3 - Rewards or Gifts for Services; Failure to Perform Duties
Section 8 - County Police; Appointment; Badge; Powers
Section 8a - Carrying Police Weapons and Equipment
Section 10f - Parking Control Officers
Section 11 - Cities Authorized to Establish Police Force; Appointments to Force
Section 12 - Number of Members
Section 13 - Assignment to Duty; Powers and Duties; Compensation
Section 13b - Reserve Police Forces in Cities; Appointments From Civil Service Eligible List
Section 13c - Reserve Police Forces in Towns; Appointments From Civil Service Eligible List
Section 14 - Days Off for Police; One Day Out of Thirty
Section 15 - Days Off for Police; One Day Out of Fifteen
Section 16 - Days Off for Police; One Day Out of Eight
Section 16a - Days Off for Police; One Day Out of Seven
Section 16b - Days Off for Police; One Day Out of Six
Section 16c - Five Day Weeks; Vote of Voters; Petition Question on Ballot
Section 17a - Additional Days Off or Pay
Section 17c - Time Off or Pay for Overtime Duty
Section 17d - Annual Convention of Massachusetts Police Association
Section 17e - Overtime Compensation Upon Discharge, Resignation, Retirement or Death
Section 17f - Police Chiefs; Working on Holidays; Additional Pay
Section 17g - Five Day Forty-Hour Week; Overtime Pay
Section 18 - Police Stations for Detention of Women; Appointment of Matrons
Section 20 - Removal of Women to Nearest Station With Matron; Jurisdiction
Section 21 - ''police Station'' and ''station'' Defined
Section 23 - Necessity of Private Detective License; Exceptions
Section 24 - Applications; Qualifications of Applicants
Section 26 - License Fees; Bond
Section 27 - Employment to Determine Labor Conditions or Disseminate Propaganda; Penalty
Section 28 - Assistants; Employment; Divulgence of Information or False Report; Penalty
Section 29 - Badges, Identification Cards, Weapons, Equipment and Vehicles
Section 29a - Daily Records Concerning Guards Carrying Guns Required
Section 30 - Prohibited Acts; Penalty
Section 38 - Number and Time of Rounds; Frequency of Tournaments or Contests; Gloves; Protective Devices
Section 39 - Ages of Contestants and Persons Admitted to Matches
Section 39b - Insurance on Contestants
Section 41 - Number of Persons Admitted; Limitation
Section 42 - Revocation or Suspension of License; Administrative Penalty
Section 43 - Financial Interest of Licensee in Boxer; Prepayment of Contestant
Section 44 - Authority of Commission to Summon Witnesses
Section 45 - Enjoining Unlicensed or Illegal Matches
Section 46 - Rules and Regulations; Special Permits; Annual Report
Section 47 - Distribution to Towns of Money Received by Commonwealth
Section 47a - Prohibition of Licensed Event by Municipality; Notice of Exercise of Municipal Option
Section 51 - Statutes Not Applicable to Matches or Exhibitions
Section 56 - Sale of Power Lawn Mowers; Safety Devices Required; Rules and Regulations; Penalty
Section 57 - Installation, Repair or Maintenance of Security Systems; Licensure; Exceptions
Section 58 - Application for License; Filing; Contents; Proof of Qualifications
Section 59 - Issuance of License; Effect of Felony Conviction; Term; Contents; Renewal